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The shit-hole state of California strikes again. Only a city in California could actually pass an ordinance resulting in jail time over straws. Freaking straws.

City of Santa Barbara, California, passes straw ordinance with harsh penalties, including jail time
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Where is it that is number one in worst quality of life? You don't provide a link.
I’ve posted it almost half a dozen times in this thread alone. Which proves why you are the ultimate ignoramus. You comment without being informed. You’re not following this thread, but you’re still spouting your opinion.

“Quality of life “ = a made up stat to target California.

Name an objective stat. And we can compare .
That is an “objective stat”. And it’s the most important. What could possibly be more important than your quality of life. Sorry Princess Snowflake, you lose. You’re just pissed off because that indisputably proves that California is the biggest shit-hole in the U.S.
California is a great place to live and work. So much nicer than texass or alabumer or carolins .
A couple of haters making an obsession about how bad California is. Thread after thread after thread. Good for us in California since hopefully they'll never move here with their crap negativity and karma.
Where is it that is number one in worst quality of life? You don't provide a link.
I’ve posted it almost half a dozen times in this thread alone. Which proves why you are the ultimate ignoramus. You comment without being informed. You’re not following this thread, but you’re still spouting your opinion.

“Quality of life “ = a made up stat to target California.

Name an objective stat. And we can compare .
That is an “objective stat”. And it’s the most important. What could possibly be more important than your quality of life. Sorry Princess Snowflake, you lose. You’re just pissed off because that indisputably proves that California is the biggest shit-hole in the U.S.
California is a great place to live and work. So much nicer than texass or alabumer or carolins .
thats kinda a matter of opinion aint it?....
The left refuses to learn. Insanity is making the same idiotic mistake over and over and over and expecting a different result each time. And that's what the left does.
Tubbs and SEED are optimistic about the program, despite the recent failure of a three-year program in Canada that ended after only a year, and the non-renewal of a similar program in Finland.
This doesn't work. It's been done. And it never works. It never will work. The ignorance of the left is astounding. Feelz over facts every time with those people.

California city gears up for universal basic income trial. Here’s how they’ll pay for it.

poor piece of land over there.

getting worse by the minute....stinkier ....dirtier.....yuckier....

me don't like will stay away, of course

If California is so shit...
Why it's the fifth biggest economy in the world ?
Why it has more billionaires, millionaires, highest paid, highest median incomes in the nation?
Why is it the most visited state by tourists ?
Why it has one of the highest GDP growth rate?
Huh ? Come deplorables ....explain.
If California is so shit...
Why it's the fifth biggest economy in the world ?
Why it has more billionaires, millionaires, highest paid, highest median incomes in the nation?
Why is it the most visited state by tourists ?
Why it has one of the highest GDP growth rate?
Huh ? Come deplorables ....explain.

Why is it the most visited state by tourists ?

People like visiting zoos/ freak shows..


Why it's the fifth biggest economy in the world ?
Uh...because it is the second or third (behind Alaska and maybe Texas - can't remember) largest state in the United States. Combined with the climate (which has nothing to do with left-wing policy), it has a massive agricultural advantage. It also sits on the coast, giving it massive advantages in the fishing industry, tourist industry, and the import and export of goods through ports. And that stuff is just the tip of the iceberg.

It should be the the second biggest economy in the world. Instead, it's a shit-hole that can't pay its own bills.
The shit-hole state of California strikes again! No wonder rational people are fleeing California in droves.
Several years ago, the State of California offered drivers of low or zero emission cars an opportunity to drive in the carpool lane. The goal, they said, was to encourage more people to buy electric cars, effectively saving the environment! I'm sure the revenue they gained from having to buy those cute little "zero emissions" carpool eligible permits didn't have anything to do with it.

This brings me to one of the newest laws California just passed. The state legislature just passed a law stating that the low emission carpool decals purchased before 2017 are no longer valid. If you want to continue to use the carpool lane, you have to buy a brand new low emission car.
Unbelievable. Nobody knows how to screw over their own citizens quite like the shit-hole state of California. No wonder it has the lowest quality of life in the entire United States.

Navigating THESE California laws is as bad as LA traffic
Why it has more billionaires, millionaires, highest paid, highest median incomes in the nation? Why is it the most visited state by tourists ? Why it has one of the highest GDP growth rate?
If California has more billionaires and millionaires than anyone, has the highest paid, has the highest median incomes, and the highest tourism (which would bring in ungodly amount of money), why is the shit-hole state of California $800 billion in debt? Why can't you people pay your bills if your the "5th largest economy in the U.S."? You do realize you make a greater case for just how absurd left-wing policy is when you spout about unimaginable economic success while still failing to pay ALL of your bills. Fuck, you people can't even pay your fire department!!! You have to tax citizens for it, and then change them on top of their taxes if they actually use the service that they pay taxes for! LMAO!!!
The shit-hole state of California strikes again! No wonder rational people are fleeing California in droves.
But you know, it's kind of funny, for all the fierce rhetoric from everyone from Hollywood to the San Fernando Valley regarding climate change and militant environmentalism… does this place look any cleaner than anywhere else? Have you ever actually driven or walked down Hollywood Boulevard or seen skid row in downtown LA? Try taking a drive down the 405, or any freeway in the LA area. It's a bumper to bumper mess, driving through a haze of smog and filth.
Yeah...more oppressive "global warming" laws than any state, and yet the most filth of any state. People literally defecating in the streets.

Navigating THESE California laws is as bad as LA traffic
If California is so shit...
Why it's the fifth biggest economy in the world ?
Why it has more billionaires, millionaires, highest paid, highest median incomes in the nation?
Why is it the most visited state by tourists ?
Why it has one of the highest GDP growth rate?
Huh ? Come deplorables ....explain.

Why is it the most visited state by tourists ?

People like visiting zoos/ freak shows..


Best attractions eat your heart.
Universal studios
National parks
And so much more....unlike the useless flyover states.
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