California exploring ways to secede from Donald Trump's America

I love this, when Obama was elected, Texas and Alaska and etc. wanted to go, but Liberals called them traitors, reminded them about the Civil War, yada yada yada, etc.

When a Republican is elected, and the nation clearly can see that some states don't want him to be president and folks from those states talk about leaving, what do the conservatives and Republicans then say?


Nailed it!!
And just think,Cali would become a mooch magnet overnight!
Our homeless problem would be solved!
I love this, when Obama was elected, Texas and Alaska and etc. wanted to go, but Liberals called them traitors, reminded them about the Civil War, yada yada yada, etc.

When a Republican is elected, and the nation clearly can see that some states don't want him to be president and folks from those states talk about leaving, what do the conservatives and Republicans then say?

I don't remember that. Besides, Obama never called anyone "boy" "Tar Baby" "uppity" and never accused any group of being "rapists".

You dont remember that? You need to cut back on the weed because your short term memory is fucked!!
Whiny lefties want to secede from the United States because they are sniff sniff disappointed about an election? Michael Savage must be right, "liberalism is a mental illness".
That's the great thing about being in California or the other blue states. We ignore Republicans already.

There will be a measure on the ballot in 2019 for California to become a sovereign nation. Which makes sense, California's economy is the 6th largest among nations in the world, about the same size as England or Russia. All the conservatives can move out and head over to Texas where they'll make their $7 per hour. I'm sure though that Oregon, Washington, New York, and Minnesota will want to come with us. The red states are a terrible drain on money received from the blue states.

It's time to break up the US. The rednecks want the Confederate States back with the Confederate flag, I say let them go. They need their safe space.
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I think it would be hilarious if California, Oregon and Washington seceded from the Union, put on pretty grey uniforms and declare themselves the Pacific Confederacy. Then we could march down I-5 and burn California all the way from San Francisco to Los Angeles.

They would not see on drop of the Colorado.

Yep...and those moron import 33% of their electricity from out of state, if they think the electricity from Texas's grid is expensive now?
Say, have they done it yet? I used to move furniture, and still can considering I'm retired in 6 weeks. If anyone from Nevada needs to go California permanent, I can pack and move you. Doesn't mean I'm cheap.
The irony here is amazing.

You remember years back, Texas was the state considering leaving the Union, and all the lefties and democraps where running around laughing and mocking.

Now, as soon as they don't get their way, it's California saying they'll leave the Union.

Do you realize what a complete and total joke that is? Out of all the states in the entire country, the one the leftards say they want to leave the Union with.... California.

The state that in 2001 had rolling blackouts, and had to have the Federal government help fix their disaster.....

The state that has so many illegals that hospitals *WITH* Federal funds are closing...... and without Federal support would be lucky to have any hospitals left.....

The only state in the Union with nearly $800 Billion dollars in debt, and in 2009 actually sent the State Treasurer to the Federal Government to beg Obama to guarantee State debt.....

We're talking about the one single State out of the entire country, that would be instantly bankrupt the moment they left the Union.

Not to mention the massive water problem they have from subsidizing farming water, in a region where water is scarce, and they have to be supplied by Nevada and Arizona.

And let's not forget the fact that nearly all of their natural gas which powers their electrical needs, all comes from Texas.

Oh, and if that's not enough, California is the 'Renewable energy" capital of the country, where all the big green-energy companies are located at........ which all of them are completely dependent on Federal Green-energy grants and tax subsidies.

And lastly, this doofus OP, publishes this graph of states that pay more to the Federal government, than they get from the Federal government.

Hey doofus.... first the only reason California pays more than it gets is because of the super rich that live there.... you know.... the 1%ers you claim to hate.

Second, must of those super rich are going to leave California if they leave the Union, and they'll bring their jobs with them. In fact, thousands on thousands have already left California, and moved to places like Texas. That's without trade tariffs and customs duties being imposed after California leaves the Union.

And lastly..... Unlike Texas which during the US-Mexican war, rallied just its own people and rolled the Mexicans out of north Mexico, and claimed it for themselves..... the dupe smoking, welfare living, hippy punks of California, are not going to be able to defend themselves, and I don't know if you missed it, but there is still a massive, and very active drug cartel south of California.

How are you dupey pot heads going to stop the drug cartels, when the backing of the US Federal government isn't there to protect your sorry strung out butt?

Remember the 80s and early 90s in California, where violence was an epidemic? California had rampant crime, including the infamous riot 1992. Who gave the money to rebuild the city? The Federal Government.

Med-Cal, the California medical program, 53% funded by Federal dollars. Good thing you legalized medical pot, because that's the only 'treatment' you'll have left.

And let's not forget all the Federal funding for the Universities. 66% of Research funding at Berkeley is Federal.

Yeah.... California leave the Union indeed. TRY IT. I dare you. Go right ahead. I'll protest against the US government stopping you. I'll support it 100%. California becoming a sovereign country, will be the shortest and most comical blip on the pages of history. You'll be building your own walls, but not to keep Mexicans out, but rather to keep your own citizens from escaping.
Lefties were laughing when Texas was doing this after Obama's election.

Merely the zillionth example of how similar the two ends of the spectrum are.

Too funny.
Very true...but I for one would love it if California, Texas, or any other state/region were to secede. It might result in the end of big centralized government, run by a bunch of warmongering money grubbing criminals.
California Dreamin'? Many in Golden State want to secede from Trump's U.S.

What Is Calexit? California Considers Leaving US After Trump Win


I can understand where they are coming from. Only 4 Red States are producers. All the others are welfare states. And the four Red States that are producers have high Hispanic populations.

Hispanics will have a new president that calls them rapists.

Blacks will have a new president who believes they all live in a ghetto and need to more law and order.

Women will have a new president who says if they have an abortion they should be punished and he likes to grab them by the pu$$y when he feels like it, if they look good enough that is.

Muslims will have a new president who says he wants to ban their religion.

I need to call Obamacare to get health care for next year. I won't be able to get Medicare until the end of next year. Republicans want to end Obamacare, Medicare and Social Security. I was planning on using them to live on. Hope they last until I die.

The DOW is down over 700 points. Wonder what that will do to my savings.

Trump ran on ending trade deals, getting rid of 11 million people, building a wall.

Well, we may end up with a country even more damaged than what Bush did, but you can't say it won't be exciting.

We have to be the laughing stock of the world.


Already the jokes are pouring out:

FDR: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"
JFK: "Ask not what your country can do for you"
Obama: "Yes we can"
Trump: "Grab her by the pussy"

Already reports of Muslims being attacked.

viewers on the state-run, 24-hour news channel were being treated to a segment headlined “Too many p‑‑‑ies.” As a raunchy slide guitar plays, pictures of Donald Trump flash across the screen accompanied by his various lewd comments, followed by nude pictures of his wife, Melania

Russian TV is showing nude Melania Trump and election rigging ahead of U.S. election

Republicans don't understand why the rest of the country sees Trump as lewd and his wife as nasty. Because they also want to grab a pu$$y. They relate to Trump.

Texas was doing the same thing back in 2012.

Dumb. But people need to vent.

We are the United States.
California Dreamin'? Many in Golden State want to secede from Trump's U.S.

What Is Calexit? California Considers Leaving US After Trump Win


I can understand where they are coming from. Only 4 Red States are producers. All the others are welfare states. And the four Red States that are producers have high Hispanic populations.

Hispanics will have a new president that calls them rapists.

Blacks will have a new president who believes they all live in a ghetto and need to more law and order.

Women will have a new president who says if they have an abortion they should be punished and he likes to grab them by the pu$$y when he feels like it, if they look good enough that is.

Muslims will have a new president who says he wants to ban their religion.

I need to call Obamacare to get health care for next year. I won't be able to get Medicare until the end of next year. Republicans want to end Obamacare, Medicare and Social Security. I was planning on using them to live on. Hope they last until I die.

The DOW is down over 700 points. Wonder what that will do to my savings.

Trump ran on ending trade deals, getting rid of 11 million people, building a wall.

Well, we may end up with a country even more damaged than what Bush did, but you can't say it won't be exciting.

We have to be the laughing stock of the world.


Already the jokes are pouring out:

FDR: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"
JFK: "Ask not what your country can do for you"
Obama: "Yes we can"
Trump: "Grab her by the pussy"

Already reports of Muslims being attacked.

viewers on the state-run, 24-hour news channel were being treated to a segment headlined “Too many p‑‑‑ies.” As a raunchy slide guitar plays, pictures of Donald Trump flash across the screen accompanied by his various lewd comments, followed by nude pictures of his wife, Melania

Russian TV is showing nude Melania Trump and election rigging ahead of U.S. election

Republicans don't understand why the rest of the country sees Trump as lewd and his wife as nasty. Because they also want to grab a pu$$y. They relate to Trump.
That's great! The fed can keep all their social security and their gazillion illegals will have to go home!
California Dreamin'? Many in Golden State want to secede from Trump's U.S.

What Is Calexit? California Considers Leaving US After Trump Win


I can understand where they are coming from. Only 4 Red States are producers. All the others are welfare states. And the four Red States that are producers have high Hispanic populations.

Hispanics will have a new president that calls them rapists.

Blacks will have a new president who believes they all live in a ghetto and need to more law and order.

Women will have a new president who says if they have an abortion they should be punished and he likes to grab them by the pu$$y when he feels like it, if they look good enough that is.

Muslims will have a new president who says he wants to ban their religion.

I need to call Obamacare to get health care for next year. I won't be able to get Medicare until the end of next year. Republicans want to end Obamacare, Medicare and Social Security. I was planning on using them to live on. Hope they last until I die.

The DOW is down over 700 points. Wonder what that will do to my savings.

Trump ran on ending trade deals, getting rid of 11 million people, building a wall.

Well, we may end up with a country even more damaged than what Bush did, but you can't say it won't be exciting.

We have to be the laughing stock of the world.


Already the jokes are pouring out:

FDR: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"
JFK: "Ask not what your country can do for you"
Obama: "Yes we can"
Trump: "Grab her by the pussy"

Already reports of Muslims being attacked.

viewers on the state-run, 24-hour news channel were being treated to a segment headlined “Too many p‑‑‑ies.” As a raunchy slide guitar plays, pictures of Donald Trump flash across the screen accompanied by his various lewd comments, followed by nude pictures of his wife, Melania

Russian TV is showing nude Melania Trump and election rigging ahead of U.S. election

Republicans don't understand why the rest of the country sees Trump as lewd and his wife as nasty. Because they also want to grab a pu$$y. They relate to Trump.

Texas was doing the same thing back in 2012.

Dumb. But people need to vent.

We are the United States.
If we are truly free then any state that wishes to secede, should be allowed to.

Of course, statists will not allow peaceful secession just as Dishonest Abe did.
California Dreamin'? Many in Golden State want to secede from Trump's U.S.

What Is Calexit? California Considers Leaving US After Trump Win


I can understand where they are coming from. Only 4 Red States are producers. All the others are welfare states. And the four Red States that are producers have high Hispanic populations.

Hispanics will have a new president that calls them rapists.

Blacks will have a new president who believes they all live in a ghetto and need to more law and order.

Women will have a new president who says if they have an abortion they should be punished and he likes to grab them by the pu$$y when he feels like it, if they look good enough that is.

Muslims will have a new president who says he wants to ban their religion.

I need to call Obamacare to get health care for next year. I won't be able to get Medicare until the end of next year. Republicans want to end Obamacare, Medicare and Social Security. I was planning on using them to live on. Hope they last until I die.

The DOW is down over 700 points. Wonder what that will do to my savings.

Trump ran on ending trade deals, getting rid of 11 million people, building a wall.

Well, we may end up with a country even more damaged than what Bush did, but you can't say it won't be exciting.

We have to be the laughing stock of the world.


Already the jokes are pouring out:

FDR: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"
JFK: "Ask not what your country can do for you"
Obama: "Yes we can"
Trump: "Grab her by the pussy"

Already reports of Muslims being attacked.

viewers on the state-run, 24-hour news channel were being treated to a segment headlined “Too many p‑‑‑ies.” As a raunchy slide guitar plays, pictures of Donald Trump flash across the screen accompanied by his various lewd comments, followed by nude pictures of his wife, Melania

Russian TV is showing nude Melania Trump and election rigging ahead of U.S. election

Republicans don't understand why the rest of the country sees Trump as lewd and his wife as nasty. Because they also want to grab a pu$$y. They relate to Trump.

Texas was doing the same thing back in 2012.

Dumb. But people need to vent.

We are the United States.
If we are truly free then any state that wishes to secede, should be allowed to.

Of course, statists will not allow peaceful secession just as Dishonest Abe did.
Simple mindedness has you pinned to the floor.
California Dreamin'? Many in Golden State want to secede from Trump's U.S.

What Is Calexit? California Considers Leaving US After Trump Win


I can understand where they are coming from. Only 4 Red States are producers. All the others are welfare states. And the four Red States that are producers have high Hispanic populations.

Hispanics will have a new president that calls them rapists.

Blacks will have a new president who believes they all live in a ghetto and need to more law and order.

Women will have a new president who says if they have an abortion they should be punished and he likes to grab them by the pu$$y when he feels like it, if they look good enough that is.

Muslims will have a new president who says he wants to ban their religion.

I need to call Obamacare to get health care for next year. I won't be able to get Medicare until the end of next year. Republicans want to end Obamacare, Medicare and Social Security. I was planning on using them to live on. Hope they last until I die.

The DOW is down over 700 points. Wonder what that will do to my savings.

Trump ran on ending trade deals, getting rid of 11 million people, building a wall.

Well, we may end up with a country even more damaged than what Bush did, but you can't say it won't be exciting.

We have to be the laughing stock of the world.


Already the jokes are pouring out:

FDR: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"
JFK: "Ask not what your country can do for you"
Obama: "Yes we can"
Trump: "Grab her by the pussy"

Already reports of Muslims being attacked.

viewers on the state-run, 24-hour news channel were being treated to a segment headlined “Too many p‑‑‑ies.” As a raunchy slide guitar plays, pictures of Donald Trump flash across the screen accompanied by his various lewd comments, followed by nude pictures of his wife, Melania

Russian TV is showing nude Melania Trump and election rigging ahead of U.S. election

Republicans don't understand why the rest of the country sees Trump as lewd and his wife as nasty. Because they also want to grab a pu$$y. They relate to Trump.

Wait one minute I tought you said only right wingers dream of secession
California Dreamin'? Many in Golden State want to secede from Trump's U.S.

What Is Calexit? California Considers Leaving US After Trump Win


I can understand where they are coming from. Only 4 Red States are producers. All the others are welfare states. And the four Red States that are producers have high Hispanic populations.

Hispanics will have a new president that calls them rapists.

Blacks will have a new president who believes they all live in a ghetto and need to more law and order.

Women will have a new president who says if they have an abortion they should be punished and he likes to grab them by the pu$$y when he feels like it, if they look good enough that is.

Muslims will have a new president who says he wants to ban their religion.

I need to call Obamacare to get health care for next year. I won't be able to get Medicare until the end of next year. Republicans want to end Obamacare, Medicare and Social Security. I was planning on using them to live on. Hope they last until I die.

The DOW is down over 700 points. Wonder what that will do to my savings.

Trump ran on ending trade deals, getting rid of 11 million people, building a wall.

Well, we may end up with a country even more damaged than what Bush did, but you can't say it won't be exciting.

We have to be the laughing stock of the world.


Already the jokes are pouring out:

FDR: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"
JFK: "Ask not what your country can do for you"
Obama: "Yes we can"
Trump: "Grab her by the pussy"

Already reports of Muslims being attacked.

viewers on the state-run, 24-hour news channel were being treated to a segment headlined “Too many p‑‑‑ies.” As a raunchy slide guitar plays, pictures of Donald Trump flash across the screen accompanied by his various lewd comments, followed by nude pictures of his wife, Melania

Russian TV is showing nude Melania Trump and election rigging ahead of U.S. election

Republicans don't understand why the rest of the country sees Trump as lewd and his wife as nasty. Because they also want to grab a pu$$y. They relate to Trump.

Wait one minute I tought you said only right wingers dream of secession

I knew I heard it from someone on this forum. I remember this bull crap. I had no idea that it was the same mindless tard I was talking to. Unbelievable. These moronic lefties.... not even 3 years ago.... lol.
Being honest, I've wanted Cali to leave the US for ages and ages, they have sooo much weight but they're off the charts nuts with their ideas that don't seem to match up with the rest of the country. It's just silly the shit that comes out of there. I've felt no connection what-so-ever to California since like the 80s after that it's like they fell of the country anyway with their extreme viewpoints. ~shrug~
Being honest, I've wanted Cali to leave the US for ages and ages, they have sooo much weight but they're off the charts nuts with their ideas that don't seem to match up with the rest of the country. It's just silly the shit that comes out of there. I've felt no connection what-so-ever to California since like the 80s after that it's like they fell of the country anyway with their extreme viewpoints. ~shrug~

Yeah happy people sure can be a downer for some. So how's it been after giving up watching all those Hollywood movies? What do you do catch a Bollywood flick now and then, or some lame ass Kirk Cameron shitfest?
I don't watch TV or movies really, I've got other things to do. I'm messing with electronics, making gadgets and such. I watch stuff like "Through the Wormhole," that's really as close as I get to "hollywood" type productions. Everything else is learning stuff "How it's Made," "The Universe," etc. Movies in general are far to predictable and ... dull for me. I haven't seen a good movie in years and years and rather gave up on it.

So in short, it's been fine to go without Hollywood shit for me.

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