CALIFORNIA: Gay Man Sues After Doctor Lists Him As "Chronically" Homosexual

Looking around for more info and skimming the legal complaint, it mentions he was seeing the doctor for a routine physical, and nothing relating to sexual behaviour (section 7 in the document at link below.) Documents goes on saying that the doctor described the condition, homosexuality, as a "loathesome disease."

Sue her.

Copy of the legal complaint here,

OK, the Doctor was way out of line...but, where is the harm here?
Looking around for more info and skimming the legal complaint, it mentions he was seeing the doctor for a routine physical, and nothing relating to sexual behaviour (section 7 in the document at link below.) Documents goes on saying that the doctor described the condition, homosexuality, as a "loathesome disease."

Sue her.

Copy of the legal complaint here,

Doc needs to be in front was paases for a review board in most states.
His sexuality is neither normal nor healthy. The doctor merely gave a truthful medical diagnosis.

More proof that you have lied when you've said you're a doctor/lawyer/psychiatrist.

I suspect you have told the truth however, about being a dog washer.

If you had an education you would know that, even though its different from you or me, homosexuality is indeed normal and healthy.

You idiot haters really need to just grow up and accept that the rest of the world is moving forward without you.

As for this case - I hope that patient sues the doctor and wins a bundle. The doctor is incompetent to practice medicine or have any contact with patients.

He could probably wash dogs though.

Healthy? Is that why they have more std's than normal people?

We have fewer STD's that straight couples do.
More proof that you have lied when you've said you're a doctor/lawyer/psychiatrist.

I suspect you have told the truth however, about being a dog washer.

If you had an education you would know that, even though its different from you or me, homosexuality is indeed normal and healthy.

You idiot haters really need to just grow up and accept that the rest of the world is moving forward without you.

As for this case - I hope that patient sues the doctor and wins a bundle. The doctor is incompetent to practice medicine or have any contact with patients.

He could probably wash dogs though.

Healthy? Is that why they have more std's than normal people?

We have fewer STD's that straight couples do.

Lol, you keep believing that, and I got some land on the moon I'll sell ya.
:wtf: Homosexuality isn't a medical condition... it's a taste!

Some Monkeys like chocolate, some Monkeys like vanilla, and some will eagerly dive in to both.

And thank (insert your preferred Deity here) that there's no such thing as 'normal' sex.
MMM, was what he was seeing the doctor for related to sexual behaviours? If so I can see how the label's relevant. If not, sue away.

Whether or not he was seeing the Doctor due to his sexual perversion is somewhat irrelevant so far as legalities are concerned . It is however important to the MDs diagnosis. If he were seeing the MD for lets say -chronic flu symptoms the MD has every right to have knowledge of his perverted lifestyle in order to render a proper diagnosis -Homosexuals are prone to maladies at accelerated rates to normal people - and there are a myriad of STDs exteremley more common among perverts than among sexually healthy people.
Because heterosexual people never get any of that....
Thanks to homo male behavior it's way more prevalent.
Homo male behavior is a national health crisis.

Don't take it in your ass, crisis averted.

Why would you care about behavior you aren't participating in being unhealthy?

Because homosexuals are the modern-day equivalent of Typhoid Mary's:

Health officials are tracking a new type of infection with Staphylococcus aureus that is resistant to even more antibiotics than MRSA, the drug-resistant staph that has spread from coast to coast over the past seven years. (MRSA stands for "methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus".)

So far, nearly all recognized cases of the multiply drug resistant staph have been among gay and bisexual men. The cases are showing up most often in San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York.​
His sexuality is neither normal nor healthy. The doctor merely gave a truthful medical diagnosis.

Oh give it up man... How full of hate and progressive control does one have to be to want to tell others who they can fuck and if they are bad for doing it. Be happy you don't have tens of millions of people watching and judging your sex life.

If you don't advertise your sex life in public, no one judges you. That goes for homosexuals and heterosexuals.
I thought queers were proud to be queer.

We are, but only when getting laid. :)

Flip this around, what if it'd been a religious person and the doctor said "suffers delusional thinking and hallucinations believing in God." Still much ado about nothing or do ya get a teensy bit upset having a medical professional call you nuts for your faith? Same thing at issue here.
A gay man sues for being diagnosed as gay.

Proof the moron has lost his ever loving mind!!
Wasn't diagnosed as gay. His homosexuality was used in a desparaging and unprofessional manner while being totally irrelevant. He'll win the lawsuit, doctor will probably get fired, and then should be investigated by whatever ethics committee exists in that area for clinging to an outdated standard court docs prove isn't used any more.

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