California Gov ok's Assisted Suicide


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013

California on Monday joined the short list of states allowing doctors to prescribe drugs for terminally ill patients to end their lives as Gov. Jerry Brown signed the measure into law, ending months of silence on one of the most emotional issues for the state this year.

In an unusually personal signing message, the governor, a former Jesuit seminarian, signaled how torn he was by the issue.

“I do not know what I would do if I were dying in prolonged and excruciating pain,” he wrote. “I am certain, however, that it would be a comfort to be able to consider the options afforded by this bill. And I wouldn’t deny that right to others.”

The law will take effect 90 days after the special legislative session in which it was passed adjourns. Lawmakers expect that will be sometime next year.

About damn time. We are more humane with animals than we are with people.
“This is a dark day for California and for the Brown legacy,” Californians Against Assisted Suicide said Monday. “As someone of wealth and access to the world’s best medical care and doctors the governor’s background is very different than that of millions of Californians living in health care poverty without that same access – these are the people and families potentially hurt by giving doctors the power to prescribe lethal overdoses to patients.”

wtf??? Hello?
What a shame. A real, deadly, shame.
What's so shameful about it? Do YOU want to writhe in pain and linger begging for mercy only to be told "no. You must live as long as we can make you live..pain or not"? Would you wish that on your family?
Simple. The doctor, or some other party, will just decide it's in your best interest to die whether you want to or not.
What a shame. A real, deadly, shame.
What's so shameful about it? Do YOU want to writhe in pain and linger begging for mercy only to be told "no. You must live as long as we can make you live..pain or not"? Would you wish that on your family?
I have no family. I would not want someone deciding on my behalf that my condition is too painful to bear and kill me, for my own good of course.
What a shame. A real, deadly, shame.
What's so shameful about it? Do YOU want to writhe in pain and linger begging for mercy only to be told "no. You must live as long as we can make you live..pain or not"? Would you wish that on your family?
I have no family. I would not want someone deciding on my behalf that my condition is too painful to bear and kill me, for my own good of course.
Obviously you did not read the link. Nobody decides..except YOU.
What a shame. A real, deadly, shame.
What's so shameful about it? Do YOU want to writhe in pain and linger begging for mercy only to be told "no. You must live as long as we can make you live..pain or not"? Would you wish that on your family?
I have no family. I would not want someone deciding on my behalf that my condition is too painful to bear and kill me, for my own good of course.
Obviously you did not read the link. Nobody decides..except YOU.
Sure! Except it hasn't worked that way in any country that has legal assisted suicide. It won't work that way here either. Whoever doesn't want to die will just be judged incompetent to make that decision. A nice panel will make it for you, with all the compassion in the world.
Having sat beside my father as he suffered through the final, agonizing stages of stomach cancer, and having contemplated the consequences of helping him end his suffering, and having decided I was too cowardly to face those consequences, I have to say... I'm okay with this decision.
What a shame. A real, deadly, shame.
What's so shameful about it? Do YOU want to writhe in pain and linger begging for mercy only to be told "no. You must live as long as we can make you live..pain or not"? Would you wish that on your family?
I have no family. I would not want someone deciding on my behalf that my condition is too painful to bear and kill me, for my own good of course.
Obviously you did not read the link. Nobody decides..except YOU.
And forfeit heaven? Suicide is a decision that will lead to eternal consequences. The state of California is already under the judgment of God. Exactly how much suffering would your State like to invite down upon the people of California? This is a satanic agenda. Utterly wicked.
Give time that state will force assisted suicide on people who disagree with them... Kinda like letting illegal aliens kill real citizens.

Embrace the suck of sanctuary city's/states
What a shame. A real, deadly, shame.

How? My grandmother had a mix of brain tumors and the worst case of shingles the doctors had ever seen. Half her entire head was one scab that felt like her head was fire. She spent the last 3 weeks of her life screaming that she was on fire, begging us to kill her.

Literally. The last time I saw her she kept looking at me desperately between screams, saying over and over 'You're on my're on my side' as she tried to convince me to kill her.

Even when we had nurses knock her out completely with morphine, she would still scream while unconscious. The only difference was the volume. She was terminal from the brain tumors. She had no chance of recovery. It was merely pointless, heartless agony for no purpose.

NO ONE should ever have to endure that. I wouldn't treat a dog under the tire of my car with that kind of callous indifference.
Give time that state will force assisted suicide on people who disagree with them... Kinda like letting illegal aliens kill real citizens.

Embrace the suck of sanctuary city's/states

No they won't.
It will be used on patients like the grandmother and on patients that are sick, or not sick, merely frail, who don't want to die at all.
Give time that state will force assisted suicide on people who disagree with them... Kinda like letting illegal aliens kill real citizens.

Embrace the suck of sanctuary city's/states

No they won't.
They did every place else that legalized suicide. Eventually it ends the life of the expensive and inconvenient.

No, they haven't. Sigh.....this is one of those instance when right wing batshit actually hurts people.

Christianity is a bother to all things progressive... They know they have to kill off the Christians. Because they know the will never bow to their politically correctness.

Embrace the suck

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