California Governor Gavin Newsom wins recall election in a landslide!

Great split California into 5 states... They would get 10 senators that way and still bigger than the 12th biggest state in USA(if split equally)

Now Democrats control the legislature, How are ye going to gerrymander that?
You are assuming that all those states would be woke communist states when they actually want to leave to get away from the woke communists. Democrats outnumber Republicans 2 to 1. If you look at an electoral map the Democrat area is a thin red line along the coast. The rest of the state is solid blue. Split California into ten states and only one would be woke communist.
See you in 2022, asshole.
If anybody doesn't think California is a shitass state then they are delusional.

No wonder over a thousand people a day are moving out of that shithole.

Just Illegals, Moon Bats, Negroes and Queers left.
Conservatives have been wanting to split California up for decades.


It's never going to happen.


It's best to ignore stupid people who think that will ever happen.
You go anywhere except the coastal strip where all the liberal democrats live and the desire to split the state is very strong.
According to the media Soros pumped a million bucks into Newsom’s coffers to defeat the recall. I wonder what strings came along with that money?
OH it was hundreds of millions...the unions alone had somewhere to the tune of 50 million.

But the Senate was at stake as well as the Governorship of CA.
They lost because they pushed the most far-right fat butt guy-like candidate....How Ironic.

Elder's build is almost is someone square and round at the same time? Anyway, much like Trump.
We have to hang this massive Trump Cult party defeat on Trump himself as his chosen, endorsed Cult candidate was run over by a bigly truck. Did Trump even campaign for Elder? Did he hold any rallies in the state in support of Elder? Why did he stay away from California? With all of the golf courses available, he could have showed up at least once.

Oh well, just shows how little real influence Trump has these days. Bigly!!!
They wouldn't pay him enough.
Right wing anger is too funny to pass up.

When you guys gonna start shooting people?

Sorry, I’m not angry at all. I knew Elder had no shot in California. I get to keep laughing at California and those who defend the insanity.
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The state’s Democratic governor has survived a Republican-led effort to oust him from office a year early.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) has prevailed in the state’s recall election, projections show, securing a victory in the biggest fight of his political career thus far and protecting the Democratic Party from a perilous ripple effect.


Great news! A great day for American democracy! Just announced on MSNBC.

The recall FAILED. It was a landslide for Newsom.
Ah, I love it when republicans fail miserably.
So how much did George Soros pony up for this election? You think he has an endless supply of money?

Actually it's very easy to find out who paid for this recall election.

That is IF you honestly wanted to know.

You don't really want to know, if you did, you would have done what I did. A search on who funded the NO on the recall. I wanted to know and I found the answer. It took a matter of seconds. Not even a minute to get that information. I just used the keywords contributors to recall California governor.

You didn't do that because you really didn't want to know the truth. You just want to be able to use that old and tired "soros" excuse.

Funny thing. His name is no where close to the top donors. In fact, I couldn't find his name in the funding at all.

I was appalled at who some of the NO funding people were. Others I had no problem with but I don't live in California so what I think of it really doesn't matter. Just like if you don't live in California what you think about the recall doesn't matter.

If you honestly want to know the answer, do what I did.

Do a search. Use your favorite search engine. It takes a matter of seconds.

Somehow I know you will never do that search.
You just can’t fix stupid. They had a chance to start turning things around in their state and instead embraced the completely insane politics that got them where they are by voting no on the recall. Meanwhile the exodus of sane people who want a normal life will continue.

Californians now own their wildfires, out of control cost of living, Covid oppression, water shortages, tremendous cost of welfare, poverty, homelessness, poor education, rampant crime, Illegals and high taxation.

Dumb fuckers.
Nope. Do your research and you’d know.

When a wingnut poster types "do your research" it usually either means "I can't back up my point" or "I have these really crazy sources where they are probably off their meds with the shit they write however I really, really want to believe them but am embarrassed to provide those sources to you"

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