California Gov ok's Assisted Suicide

Law or no law....when I'm ready to go, I'll do it myself, WHEN and HOW I do it. Fuck them.
I personally am interested in using the medically assisted suicide. In my town, I have to wait until February 7th 2016. Then, I am applying for the service. I am not really interested in living. Already tried suicide with sleeping pills, but you can't seem to die that way these days. I am suffering from the violation of my rights including harassment. The cops won't do anything.
You are suffering from depression. That is not covered in this new law and you are the prime example of why many didn't want this law to go into effect.
It's a cowards way out...


How would you like to see your children killed daily? Or if you don't have children, people you loved very much?

That's what my mom had to endure for the last couple of years of her life. She had alzheimers. I would go to see her and she would be crying. Saying she saw me or one of my siblings killed that day. Or raped.

Would you like to endure that for years until you died? Or would you like your mother/father or wife/husband to have to endure that?

No that law can't help someone who has alzheimers but you need to realize that death isn't the coward's way out when a person is suffering from horrible physical pain. Or mental pain. Alzheimers is a brain disease that takes just about all control of the body and all the mental capacity from them. It's not just forgetting people and things.

I had to watch as my dad died from liver cancer. If you've ever seen what happens to a person when the liver shuts down you might understand. The person is literally being poisoned by their own body and cancer. They're in extreme agony. Even the feel of my breath on my dad's skin was horrible pain for him. Even though he was given pain killers.

I would have given anything in this world to have been able to stop my parents from their suffering. When you love your parents as much as I do you understand that you would do anything to stop the suffering and let them finally have peace with love and dignity.
That is the way I see... Growing up on an Indian reservation, it was ingrained by the culture there is no reason for any type of suicide, totally unacceptable.
As a born again Christian I still believe 100% no reason what so ever...

Why do you believe you have the right to force your beliefs on others?

You're free to believe whatever you want. You're not free to force it on anyone else.

If you believe that relieving suffering is the coward's way out then don't do it but you have no right to force someone to do what you do.
Fill out your living will and choose the option to receive care, watch the death dealers heads explode.

Yeah, a living will isn't telling the doctors orally twice with 15 days in between. A requirement of the actual law....which never even mentions living wills.

Next fallacy. please. You line the lies up...and I'll knock em down!
They don't need to "carry out" my wishes, I am perfectly capable of doing that on my own. I merely ensure that they understand exactly /why/ I would do it.

Your comments here show that you lack the intellect necessary to even understand what you're talking about. Which comes as no surprise to me.

That's an interesting conclusion to reach; I'm not smart enough to know my own opinion and feelings on the issue of assisted suicide?

On what do you base your conclusion, your own personal opinion, feelings, and beliefs?

Once again your own comment betrays you and shows you for what you really are. A buffoon.

okay then...

How's about I do you a big favor by telling you what I know, and you don't. And this is just for starters.

People like you, that say stupid shit about suicide, often times go on to commit suicide themselves, for no good reason. Leaving their family's behind to pick up the pieces. Wondering how they missed all the signs. And people like you who stupidly think they can end it all, at anytime they choose are clueless. Because you can't muster the strength, or the means to make it happen around about the time you might think it's a good idea because you're suffering horribly from unimaginable pain. You're denied that ability.
And that doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of what you don't know.

Ah yes, let me hear about all your "years" of wisdom son...

As for me, I'm 42, a bi-sexual who tends toward lesbian, a geek, a nerd, and a teachers pet, who had no actual friends in my life until I was 15 because I was "different." I have synesthesia, ADHD, and my intelligence is such that I think everyone else is incredibly stupid and I know I'm right. My father was a general, very strict and I hated him; because he loves me. My first "crush" in Jr. High committed suicide, without even knowing who I was, it hurt none-the-less. My first actual boyfriend was a cheating piece of shit, but I loved him none-the-less. I had to turn my very first girlfriend in to the authorities because she was mentally unstable and constantly threatening suicide at 16 - she never spoke to me again, because I loved her. I've also lost four grandparents, two aunts, an uncle, and countless friends to /reality/ - my maternal grandfather had a heart attack and my grandmother spent 32 years in a home as a baby - she would have hated her children for loving her so much and we all know it. My paternal grandfather had a stroke and passed away at 84, my grandmother died of a broken heart a year later - on what would have been their 63rd anniversary. I've laid to rest 5 dogs and 2 cats, my "first" children. I've raised three boys to adulthood, been through a divorce, almost lost my current husband to a moose on the highway.

But sure, you know better about /me/ than I do myself. The ego of youth hmm?
Fill out your living will and choose the option to receive care, watch the death dealers heads expode.

Yeah, a living will isn't telling the doctors orally twice with 15 days in between. A requirement of the actual law....which never even mentions living wills.

Next fallacy. please. You line the lies up...and I'll knock em down!
This law will be the law until it is expanded and changed exactly the same way it was in every other country that has it. No one started killing children on day one either.

Hopefully the law can be voided until it gets on the ballot and sane heads prevail. You don't object to voting do you?
Marry assisted suicide to organ donation and hospice centers will be raking in the cash so fast it will put planned parenthood to shame as pikers.

Save of course that you have no idea what you're talking about, have never read the law in question, and are willfully unaware of any of the relevant criteria necessary to use this law.

Which begs the question....why are you babbling about something you know nothing about? You've never even read the law.
You fuckwad, I know more on this topic than you do.

This is how the Holocaust began, fuckwad.
Really? As a Jew who actually lost family in the shoa at the hands of your co coreligionist church who enabled it to happen and who helped nazis escape to south america after the war you have no moral authority to speak about the holocaust or to compare it to a law that will help alleviated suffering in ones final days. Take your crucifix and rosary and shove it up your ass
Marry assisted suicide to organ donation and hospice centers will be raking in the cash so fast it will put planned parenthood to shame as pikers.

Save of course that you have no idea what you're talking about, have never read the law in question, and are willfully unaware of any of the relevant criteria necessary to use this law.

Which begs the question....why are you babbling about something you know nothing about? You've never even read the law.
You fuckwad, I know more on this topic than you do.

This is how the Holocaust began, fuckwad.
Really? As a Jew who actually lost family in the shoa at the hands of your co coreligionist church who enabled it to happen and who helped nazis escape to south america after the war you have no moral authority to speak about the holocaust or to compare it to a law that will help alleviated suffering in ones final days. Take your crucifix and rosary and shove it up your ass
So you hate Catholics. Got it, you are a bigot. I will keep that in mind for our next argument.
guno, neither I or anyone in my family can be blamed for what happened to Jews during World War II.

I had three uncles who fought in the war. One of them, my grandmother's brother, died during the Guadalcanal campaign. His job was damage control, so he did not even try to abandon ship before it sunk.

You should be ashamed of yourself trying to blame innocent people for what happened 70 years ago.

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