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From this clause, many have construed the “general Welfare” statement to grant practically unlimited power to Congress to collect and spend the tax payers’ money on whatever cause Congress may invent for the “good” of the government or the people. Is that what the designers of our Constitution intended when they penned those words “general Welfare?”
A top down solution for any given exigency is what we can infer. It is a General clause not a common clause nor a limited clause.
Completely opposite of what the Founders said.
The words themselves express everything we need to know for legal forms of absolutism.
Flowery words that mean nothing. Your ideas are nowhere close to what the Founders said. That is to be expected from todays Dimwinger gimme...gimme....gimme crowd.
Our Constitution is express not implied.
Ok. Where is the right to an abortion 'expressed' in the Constitution?

Watch this..................
Where is the power to deny or disparage Individual Liberty?
I told everyone to watch..........

You dodged. Can't show us where "abortion" is expressed in the Constitution?
You can't show where Government has the social Power to do what you claim.
Still dodging.

I accept your admission abortion is not a Constitutional right.
Jobs pay more in California because they have to. They can’t get anyone to come there because a pitiful 936 sq ft home costs a staggering $459,000.

Businesses and people have been pulling out of California for years because it’s a progressive shit-hole.

A "pitiful 936 sq ft home" costs a staggering $459,000 because people actually want to live there!

Do you know nothing at all about economics?
Which direction is the trend going? IOW, is wealth flowing into or out of the state? Are businesses moving in or out? Those are the questions to ask.
Business needs to restructure due to the pandemic anyway.
It's been going on for much longer than the pandemic.
Some of it has even been going to Mexico not just Texas.
It's still leaving CA for lower tax, lower regulation places. Thanks for acknowledging the truth.
I try to find solutions for the truth.

What is your opinion of the public sector being responsible for the physical layer of infrastructure? Something even more comprehensive than our interstate freeway system.
Anything interstate is the purview of the federal government. Thus, the freeway system. Something entirely within a state should be that state's responsibility, and it's not automatically a better solution to have the government do it.
In some cases it must. The job of the public sector is to ensure Government functions.

Energy infrastructure could be analogous to freeway infrastructure to ensure better distribution. Promoting the general welfare means a proactive approach.
Government is very good at ensuring equality of misery for all. It is wise, therefore, to give it as little responsibility as possible.
right wing platitudes? You need fine capital solutions not merely, doth protest too much.
What you said is totally meaningless.
From this clause, many have construed the “general Welfare” statement to grant practically unlimited power to Congress to collect and spend the tax payers’ money on whatever cause Congress may invent for the “good” of the government or the people. Is that what the designers of our Constitution intended when they penned those words “general Welfare?”
A top down solution for any given exigency is what we can infer. It is a General clause not a common clause nor a limited clause.
Completely opposite of what the Founders said.
The words themselves express everything we need to know for legal forms of absolutism.
Flowery words that mean nothing. Your ideas are nowhere close to what the Founders said. That is to be expected from todays Dimwinger gimme...gimme....gimme crowd.
Our Constitution is express not implied.
Ok. Where is the right to an abortion 'expressed' in the Constitution?

Watch this..................
Where is the power to deny or disparage Individual Liberty?
You mean like owning a weapon.
Your right wing warfare-State is the socialism you are defending. We have a welfare clause not a warfare clause.
The welfare clause isn't about handing out money to deadbeats, Moron.

And is clearly says "promote", not "provide".
Yeah, I've pointed that out to him many times. He's a troll through. He's not interested in facts.

Also, it isn't a power anyway. The US Constitution is filled with items that have nothing to do with powers. Promote the general welfare is not a power. It outlines the federal government's guideline within each of the 18 enumerated powers.
right wing platitudes? You need fine capital solutions not merely, doth protest too much.
What you said is totally meaningless.
He does that a lot! He hopes to convince everyone to embrace socialism by sounding "smart" but because he doesn't know the words he attempts to string together, he comes across sounding really stupid.
What is your opinion of the public sector being responsible for the physical layer of infrastructure?
As opposed to what, dill-hole, the virtual layer of infrastructure?!? For fucks sake, will you please stop using words that you don't know? Stop trying to SOUND smart.

Infrastructure is physical. By it's very nature, you dumb ass. And there aren't "layers". There is just infrastructure.
From this clause, many have construed the “general Welfare” statement to grant practically unlimited power to Congress to collect and spend the tax payers’ money on whatever cause Congress may invent for the “good” of the government or the people. Is that what the designers of our Constitution intended when they penned those words “general Welfare?”
A top down solution for any given exigency is what we can infer. It is a General clause not a common clause nor a limited clause.
Completely opposite of what the Founders said.
The words themselves express everything we need to know for legal forms of absolutism.
Flowery words that mean nothing. Your ideas are nowhere close to what the Founders said. That is to be expected from todays Dimwinger gimme...gimme....gimme crowd.
Our Constitution is express not implied.
Ok. Where is the right to an abortion 'expressed' in the Constitution?

Watch this..................
Where is the power to deny or disparage Individual Liberty?
I told everyone to watch..........

You dodged. Can't show us where "abortion" is expressed in the Constitution?
You can't show where Government has the social Power to do what you claim.
Still dodging.

I accept your admission abortion is not a Constitutional right.
I accept your admission that our welfare clause cannot do what you claim, if payments can't be provided to individuals for the general welfare.
From this clause, many have construed the “general Welfare” statement to grant practically unlimited power to Congress to collect and spend the tax payers’ money on whatever cause Congress may invent for the “good” of the government or the people. Is that what the designers of our Constitution intended when they penned those words “general Welfare?”
A top down solution for any given exigency is what we can infer. It is a General clause not a common clause nor a limited clause.
Completely opposite of what the Founders said.
The words themselves express everything we need to know for legal forms of absolutism.
Flowery words that mean nothing. Your ideas are nowhere close to what the Founders said. That is to be expected from todays Dimwinger gimme...gimme....gimme crowd.
Our Constitution is express not implied.
Ok. Where is the right to an abortion 'expressed' in the Constitution?

Watch this..................
Where is the power to deny or disparage Individual Liberty?
You mean like owning a weapon.
Subject only to the police power, the right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Our Second Amendment is about the security of our free States not Individual Liberty.
It is a General clause not a common clause nor a limited clause.
  1. The clause is not a power
  2. The clause stipulates the what their responsibility is within each of the 18 enumerated powers. Again, it is not a power itself.
Now go away, troll. The adults are trying to discuss.
Right wingers only have right wing fantasy not any true understanding. These are the general powers delegated to Congress:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises,

to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;

but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
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