CALIFORNIA: Gay Man Sues After Doctor Lists Him As "Chronically" Homosexual

Wasn't diagnosed as gay. His homosexuality was used in a desparaging and unprofessional manner while being totally irrelevant. He'll win the lawsuit, doctor will probably get fired, and then should be investigated by whatever ethics committee exists in that area for clinging to an outdated standard court docs prove isn't used any more.


You do not have the right to not be offended.

Grow a pair!!
How was he harmed by that?

Does he have to prove that he's NOT a "chronic homosexual"?

He wasn't. Unless he made it a point that he was a homosexual there i s no way the doctor could have known.

One look at his ass would tell a doctor whether a man is having regular anal intercourse. Unlike a vagina, an anus loses elasticity. If you have ever seen any of Robert Mapplethorpe's photographs celebrating homosexuality, many of them are of stretched out asses. That's why so many leak.
Wasn't diagnosed as gay. His homosexuality was used in a desparaging and unprofessional manner while being totally irrelevant. He'll win the lawsuit, doctor will probably get fired, and then should be investigated by whatever ethics committee exists in that area for clinging to an outdated standard court docs prove isn't used any more.

The doctor won't be fired because the doctor is in private practice. The doctor can be dropped from that group but can't be fired. I am from Torrance. I lived there for more than 30 years. If a doctor can't be investigated for saying a Pakistani woman should have acid thrown in her face for seeing a non muslim doctor and disrobing for a medical exam, this doctor will not face any ethics investigation for correctly diagnosing a chronic condition.
"Doctor doctor, what's wrong with me?"
"Well, I've got some good news and some bad news. The bad news
is that you are showing signs of homosexuality."
"Gosh. And the good news?"
"You're kinda cute."
Wasn't diagnosed as gay. His homosexuality was used in a desparaging and unprofessional manner while being totally irrelevant. He'll win the lawsuit, doctor will probably get fired, and then should be investigated by whatever ethics committee exists in that area for clinging to an outdated standard court docs prove isn't used any more.


You do not have the right to not be offended.

Grow a pair!!

In a free speech instance you'd be right. This wasn't a free speech issue but a breech of standards inserting her own homophobic slurs into legal medical documents when those slurs/terms are no longer used. It's a very open and shut case she's gonna be crucified for, and rightly so.
How was he harmed by that?

Does he have to prove that he's NOT a "chronic homosexual"?

He wasn't. Unless he made it a point that he was a homosexual there i s no way the doctor could have known.

One look at his ass would tell a doctor whether a man is having regular anal intercourse. Unlike a vagina, an anus loses elasticity. If you have ever seen any of Robert Mapplethorpe's photographs celebrating homosexuality, many of them are of stretched out asses. That's why so many leak.

Wow, I'm bi and even I haven't seen the Mapplethorpe pics. You telling us something?
Wasn't diagnosed as gay. His homosexuality was used in a desparaging and unprofessional manner while being totally irrelevant. He'll win the lawsuit, doctor will probably get fired, and then should be investigated by whatever ethics committee exists in that area for clinging to an outdated standard court docs prove isn't used any more.


You do not have the right to not be offended.

Grow a pair!!

In a free speech instance you'd be right. This wasn't a free speech issue but a breech of standards inserting her own homophobic slurs into legal medical documents when those slurs/terms are no longer used. It's a very open and shut case she's gonna be crucified for, and rightly so.

Where are these "standards" you speak of that you claimed were breeched?

Link please.

The term "chronic homosexual" is a homophobic slur?

You homosexuals sure are a bunch of whiners.
He wasn't. Unless he made it a point that he was a homosexual there i s no way the doctor could have known.

One look at his ass would tell a doctor whether a man is having regular anal intercourse. Unlike a vagina, an anus loses elasticity. If you have ever seen any of Robert Mapplethorpe's photographs celebrating homosexuality, many of them are of stretched out asses. That's why so many leak.

Wow, I'm bi and even I haven't seen the Mapplethorpe pics. You telling us something?

Did you go to any of the art shows where the Mapplethorpe pictures were displayed? How about a museum of photographic art?
Why does the hospital have a code for Chronically Homosexual? Seems to me the hospital has more to answer for than the doctor.

I'm not sure what damage is would cause. If I was labled as chronically hetrosexual, I don't think care either way.
Why does the hospital have a code for Chronically Homosexual? Seems to me the hospital has more to answer for than the doctor.

I'm not sure what damage is would cause. If I was labled as chronically hetrosexual, I don't think care either way.

Maybe because they want to have codes for ALL illnesses (including homosexuality). why would they NOT have a code for it ?
Looking around for more info and skimming the legal complaint, it mentions he was seeing the doctor for a routine physical, and nothing relating to sexual behaviour (section 7 in the document at link below.) Documents goes on saying that the doctor described the condition, homosexuality, as a "loathesome disease."

Sue her.

Copy of the legal complaint here,

It IS a loathsome disease. So what's the problem ?
Joe. My. God.: CALIFORNIA: Gay Man Sues After Doctor Lists Him As "Chronically" Homosexual

Simply incredible in this day and age!


ZOMG!!! #TooFunny

His sexuality is neither normal nor healthy. The doctor merely gave a truthful medical diagnosis.

Oh give it up man... How full of hate and progressive control does one have to be to want to tell others who they can fuck and if they are bad for doing it. Be happy you don't have tens of millions of people watching and judging your sex life.

The doctor didn't tell anybody who they can fuck, nor did he say anything about "bad". These are things YOU are envisioning. The doctor merely correctly stated that the guy was suffering from a mental ailment > homosexuality.
His sexuality is neither normal nor healthy. The doctor merely gave a truthful medical diagnosis.

More proof that you have lied when you've said you're a doctor/lawyer/psychiatrist.

I suspect you have told the truth however, about being a dog washer.

If you had an education you would know that, even though its different from you or me, homosexuality is indeed normal and healthy.

You idiot haters really need to just grow up and accept that the rest of the world is moving forward without you.

As for this case - I hope that patient sues the doctor and wins a bundle. The doctor is incompetent to practice medicine or have any contact with patients.

He could probably wash dogs though.

Nonsense! There is no way that homosexuality could ever be defined as "normal and healthy". Nature designed animal (including human) body parts to engage in HETEROsxual sex, and in no other way. Homosexuality is contrary to nature, and therefore 100% abnormal, and that of course is unhealthy. A mental abberation, to say the least.
:wtf: Homosexuality isn't a medical condition... it's a taste!

Some Monkeys like chocolate, some Monkeys like vanilla, and some will eagerly dive in to both.

And thank (insert your preferred Deity here) that there's no such thing as 'normal' sex.

Totally Ridiculous.
I thought queers were proud to be queer.

We are, but only when getting laid. :)

Flip this around, what if it'd been a religious person and the doctor said "suffers delusional thinking and hallucinations believing in God." Still much ado about nothing or do ya get a teensy bit upset having a medical professional call you nuts for your faith? Same thing at issue here.

Believing in God isn't nuts. Homosexuality is.
Wasn't diagnosed as gay. His homosexuality was used in a desparaging and unprofessional manner while being totally irrelevant. He'll win the lawsuit, doctor will probably get fired, and then should be investigated by whatever ethics committee exists in that area for clinging to an outdated standard court docs prove isn't used any more.

It's not the slightest bit outdated. Dates have nothing to do with it. The craziness of homosexuality is proven by natural DESIGN, not dates. And the standard certainly IS used. Many states allow discrimination based on sexual orientation, and this discrimination is practiced widely, and even required in some cases.

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