California Governor Gavin Newsom wins recall election in a landslide!

When you drive the highways, byways, city streets of California and see the endless filth of "homeless" camps (free-range drug addicts). When you read the stories of the utter insanity of laws that allow people to shoplift up to $949.00 from stores without fear of any serious retributions. When you read about the cost of living in the state, the insane housing costs, the acceptance of drug abuse, the endless tragedies of ongoing wildfires largely due to the mismanagement of forests, the handing over of tax dollars to pay for the healthcare of people who sneak into our country ahead of the people who get in line legally in hopes of becoming Americans LEGALLY, etc etc. And then when you see that Californians themselves overwhelmingly voted to maintain this insanity, then you know what the true definition of insanity is.
You are the idiot that claimed that last month California and one other state created all but 30,000 plus jobs in August. I am saying that sounds suspect because California’s unemployment remained unchanged from August to July. So provide a link proving your numbers. Last month the jobs reports were low. Your numbers don’t add up. I am sure California added jobs last month but not at the numbers you are claiming. So put up or shut up.

Take it up with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics then.

Nonfarm payroll employment increased in 38 states and the District of Columbia
and was essentially unchanged in 12 states in July 2021. The largest job gains
occurred in California (+114,400), Texas (+80,900), and North Carolina (+75,600).
The largest percentage increases occurred in Vermont (+2.3 percent), Hawaii
(+1.8 percent), and North Carolina (+1.7 percent).

Once again, the claim I was responding to is that California was losing jobs. It wasn't.
If you steal a Presidential the Rats did..... to steal this is a cinch.

Easy peasy.
Great split California into 5 states... They would get 10 senators that way and still bigger than the 12th biggest state in USA(if split equally)

Now Democrats control the legislature, How are ye going to gerrymander that?

Conservatives have been wanting to split California up for decades.


It's never going to happen.


It's best to ignore stupid people who think that will ever happen.
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The state’s Democratic governor has survived a Republican-led effort to oust him from office a year early.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) has prevailed in the state’s recall election, projections show, securing a victory in the biggest fight of his political career thus far and protecting the Democratic Party from a perilous ripple effect.


Great news! A great day for American democracy! Just announced on MSNBC.

The recall FAILED. It was a landslide for Newsom.

This is good news. California needs to start experiencing the consequences of their shitty decisions. No more bailing out with recalls. Live with it.
What a worthless hack you are to say that with absolutely no proof whatsoever. Have you always been this worthless? Is this what you thought being a conservative was about? It is people like you that will destroy the two party system in favor of Democrat rule, by scaring people into thinking conservative Republicans don't give a damn what the vote is and will do anything to change or steal elections by hook or crook, so Republicans cannot be trusted to hold office.
I miss actual conservatives in that party. The radical conservatives are fools.
I bet fat butt guy cultists are a riot to play cards, sports or board games with. If they lose, they cry and cry and cry and cry and cry and cry about having been cheated.

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