CALIFORNIA: Gay Man Sues After Doctor Lists Him As "Chronically" Homosexual

How was he harmed by that?

Does he have to prove that he's NOT a "chronic homosexual"?

He wasn't. Unless he made it a point that he was a homosexual there i s no way the doctor could have known.

One look at his ass would tell a doctor whether a man is having regular anal intercourse. Unlike a vagina, an anus loses elasticity. If you have ever seen any of Robert Mapplethorpe's photographs celebrating homosexuality, many of them are of stretched out asses. That's why so many leak.

Gay Bowel Syndrome:

The gay bowel syndrome: clinico-pathologic correlation in 260 cases

The clinical and pathological findings in a group of 260 homosexual men comprising 10% of a private proctologic practice are reviewed. A clinical pattern of anorectal and colon diseases encountered with unusual frequency in these homosexual patients is termed the gay bowel syndrome. The clinical diagnoses in decreasing order of frequency include condyloma acuminata, hemorrhoids, nonspecific proctitis, anal fistula, perirectal abscess, anal fissure, amebiasis, benign polyps, viral hepatitis, gonorrhea, syphilis, anorectal trauma and foreign bodies, shigellosis, rectal ulcers and lymphogranuloma venereum. 60 anorectal and sigmoid biopsies from 51 patients failed to disclose evidence of specific infection other than condyloma acuminata. Of 21 patients with biopsy diagnosis of nonspecific proctitis, 8 had a specific infection which was detected by other means,--5 cases of shigellosis and one case each of gonorrheal proctitis, amebiasis and lymphogranuloma venereum. In evaluating proctologic problems in the gay male, all of the known sexually transmitted diseases should be considered. Shigellosis, amebiasis and viral hepatitis should be included. Microbiological evaluation is essential. Concurrent infections with 2 or more pathogens should be anticipated. Chlamydia trachomatis, an important cause of nonspecific urethritis in the general population, is high on the list of possible causes of the nonspecific proctitis present in 31 of the 260 patients.​
homosexuality is indeed normal and healthy.

HIV, STDs, Hep A, B, C, D, etc...
FYI, all of those diseases are also very much in the mainstream of Heterosexuals and their sex practices.

You can't cover- up the facts. Mainstream in heterosexual communities, huh?

The data, presented at CDC's 2010 National STD Prevention Conference, finds that the rate of new HIV diagnoses among men who have sex with men (MSM) is more than 44 times that of other men and more than 40 times that of women.

The range was 522-989 cases of new HIV diagnoses per 100,000 MSM vs. 12 per 100,000 other men and 13 per 100,000 women.

The rate of primary and secondary syphilis among MSM is more than 46 times that of other men and more than 71 times that of women, the analysis says. The range was 91-173 cases per 100,000 MSM vs. 2 per 100,000 other men and 1 per 100,000 women.

While CDC data have shown for several years that gay and bisexual men make up the majority of new HIV and new syphilis infections, CDC has estimated the rates of these diseases for the first time based on new estimates of the size of the U.S. population of MSM. Because disease rates account for differences in the size of populations being compared, rates provide a reliable method for assessing health disparities between populations.

"While the heavy toll of HIV and syphilis among gay and bisexual men has been long recognized, this analysis shows just how stark the health disparities are between this and other populations," said Kevin Fenton, M.D., director of CDC's National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention. "It is clear that we will not be able to stop the U.S. HIV epidemic until every affected community, along with health officials nationwide, prioritize the needs of gay and bisexual men with HIV prevention efforts.​

Let's put your lie to the test. How do you define the mainstream of women? Let's say 1% of women have syphilis. If homosexual men are infected with syphilis at a rate 71x greater, now what percentage of homosexual men should be infected with syphilis? Can you do that math?

Mainstream you say? I think you must be on crack if you actually believe what you just wrote.
His sexuality is neither normal nor healthy. The doctor merely gave a truthful medical diagnosis.

His sexuality is perfectly healthy, you numbskull.

Common sexual practices among gay men lead to numerous STDs and physical injuries, some of which are virtually unknown in the heterosexual population.

It is well established that there are high rates of psychiatric illnesses, including depression, drug abuse, and suicide attempts, among gays and lesbians.

An epidemiological study on the life span of gay men concluded that queer men lose up to 20 years of life expectancy.

Anal Cancer

Rate is about 2 people out of every 100,000 normal heterosexuals
Rate is about 40 cases out of every 100,000 Queers.
MSMs are up to 40 times more likely to diagnosed with the disease

Anal Cancer, HIV and Gay Men » The National LGBT Cancer Network

Human immunodeficiency virus

Also known as H I V - no introduction needed


A basterial disease associated with ingesting Human Feces -[Oh Shit ! ] Gay men comprise about 70 - 75% of all shigelosis case , most of the other 25% - 30% are mentally retarded and psycologically deranged people [Not much of a difference between the two groups. ]

Some of the cases of Gay Men who've contracted the disease is from the practice of engaging in oral sodomy following anal sodomy -- however Within the Gay Community there are also people known as coprophiles - who have a sexual attraction to shit - it's a fetish . [I'm talking about actual human feces -not The Human SHit we call homosexuals]

A sexually transmitted Disease Gays are 10 X more likely to contract and spread it


Homosexuality and gonorrhea, ... the American Association of Family Physicians reported: "Men who have sex with men (MSM) have high rates of gonococcal infection. In San Francisco, more than one half of these infections occur in MSM, and previous cross-sectional studies have reported a prevalence of up to 15.3 percent in this group.
Viral hepatitis types B & C

Syphilis, Cryptosporidium, Giardia lamblia , Herpes simplex virus , Human papilloma virus
Isospora belli , Microsporidia all up to 50 X more common in Gays

So this is what you Call HEALTHY ..... Hmmm very interesting to elaborate ???
I don't hate homosexuals; they aren't inherently bad people. With all groups, there be some bad apples in it. On the issue of homosexuality, the rectum isn't meant to have things enter it. This applies not only to gay men, but to straight couples who want to partake in anal sex. If you're a man who has had anal sex with his wife/girlfriend, or has thought about it, don't be too quick to lob stones at homosexual men.

In my opinion there's probably some hormonal imbalance at play when it comes to homosexuality. I'm no expert, but as with every aspect of our personality... it's all based on the chemicals that swirl and commingle within our bodies. I don't think it's natural, either, but I'm willing to be open-minded about it so long as liberals, progressives, and homosexuals are able to do the same. On the religious angle, I'm agnostic; if God exists it's probably is a sin as the Scriptures have mentioned. Those pages also mention being devoured by a giant whale and surviving underwater in its belly...

As for the lawsuit, anyone sues over anything nowadays. If there were a law against frivolous lawsuits we'd see a lot less of this crap, and less time and money would be wasted over it.
In my opinion there's probably some hormonal imbalance at play when it comes to homosexuality. I'm no expert, but as with every aspect of our personality... it's all based on the chemicals that swirl and commingle within our bodies. I don't think it's natural, either, but I'm willing to be open-minded about it so long as liberals, progressives, and homosexuals are able to do the same.

WE can say with certainty that it's not a choice, so all those religious folks who are portraying it as choice are dead wrong and if they've been informed of this and persist, then they're willfully ignorant.

Here are brain scans - these differences don't arise from choice:

In my opinion there's probably some hormonal imbalance at play when it comes to homosexuality. I'm no expert, but as with every aspect of our personality... it's all based on the chemicals that swirl and commingle within our bodies. I don't think it's natural, either, but I'm willing to be open-minded about it so long as liberals, progressives, and homosexuals are able to do the same.

WE can say with certainty that it's not a choice, so all those religious folks who are portraying it as choice are dead wrong and if they've been informed of this and persist, then they're willfully ignorant.

Here are brain scans - these differences don't arise from choice:


Those aren't real brain scans on different people. Please! Look at them, they are all the same with different lit up spots.

Science has been trying for years to find the gay gene, or something that proves that homosexuality is born and not a choice, they still have yet to do so. If they ever do, it will be everywhere.
In my opinion there's probably some hormonal imbalance at play when it comes to homosexuality. I'm no expert, but as with every aspect of our personality... it's all based on the chemicals that swirl and commingle within our bodies. I don't think it's natural, either, but I'm willing to be open-minded about it so long as liberals, progressives, and homosexuals are able to do the same.

WE can say with certainty that it's not a choice, so all those religious folks who are portraying it as choice are dead wrong and if they've been informed of this and persist, then they're willfully ignorant.

Here are brain scans - these differences don't arise from choice:


Those aren't real brain scans on different people. Please! Look at them, they are all the same with different lit up spots.

Science has been trying for years to find the gay gene, or something that proves that homosexuality is born and not a choice, they still have yet to do so. If they ever do, it will be everywhere.

You don't need to find the genes responsible for red hair, all you need do is OBSERVE red hair.

Brain scans which show different brain structure are sufficient evidence to discredit the choice hypothesis. The brains are freaking different!
Brain scans which show different brain structure are sufficient evidence to discredit the choice hypothesis. The brains are freaking different!
Your brain scan wouldn't show evidence of any critical thinking.

Humans are complex and many factors make up our sexuality. There are people out there that get off on shit that would make a normal person puke. There is nothing that predetermines homosexuality, identical twins have had different outcomes. I do believe environmental conditions greatly influence us though.

An objective look at human sexuality, or mammal for that matter, acknowledges what genders are for. Pretending otherwise is the height of ignorance. Laws shouldn't control consenting adult relationships but that doesn't mean we have to adopt a lie and play along with the notion that gender roles don't matter. Once you can brainwash people into something that fundamentally unsound you can train them to believe anything you want.

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