California Governor Gavin Newsom wins recall election in a landslide! just lost. Remember, Trump claims ANY election since 2016 is rigged.

He made the same claims in the Iowa Republican Caucus, insisting that the results were fraud and invalid.

He made the same claims in 2016, insisting that there were millions upon millions of fraudulent votes. No evidence for this was ever presented.

He made the same claims in 2020.

He made the same claims in 2021 for the California Recall.

I don't blame Trump....he's a malignant delusional narcissist who is so spoiled that he can't accept that he could lose at anything. But why conservatives bought into this simpleton dipshittery to embrace their new identity as the "Sore Loser" Party.....that I don't get.

You guys should know better.
Feel free to prove him wrong. He said; she said.
You derailed, because the numbers you gave did not add up. When that happens I get skeptical. I just don't trust everything I read. Big drop in numbers from July to August, but I think we may rebound this month.

Again, I demonstrated to someone who claimed California was not losing jobs that was not the case. I used the most recent report I could find on numbers which was in July, I mistakenly thought it was August. Thank you for pointing out something so inconsequential.
I think he means that a leach will always vote for those that promise continued freebies. And he is correct.

I think Skylar is doing a pretty good job here so I'll just sit back and watch the slaughter.
Feel free to prove him wrong. He said; she said.
Feel free to prove him right.

As my evidence is spectacular, so good it has determined essentially every election in our nation's history: the actual election results.

You're citing a delusional narcissist's imagination.

Our sources are not equal.
Elder wouldn't have been able to enact any of his agenda. Dimocrats so overwhelmingly control everything, he would simply have had a platform to point to their idiocy, but that would have been about all he would have accomplished.
The executive branch is the one who executes policy, the damage would have been devastating. Plus, he could have the opportunity to appoint a Republican to the senate.
Feel free to prove him wrong. He said; she said.

It is up to Trump to prove there was fraud. He has not produced scintilla of evidence. Republican elected officials have said so, Republican judges appointed by Trump have said so and Trump's AG has said so.
The majority of welfare recipients are where the majority of people are.

And with 4 of the top 10 being republican states controlled by republican governors and republican legislatures, you can hardly claim its 'democrat policy' that results in poverty. Or that receiving welfare benefits makes people vote democrat.

You're looking for a soundbyte. And you just don't have it.
Nine of the 10 poorest states are red.

Poorest States 2021
It is up to Trump to prove there was fraud. He has not produced scintilla of evidence. Republican elected officials have said so, Republican judges appointed by Trump have said so and Trump's AG has said so.

Oh, its far worse than that. Trump whined and snivelled about how the courts wouldn't let him present his evidence.

So he was given a court date, the authority to present his evidence, call witnesses, the works. Everything Trump claimed he wanted. And what did Trump do when faced with the burden of evidence to back up his claims of a 'stolen election'?

Trump dismissed his own case a day before the trial was to begin.


And yet these poor, hapless souls continue to ape whatever that whiner has to say about the legitimacy of any election. You can't fix stupid.
A win is a win, but yet another example of the absolute distain leftists have a prominent black republicans. I guess you have to listen to "life experiences" until they don't agree with what the left demands they think based on their skin color.. and then it's "F you Uncle Tom".

Here, I'm going to play the common leftist tactic here:

"Welp, I guess this is further proof of racism because a white person was able to win to avoid being replaced by a black person! Democrats, what do you have to say for yourselves??"

You are the one showing your racism. Elder was a far right wing Trumpy who was soundly defeated. He lost on the issues.
Oh, its far worse than that. Trump whined and snivelled about how the courts wouldn't let him present his evidence.

So he was given a court date, the authority to present his evidence, call witnesses, the works. Everything Trump claimed he wanted. And what did Trump do when faced with the burden of evidence to back up his claims of a 'stolen election'?

Trump dismissed his own case a day before the trial was to begin.


And yet these poor, hapless souls continue to ape whatever that whiner has to say about the legitimacy of any election. You can't fix stupid.


It was a landslide for Newsom!
View attachment 539423

The state’s Democratic governor has survived a Republican-led effort to oust him from office a year early.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) has prevailed in the state’s recall election, projections show, securing a victory in the biggest fight of his political career thus far and protecting the Democratic Party from a perilous ripple effect.


Great news! A great day for American democracy! Just announced on MSNBC.

The recall FAILED. It was a landslide for Newsom.

The Democrats came out in large numbers in an off year election. That's a bad omen for somebody in 2022.
Oh, he sure is. You can bet the mentally ill orange slob is part of why Newsom won in a landslide.

Oh, sure. You don't need to particularly like Newsom to think that a Trump loving talk show host with no relevant experience would be a horrible idea for governor.

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