California Governor Gavin Newsom wins recall election in a landslide!

There are lessons for both parties. The Democrats ran a impressive grassroot campaign and they pointed out that Elder was a far right wing fascist. They also ran against the Texas abortion law. Republicans should take note of things as well. The recall had a chance to succeed because Newsom is still unpopular and will have a tough primary in 2022 however once the leading candidate became a Trump-like candidate it was all over for the recall. In many states Trump endorsed candidates are running against more moderate candidates. What happened in California could happen in many races.

There are 3 numbers in the exit polls that should terrify Republicans.

No: 65%
Yes: 35%

No: 64%
Yes: 36%

No: 59%
Yes: 41%

All 3 of these numbers show the same weakness that Republicans had in 2018 and the 2020 Presidential elections. Newsom pointed out how extreme Elder was. That is what Democrats should do as well. Republicans have gone out of their way to irritate suburban and female voters who tend to be more moderate.
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The state’s Democratic governor has survived a Republican-led effort to oust him from office a year early.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) has prevailed in the state’s recall election, projections show, securing a victory in the biggest fight of his political career thus far and protecting the Democratic Party from a perilous ripple effect.


Great news! A great day for American democracy! Just announced on MSNBC.

The recall FAILED. It was a landslide for Newsom.
Really? A blue-state governor with a huge Democrat-registered majority somehow won his recall election? Not a lot of news in that. Nor is the breakdown — the rural counties voted against him; the big blue coastal cities voted for him.

Democrats outnumber Republicans in voter registrations 40-25, and Democrats who've been elected have made the state a shambles for decades. In other words, it's not just from Newsom that the state is a mess, and there's no sense of a huge sudden crisis, which probably worked to Newsom's advantage. Rolling blackouts, high energy prices, wildfires, unchecked crime, and homelessness have all become a way of life in California. Republican voter registrations have declined because a lot of Republicans have fled. So not that big a surprise that Newsom won. Democrats shouldn't count on this as a national model.
Nahhhhh... it's over.... and Newsom is about to address the voters as I write this...

Your boy Elder never stood a chance in The Land of Fruits and Nuts...

Not that he deserved to, with his nose so far up Trump's a$$ that it went a different shade of brown...


Republicans... take note... Trump continues to drag you deeper and deeper into the abyss...

Republicans... take note... Trump continues to drag you deeper and deeper into the abyss...

I don't understand this. How is it that Trump has an affect on anything. I keep hearing the left talk about these right wing candidates "kissing the ring" of Trump, or how theybhabe to get trumps approval. I see the left trying to hang Trump around the neck.of every republican politician and those running for office, yet, I've never seen any of them give examples of someone apparently needing to exhibit fealty to Trump. Other than at one point they may have supported Trump, and apparently now that makes them a "trumper" or aa "Trump stooge".

It's like the left believes everyone is taking orders from Trump. Would someone please point me to any evidence or examples of this being the case, because I hear a lot of it be thrown around as a weapon, but have yet to see any example of it.
I don't understand this. How is it that Trump has an affect on anything. I keep hearing the left talk about these right wing candidates "kissing the ring" of Trump, or how theybhabe to get trumps approval. I see the left trying to hang Trump around the neck.of every republican politician and those running for office, yet, I've never seen any of them give examples of someone apparently needing to exhibit fealty to Trump. Other than at one point they may have supported Trump, and apparently now that makes them a "trumper" or aa "Trump stooge".

It's like the left believes everyone is taking orders from Trump. Would someone please point me to any evidence or examples of this being the case, because I hear a lot of it be thrown around as a weapon, but have yet to see any example of it.
Yes. It is quite obvious that you do not understand. You will, though, as you continue to lose elections because of your lack of understanding.
Please...just stop with the stolen election talk. Giuliani really dropped the ball, and so did Lindell. They claimed they had proof but nobody stepped up to the plate to show that proof.

Now they want to claim fraud in the Cali election. Unless there is provable evidence and someone is ready to come forward, people just need to drop it. You're doing more harm than good. Every time this happens, the left uses it to paint everyone on the right as a looney, nut bag conspiracy, q anon cultists.

If it's true, the bring the evidence and get it to the courts, if it's not, then stop it. It's only going to make the right look bad come election season.

Trust me, the left is keeping tabs, and this will come up again and again around election time. They are already making Trump a bad name in political circles, and they intend on using that to hang Trump around the neck of every right wing running in 2022 and 2024. They will use these failed fraud allegations as a weapon to accuse the right wingers of being unhinged.

Just sayin...
The thing that changed during the 2020 election was the censorship of social media

For example, about 20% of Biden voters say they would not have voted for him had they known about the Hunter scandals which was censored on social media for the first time in US history.

That was the game changer.
Another excuse-maker... delusional that the deck was stacked... delusional that his own boy (and Twitter account) was not his own worst enemy...


Nearly half the country knew that Rump was unfit to hold high office...

By November 3, 2020, Rump himself had convinced enough others, to reaffirm that old 2016 assumption...

Your boy was a case of "Right Message, Wrong Messenger"...

The sooner you embrace that idea the sooner you'll get back on the road to regaining political power...
Yes. It is quite obvious that you do not understand. You will, though, as you continue to lose elections because of your lack of understanding.
OK then, show me. I mean, if it's true, there has to be evidence of it.
Again, I demonstrated to someone who claimed California was not losing jobs that was not the case. I used the most recent report I could find on numbers which was in July, I mistakenly thought it was August. Thank you for pointing out something so inconsequential.
I see enough fake crap on this board that I crosscheck and if it comes out bad, I question it.
That's nice. The source I provided to show that California was not losing jobs was more than adequate.
You gave no link at all until after you made the claim, so I didn't know where you got your stupid information.
You gave no link at all until after you made the claim, so I didn't know where you got your stupid information.
Neat, whether it's a July or August report it doesn't really matter. It demonstrates that California is not losing jobs which was my only point.
Neat, whether it's a July or August report it doesn't really matter. It demonstrates that California is not losing jobs which was my only point.
You gave no link to the report you were commenting on, no until AFTER your claim, I am not stupid enough to take a persons word for it on this message board. Give me an effin break!
You gave no link to the report you were commenting on, no until AFTER your claim, I am not stupid enough to take a persons word for it on this message board. Give me an effin break!
Ok, what difference does it make? I made my point, California is not losing jobs. If you think otherwise then please by all means post a source.
Ok, what difference does it make? I made my point, California is not losing jobs. If you think otherwise then please by all means post a source.
You are as dense as they come. If you can't figure out my point you are either just purposely being obtuse or you are one of the dumbest humans on earth.
You are as dense as they come. If you can't figure out my point you are either just purposely being obtuse or you are one of the dumbest humans on earth.
Your point is, well...pointless. Did you dispute that my claim is California is not losing jobs? No. Then I don't care about your semantical argument, utterly worthless.

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