California exploring ways to secede from Donald Trump's America

California exploring ways to secede from Donald Trump's America

Libs are just a bunch of sour-grapes, poor loser, whiny, anti-American pu$$ies.

Give the entire state to the illegals, Muslims, and liberals then build a wall blocking off California and Mexico.
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California Dreamin'? Many in Golden State want to secede from Trump's U.S.

What Is Calexit? California Considers Leaving US After Trump Win


I can understand where they are coming from. Only 4 Red States are producers. All the others are welfare states. And the four Red States that are producers have high Hispanic populations.

Hispanics will have a new president that calls them rapists.

Blacks will have a new president who believes they all live in a ghetto and need to more law and order.

Women will have a new president who says if they have an abortion they should be punished and he likes to grab them by the pu$$y when he feels like it, if they look good enough that is.

Muslims will have a new president who says he wants to ban their religion.

I need to call Obamacare to get health care for next year. I won't be able to get Medicare until the end of next year. Republicans want to end Obamacare, Medicare and Social Security. I was planning on using them to live on. Hope they last until I die.

The DOW is down over 700 points. Wonder what that will do to my savings.

Trump ran on ending trade deals, getting rid of 11 million people, building a wall.

Well, we may end up with a country even more damaged than what Bush did, but you can't say it won't be exciting.

We have to be the laughing stock of the world.


Already the jokes are pouring out:

FDR: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"
JFK: "Ask not what your country can do for you"
Obama: "Yes we can"
Trump: "Grab her by the pussy"

Already reports of Muslims being attacked.

viewers on the state-run, 24-hour news channel were being treated to a segment headlined “Too many p‑‑‑ies.” As a raunchy slide guitar plays, pictures of Donald Trump flash across the screen accompanied by his various lewd comments, followed by nude pictures of his wife, Melania

Russian TV is showing nude Melania Trump and election rigging ahead of U.S. election

Republicans don't understand why the rest of the country sees Trump as lewd and his wife as nasty. Because they also want to grab a pu$$y. They relate to Trump.
Is there any GoFundMe pages set up some can help them leave?

See you just dont get it.

That Trump pissed off people like you and shocked and horrified you is exactly why about 50% of his supporters voted for him.


So you are proud of lewd and crude. Got it.

Oh Gawd, hop off your high horse. You've been supporting the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in history, and her rapist husband. You're in no position to cast stones. So get over it.

You have to be guilty about something to be corrupt.

Like stiffing your employees.

Sexually assaulting women by grabbing their pu$$y.

Like being fined for spending charity money on bribes. know.

These are some very sick people and don't think there's anything wrong with those things...Sadly, Trump won because there's mental illness and idiocy in this country.
I call foul on the list. The only reason Alaska gets so much is because 90% of the state is Federal National Parkland. 5% of the state is Federally Funded Native Alaskan villages. and 5% of the state is Military.
Look at the butthurt.

Hey rdean, you wanna have a go in the bullring ?

You lying sack of batcrap.

I don't like Trump.....

But you lost.

And California is going nowhere.
You call him a liar, you say you don't like Trump, you said he lost.

I see a contradiction here.
California Dreamin'? Many in Golden State want to secede from Trump's U.S.

What Is Calexit? California Considers Leaving US After Trump Win


I can understand where they are coming from. Only 4 Red States are producers. All the others are welfare states. And the four Red States that are producers have high Hispanic populations.

Hispanics will have a new president that calls them rapists.

Blacks will have a new president who believes they all live in a ghetto and need to more law and order.

Women will have a new president who says if they have an abortion they should be punished and he likes to grab them by the pu$$y when he feels like it, if they look good enough that is.

Muslims will have a new president who says he wants to ban their religion.

I need to call Obamacare to get health care for next year. I won't be able to get Medicare until the end of next year. Republicans want to end Obamacare, Medicare and Social Security. I was planning on using them to live on. Hope they last until I die.

The DOW is down over 700 points. Wonder what that will do to my savings.

Trump ran on ending trade deals, getting rid of 11 million people, building a wall.

Well, we may end up with a country even more damaged than what Bush did, but you can't say it won't be exciting.

We have to be the laughing stock of the world.


Already the jokes are pouring out:

FDR: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"
JFK: "Ask not what your country can do for you"
Obama: "Yes we can"
Trump: "Grab her by the pussy"

Already reports of Muslims being attacked.

viewers on the state-run, 24-hour news channel were being treated to a segment headlined “Too many p‑‑‑ies.” As a raunchy slide guitar plays, pictures of Donald Trump flash across the screen accompanied by his various lewd comments, followed by nude pictures of his wife, Melania

Russian TV is showing nude Melania Trump and election rigging ahead of U.S. election

Republicans don't understand why the rest of the country sees Trump as lewd and his wife as nasty. Because they also want to grab a pu$$y. They relate to Trump.

Seditious anti American losers.

Nobody is going anywhere.

Accept the results and grow up.
Lets all hope the meatheads in California can pull this the rest of us from having to bail their asses out in a few years. That state is a snakepit that gets worse by the day......most Americans would say go.........go........go!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Can change the name from California to "The Republic of Non-Deplorables"!!! Winning!!

See you just dont get it.

That Trump pissed off people like you and shocked and horrified you is exactly why about 50% of his supporters voted for him.


So you are proud of lewd and crude. Got it.

Oh Gawd, hop off your high horse. You've been supporting the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in history, and her rapist husband. You're in no position to cast stones. So get over it.

You have to be guilty about something to be corrupt.

Like stiffing your employees.

Sexually assaulting women by grabbing their pu$$y.

Like being fined for spending charity money on bribes. know.

These are some very sick people and don't think there's anything wrong with those things...Sadly, Trump won because there's mental illness and idiocy in this country. heres a guy that will be walking around with the knobby in the pooper for the next 4 years.......every day!!

That's right s0n.......1/2 the country with serious mental illness.........but winning!:bye1:
See you just dont get it.

That Trump pissed off people like you and shocked and horrified you is exactly why about 50% of his supporters voted for him.

So you are proud of lewd and crude. Got it.

Oh Gawd, hop off your high horse. You've been supporting the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in history, and her rapist husband. You're in no position to cast stones. So get over it.
You have to be guilty about something to be corrupt.

Like stiffing your employees.

Sexually assaulting women by grabbing their pu$$y.

Like being fined for spending charity money on bribes. know.

These are some very sick people and don't think there's anything wrong with those things...Sadly, Trump won because there's mental illness and idiocy in this country. heres a guy that will be walking around with the knobby in the pooper for the next 4 years.......every day!!

That's right s0n.......1/2 the country with serious mental illness.........but winning!:bye1:

Right On! All about the Supreme Court. That was my only concern in this Election. And with Trump winning, we'll finally get some Justices who care about American Citizens and the Constitution. Hopefully, the Anti-American Globalists' days are numbered. I know i'm over em.
OK, but we get the regions that went Republican. Yosemite, the Sierras etc.
I love this, when Obama was elected, Texas and Alaska and etc. wanted to go, but Liberals called them traitors, reminded them about the Civil War, yada yada yada, etc.

When a Republican is elected, and the nation clearly can see that some states don't want him to be president and folks from those states talk about leaving, what do the conservatives and Republicans then say?

I don't remember that. Besides, Obama never called anyone "boy" "Tar Baby" "uppity" and never accused any group of being "rapists".

Trump never called anyone derogatively those things either. Get over your self. He classified some folks among illegal border crossers as rapists, I looked it up, it was true. As far as "boy" "Tar Baby" "uppity" I haven't a clue what you are talking about, why not post a video of that.

As far as your memory, sorry about that scatter brain. I guess that is why no one takes you seriously, you have selective memory.

Residents In More Than 30 States File Secession Petitions | Huffington Post

White House ‘secede’ petitions reach 675,000 signatures, 50-state participation

Residents In More Than 30 States File Secession Petitions | Huffington Post
What were two Republicans thinking, calling Obama 'tar baby' and 'boy'?

They weren't the only ones.

GOP Rep.: Obamas part of 'uppity' class -

Westmoreland calls Obama ‘uppity'

dean this shit has been talked about ever since i have lived here.....they wanted to split it in 2,then they wanted to break it up in 4-5 pieces....i have heard this kind of breaking away or up shit for 45+ years....the state is still here....
Look at the butthurt.

Hey rdean, you wanna have a go in the bullring ?

You lying sack of batcrap.

I don't like Trump.....

But you lost.

And California is going nowhere.

Nope, you're right about that.

Texas is still here after all (speaking of butthurt....)

See you just dont get it.

That Trump pissed off people like you and shocked and horrified you is exactly why about 50% of his supporters voted for him.


So you are proud of lewd and crude. Got it.

Oh Gawd, hop off your high horse. You've been supporting the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in history, and her rapist husband. You're in no position to cast stones. So get over it.

You have to be guilty about something to be corrupt.

Like stiffing your employees.

Sexually assaulting women by grabbing their pu$$y.

Like being fined for spending charity money on bribes. know.

These are some very sick people and don't think there's anything wrong with those things...Sadly, Trump won because there's mental illness and idiocy in this country.

was it yesterday you were jumping on the trump bandwagon matt?...dont let your mentor dean intimidate you,you can tell us about how you thought it was great that trump said he is looking to spend a few bucks on infrastructure....dean cant hurt you...
This is just a few fringe types, just like the 2012 petitions on the other side, no one is going to be seceding.
The problem with this, and the most frightening thing about this is, if this "new" country didn't have all of the handouts and government programs that California now has, a good portion of the current residents would begin pouring over the borders into Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, in order to get their handouts. In other words the surrounding states would quickly turn into welfare cesspools that California currently is.
California Dreamin'? Many in Golden State want to secede from Trump's U.S.

What Is Calexit? California Considers Leaving US After Trump Win


I can understand where they are coming from. Only 4 Red States are producers. All the others are welfare states. And the four Red States that are producers have high Hispanic populations.

Hispanics will have a new president that calls them rapists.

Blacks will have a new president who believes they all live in a ghetto and need to more law and order.

Women will have a new president who says if they have an abortion they should be punished and he likes to grab them by the pu$$y when he feels like it, if they look good enough that is.

Muslims will have a new president who says he wants to ban their religion.

I need to call Obamacare to get health care for next year. I won't be able to get Medicare until the end of next year. Republicans want to end Obamacare, Medicare and Social Security. I was planning on using them to live on. Hope they last until I die.

The DOW is down over 700 points. Wonder what that will do to my savings.

Trump ran on ending trade deals, getting rid of 11 million people, building a wall.

Well, we may end up with a country even more damaged than what Bush did, but you can't say it won't be exciting.

We have to be the laughing stock of the world.


Already the jokes are pouring out:

FDR: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"
JFK: "Ask not what your country can do for you"
Obama: "Yes we can"
Trump: "Grab her by the pussy"

Already reports of Muslims being attacked.

viewers on the state-run, 24-hour news channel were being treated to a segment headlined “Too many p‑‑‑ies.” As a raunchy slide guitar plays, pictures of Donald Trump flash across the screen accompanied by his various lewd comments, followed by nude pictures of his wife, Melania

Russian TV is showing nude Melania Trump and election rigging ahead of U.S. election

Republicans don't understand why the rest of the country sees Trump as lewd and his wife as nasty. Because they also want to grab a pu$$y. They relate to Trump.

I do think it is time to let the southern states go. They can then build one continuous wall around the Hillbilly States of Fake Jesusland and take from each other rather than syphon money from the blue states. Red states are the takers, let them go. They are continually whining about something as well. Divide up the country along the northern Oklahoma border across to South Carolina, let all the normals migrate north, the hillbillies go south and be done with it.

One request, please build your walls high so we can't hear you fake praying your fake prayers over the wall. This way you can refuse to bake cakes for red heads, or those that work on the Sabbath, or anyone that watches the NBA. Go be happy cons, go where the only people that hear you whine are yourself.

You going to build that wall around Wisconsin too ?

This butthurt whining is amazing.

Why don't you go protest in the street. It's so left wing to go out and complain because the people didn't give you something you felt you were entitled to.

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