California Governor Gavin Newsom wins recall election in a landslide!

Fox showing 67% to 33%. Drudge headline is Newsom Wins In A Blowout, MSNBC and CNN have called it for Newsom. AP just called it for Newsom.
He is no prize, but you had best prepare for bad news or bad reality. It looks like California has spoken. Newsom stays.

Are you sure? Because Trump has already insisted that the 'election was rigged'. His claim about every election since 2016.

If you can't trust Trump on election legitimacy, who can you trust?

When a wingnut poster types "do your research" it usually either means "I can't back up my point" or "I have these really crazy sources where they are probably off their meds with the shit they write however I really, really want to believe them but am embarrassed to provide those sources to you"

Or someone that considers watching a youtube video with their mouth open to be 'research'.
You are assuming that all those states would be woke communist states when they actually want to leave to get away from the woke communists. Democrats outnumber Republicans 2 to 1. If you look at an electoral map the Democrat area is a thin red line along the coast. The rest of the state is solid blue. Split California into ten states and only one would be woke communist.

Near the coast......where most of the people live?

Remember, empty fields don't get to vote. People do.
It's California. Any evidence of sanity would be a great shock. Maybe they deserve what they get.
Conservatives have been wanting to split California up for decades.


It's never going to happen.


It's best to ignore stupid people who think that will ever happen.

It's not hard to see why Dimocrat lawmakers are so popular in California. The state is home to about 1 in 3 of the nations welfare recipients, and overwhelmingly has the most "homless" (free-range drug addicts).
When you give shit away, people will always vote for you. It's in the DNA of Dimocrats.
It's not hard to see why Dimocrat lawmakers are so popular in California. The state is home to about 1 in 3 of the nations welfare recipients, and overwhelmingly has the most "homless" (free-range drug addicts).
When you give shit away, people will always vote for you. It's in the DNA of Dimocrats.

More than 70% of our GDP comes from counties that voted for Biden. We're got our part of the economy covered.
You just can’t fix stupid. They had a chance to start turning things around in their state and instead embraced the completely insane politics that got them where they are by voting no on the recall. Meanwhile the exodus of sane people who want a normal life will continue.

Californians now own their wildfires, out of control cost of living, Covid oppression, water shortages, tremendous cost of welfare, poverty, homelessness, poor education, rampant crime, Illegals and high taxation.

Dumb fuckers.
Somebody’s butthurt over an election.
Experience? Biden has tons of experience and the only thing he's ever succeeded at was keeping Obama alive by being vice president.

You may have your plumber do heart surgery on you, or your mechanic do your taxes. But that's batshit crazy to rational people.

Why would California want a talk show host with no experience governing be governor of the single most populous state in the Union?

Obviously they wouldn't. Which is why Larry lost by more than 30 points.
I've lived in California. Its a great state. I've lived in Texas too....loved it.

I think you panty shitters may want to travel a bit more.
I've also lived in Ca. Great place and a few great people but the majority well and truly suck.
True. But I met enough to form a personal opinion.

Did you, though? What percentage of 39 million people did you actually get to know?

Also, California is vast. Northern California is different than southern. The bay area is different than LA which is different from the central valley which is different from San Diego which is different from the foothills which is different from Sacramento.

Did you live in all those places?

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