California Governor Gavin Newsom wins recall election in a landslide!

To bad for Calif but then they always elect and re-elect Dems to run that State. Can't say I feel any sympathy for them. They GET what they vote for.

Democrats don’t often learn from their mistakes and for some reason they can’t seem to figure out why their taxes and unemployment are so high and there are homeless people everywhere.
Democrats don’t often learn from their mistakes and for some reason they can’t seem to figure out why their taxes and unemployment are so high and there are homeless people everywhere.
All they know is how to win elections, not govern.

They are not even bothered voters tried to recall them, and now they are emboldened to double down on everything they do and believe.
If you steal a Presidential the Rats did..... to steal this is a cinch.

Easy peasy.
Channeling the Ghost of Josef Goebbels with your Führer's "Big Lie" again, are we?

You people ( Rump-worshipers ) are full of $hit clean up to your ears.

Nobody stole the Presidential election of 2020.


You-and-yours floated 60+ cases in various jurisdictions throughout the country.

Many of them in States controlled by Republican election commissions or having Republican attorneys general or secretaries of state.

They were all laughed out of court for lack of merit and substance.

Many of those being Republican judges and justices - some of them even Rump appointees.

Not a single one of our court challenges withstood a closer scrutiny.

Not a one.

And none of your post-election so-called hyper-partisan 'audit' activity have found jack-$hit either.

None of it.

Whatever tiny and miniscule 'fraud' or 'irregularities' that exist in ANY election (including 2016) was statistically insignificant - not enough to overturn.

Not even close to enough.

Your Orange Baboon-God lost fair-and-square.

Right Message... Wrong Messenger.

And his incitement (and abandonment) of the rioters of the January 6, 2021 Insurrection against the United States and Congress proved his unworthiness.

You pi$$ant$ are now squirming and squealing like little piggies about the Newsom recall-election being stolen.

Present your evidence in court and to the general public or shut the phukk up...

You lying sacks of $hit.
Conservatives need to focus on splitting up California and all their electoral voters.

Otherwise, the entire state will remain a hostage to the Left wing loons
Channeling the Ghost of Josef Goebbels with your Fuhrer's "Big Lie" again, are we?

You people ( Rump-worshipers ) are full of $hit clean up to your ears.

Nobody stole the Presidential election of 2020.


You-and-yours floated 60+ cases in various jurisdictions throughout the country.

Many of them in States controlled by Republican election commissions or having Republican attorneys general or secretaries of state.

They were all laughed out of court for lack of merit and substance.

Many of those being Republican judges and justices - some of them even Rump appointees.

Not a single one of our court challenges withstood a closer scrutiny.

Not a one.

And none of your post-election so-called hyper-partisan 'audit' activity have found jack-$hit either.

None of it.

Whatever tiny and miniscule 'fraud' or 'irregularities' that exist in ANY election (including 2016) as statistically insignificant - not enough to overturn.

Not even close to enough.

Your Orange Baboon-God lost fair-and-square.

Right Message... Wrong Messenger.

And his incitement (and abandonment) of the rioters of the January 6, 2021 Insurrection against the United States and Congress proved his unworthiness.

You pi$$ant$ are now squirming and squealing like little piggies about the Newsom recall-election being stolen.

Present your evidence in court and to the general public or shut the phukk up...

You lying sacks of $hit.
You can't have fair elections without a free press

The media that reaches the majority of Americans sold out to the DNC long ago, and got even worse this last election as social media was censored by them

Throw in academia as being sold out to the DNC as well, and what you have is a system that can only elect democrats from here on out.

There is nothing fair about it, just pure propaganda now
You can't have fair elections without a free press

The media that reaches the majority of Americans sold out to the DNC long ago, and got even worse this last election as social media was censored by them

Throw in academia as being sold out to the DNC as well, and what you have is a system that can only elect democrats from here on out.

There is nothing fair about it, just pure propaganda now
Blah... blah... blah... endless phukking blah... it's everybody's fault but yours... well... bull$hit... you weren't squawking about that in November 2016, eh?

Stop making excuses... go out there and convince enough people that your ideas are better so that you actually WIN elections... do better.

And start choosing better standard bearers... the con-men you've been running recently have been 'outed' as malignant and incompetent liars.
Having a recall election still doesn't bode well for his political future...

He's going to get replaced... especially as more businesses leave the state.

No, it just shows it's too easy to have recalls.

The same thing I said when they recalled Scott Walker in Wisconsin... you don't like what he does, that's what you have a general election for.
No, it just shows it's too easy to have recalls.

The same thing I said when they recalled Scott Walker in Wisconsin... you don't like what he does, that's what you have a general election for.

LOLOL.. You think they're going to Texas?
California is consistent. To say the least. They consistently make their state worse. Its like they are all sadists or something.
Tha fuck :dunno:
California is consistent. To say the least. They consistently make their state worse. Its like they are all sadists or something.
Tha fuck :dunno:

They are doing pretty well .. At least 40 million people think so.
He is winning by a bigger margin than his election result... This is looking like a hammering...

GOP has actually made the guy in to a champion of reason over the mad GOP... Thanks

I love it.. Maybe we are coming to the end of this TRump circus.
Pelosi said it .....she said don't worry ....Newsome's win is on the bag.

Hey! she knew!

She doesn't belongs to a crime family for nothing!;)
I know... Pelosi knew Californians would vote for sane Democrat over a crackpot GOP...

Pelosi must have some sort of magical powers..

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