California Governor Jerry Brown asks President Trump for help

I dare Trump to deny a declaration of a major disaster to a state that's suffering a major disaster. I fucking dare him. Let's see if he has the balls.

nope about fuck them. California spend billions each year for energy they don't need.

Californians are paying billions for power they don't need

The problem with you and all the knucklehead progressives is, "costs" never matter to you assholes.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Let progressives get on a plane, fly out there and do some sandbagging.:boobies::boobies:
Where's George Clooney and Whoopi and Joy?
All of them look like a few days work wouldn't hurt.
Have you seen George lately? He must be adding a 150 pounds to play the part of Michael Moore in a movie.
He was busy fathering twins. :woohoo:
More inane garbage from a right wing hate site. There's been a natural disaster in California, times like that require help no matter what your political differences are. Fucking goddamn conservatives. I hate them with every fiber of my being. Absolute scum.

Awwww....does lil baby need a bottle and a diaper change????? "There, there....there, there (pats your little sloped skull)

Jesuit Jerry Brown seems to be fine with the Calexit movement but at the first sign of trouble? And instead of using the resources and squirreled away money and hard assets of the STATE OF CALIFORNIA.INC? He wants to suck off the federal teat? Irony, thy name is Jerry Brown.

BTW, I find your kind every bit as disgusting as you find those like we are even but the best part of the equation is that I don't want to be liked by you and your ilk. The very thought repulses me. This is a chasm that is as deep as it is wide and there is no bridge for that gap. Your biggest problem is that you commie fucks don't have the numbers, the guns or the with it.


Dale, you're a right wing NUTJOB who thinks no one died at Sandy Hook. NO ONE cares what you think, you fucking mental patient.

Were you at Sandy Hoax? If not, then STFU........
I think that's a big stretch without actual evidence based on your feelings about the party. That's like saying that some in the Republican Party think all Dems are racist against whites therefore some Republican somewhere has likely accused each and every Obama appointee of being racist. If you are going to make a claim, it should be supported by more then that shouldn't it?

If you watch some of the videos coming out of the discussions fo rthe next chairperson of the DNC, all the candidates equate Trump with some kind of racist con man.

I dont know of any serious Republican members of the RNC that bothers with accusing Democrats of racism, though many GOP think Obama was a Kenyan Communist, which I suppose is the GOP equivalent of the Democrats accusation of racism.

And I am not asserting that there is no one in the GOP who thinks that, but that they are too timid to do so even if they felt it was Truth.

If they did in fact break the law, they should be charged and processed like anyone else but I have a feeling there are likely differences between how groups interpret what the law means or whether it's legitimate, but the courts are the place for that.

Yeah, I would assume that the judicial process would proceed apace.

The point is though - the Republicans have done the same things, but no one called it "sedition". So why now? It's not sedition.

I think to hire thousands of violent protesters to attack people, damage property and burn the American flag is in fact sedition.

To block ANY AND ALL attempts by a Republican President to do what both Carter and Obama and Clinton did when they were Presidents to safeguard the people of this country I think is sedition.

Actually, a lot of those accusations are unsupported.

And that is EXACTLY what the Republicans did to the Democrat President Obama.
And that is EXACTLY what the Republicans did to the Democrat President Obama.

How many of Obama's appointments were approved one month after his swearing in?

And how many of Trump's?

No, it is not exactly at all.
It's Trump's job. Just like it was Obama's, even if the state governor hated Obama.
It's one thing to hate......quite another to do what California is doing.

What's the punishment for Sedition?

What is he doing that's "sedition"?

The call for an illegal secession is sedition. Brown signed the Calexit petition, which could be considered sedition. If the state were to apply to the UN as a distinct entity, that would definitely be treason.

How many times has Texas called for secession? Governor Perry even addressed it in a 2009 rally. I think you need more then a petition.
It's one thing to entertain the idea.....quite another to stage riots, create chaos in hearings by throwing around false accusations about Russians blackmailing the president, and making insane claims the president is nuts.

Good Lord...false and insane accusations have been par for the course for years now! The thing is - I don't think the right noticed when they were the ones engaging in it - either that, or they felt their false accusations were truth.

No one is ratcheting down. That's what is insane. Each year brings out crazier and crazier in a tit for tat partisan warfare.
Good Lord...false and insane accusations have been par for the course for years now! The thing is - I don't think the right noticed when they were the ones engaging in it - either that, or they felt their false accusations were truth.
Part of the problem is that reasonable people in the middle tend to tune out the wack jobs in their own party, and the reasonable people in the other party pick up on EVERYTHING the wack jobs say in the party opposite to them.

So reasonable people are surprised when reasonable people of the other party quote the wack jobs of their own party back to them.
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It's one thing to hate......quite another to do what California is doing.

What's the punishment for Sedition?

What is he doing that's "sedition"?

The call for an illegal secession is sedition. Brown signed the Calexit petition, which could be considered sedition. If the state were to apply to the UN as a distinct entity, that would definitely be treason.

How many times has Texas called for secession? Governor Perry even addressed it in a 2009 rally. I think you need more then a petition.
It's one thing to entertain the idea.....quite another to stage riots, create chaos in hearings by throwing around false accusations about Russians blackmailing the president, and making insane claims the president is nuts.

Good Lord...false and insane accusations have been par for the course for years now! The thing is - I don't think the right noticed when they were the ones engaging in it - either that, or they felt their false accusations were truth.

No one is ratcheting down. That's what is insane. Each year brings out crazier and crazier in a tit for tat partisan warfare.

The problem with you is you cannot seem to tell the difference between an accusation from Louis Farrakhan and the Democrats in Congress.
There has always been people out on the fringe, but now the fringe is running the least it is in the Democrat party.

And don't give me this BS about Trump being out on the fringe. When Congress openly states they are going to start a civil war they have stepped over the line. When members running for President of the DNC are saying this, and saying that whites need to sit down and STFU, they have gone too far.

uh, CA puts far more tax money into federal coffers than they receive back, year after year

the red states are nearly all debtor states, google it

That's a long debunked lie. Navigate away from Thinkprogress and learn something, Comrade.

The Peoples Republic took in a cool TRILLION from Obama's Porkulus scam, dwarfing what any other single state hauled in. 8 years later and not a single highway construction project has been completed with the majority of the funds going to the teachers union to bail out their pension plan.
California had a drought and got used to having things that way.

Then it rained and they got wet.

So best for them would just be to hang California out to dry.

California is on a 7 year cycle. 4 years of drought, a moderate year, heavy rain, a moderate year, 4 years of drought.

It's been this way for the last 300 years that people who have a written language have lived here. I suspect even the cave men who were here before that noticed the pattern of weather we have here.

I think that's a big stretch without actual evidence based on your feelings about the party. That's like saying that some in the Republican Party think all Dems are racist against whites therefore some Republican somewhere has likely accused each and every Obama appointee of being racist. If you are going to make a claim, it should be supported by more then that shouldn't it?

If they did in fact break the law, they should be charged and processed like anyone else but I have a feeling there are likely differences between how groups interpret what the law means or whether it's legitimate, but the courts are the place for that.

The point is though - the Republicans have done the same things, but no one called it "sedition". So why now? It's not sedition.

The Soros Army (democratic party) is institutionally racist against whites. The racism is a foundational part of the party structure. Anti-white racism is inexorably linked to the Soros agenda of remaking America in the feudal model of a ruling elite as overlords over an impoverished populace. (see California for this in action.)

Soros wants to create an independent kingdom, and thinks that the plantations in Silicone Valley are enough of a cash cow to keep the newly formed kingdom running. The democratic party exists only to do the bidding of Soros and the plantation owners. People like Jerry Brown are 100% bought and paid for by the plantations of Apple, Intel, Amazon, etc. It is sedition, treason really. The Soros Army actively works to end the Constitutional Republic.
More inane garbage from a right wing hate site. There's been a natural disaster in California, times like that require help no matter what your political differences are. Fucking goddamn conservatives. I hate them with every fiber of my being. Absolute scum.

Awwww....does lil baby need a bottle and a diaper change????? "There, there....there, there (pats your little sloped skull)

Jesuit Jerry Brown seems to be fine with the Calexit movement but at the first sign of trouble? And instead of using the resources and squirreled away money and hard assets of the STATE OF CALIFORNIA.INC? He wants to suck off the federal teat? Irony, thy name is Jerry Brown.

BTW, I find your kind every bit as disgusting as you find those like we are even but the best part of the equation is that I don't want to be liked by you and your ilk. The very thought repulses me. This is a chasm that is as deep as it is wide and there is no bridge for that gap. Your biggest problem is that you commie fucks don't have the numbers, the guns or the with it.


Dale, you're a right wing NUTJOB who thinks no one died at Sandy Hook. NO ONE cares what you think, you fucking mental patient.

I care what Dale says. He is bright and well informed, even though I often (strongly) disagree with him.

You? Well, you're just a mindless hack spewing out the DailyKOS hating points...
Let California fix the dam themselves. Maybe they can use some of that illegal Mexican labor they work so hard to protect.
It's one thing to hate......quite another to do what California is doing.

What's the punishment for Sedition?

What is he doing that's "sedition"?

The call for an illegal secession is sedition. Brown signed the Calexit petition, which could be considered sedition. If the state were to apply to the UN as a distinct entity, that would definitely be treason.

How many times has Texas called for secession? Governor Perry even addressed it in a 2009 rally. I think you need more then a petition.
It's one thing to entertain the idea.....quite another to stage riots, create chaos in hearings by throwing around false accusations about Russians blackmailing the president, and making insane claims the president is nuts.

Good Lord...false and insane accusations have been par for the course for years now! The thing is - I don't think the right noticed when they were the ones engaging in it - either that, or they felt their false accusations were truth.

No one is ratcheting down. That's what is insane. Each year brings out crazier and crazier in a tit for tat partisan warfare.

There is a shadow Government closed minds refuse to see or become aware of. It was recently admitted on national TV we have a shadow Government.
California Governor Jerry Brown Asks President Trump for Help

Leave it to a hypocritical two faced liberal who has no bones about stooping so low
It is about disaster relief not politics as usual, in this case.

and of course we know who disaster relief is part of The Government. Where and when aren't they involved. They've go their greedy ass hands on top of everything.
can you re-state your position in a more concise and cogent manner?
I agree that Cali dropped the ball on fixing this shit they knew was a problem 12 years ago, but this is kind of a "crying over spilt milk" deal. It does little good. The disaster is now, and we have to deal with it even if Cali's being a little bitch. It's like when your 12 year old throws a tantrum and breaks the remote, you don't throw the 12 year old out on the street, you fix the remote and move on. It's not a partisan matter. Partisan shit can be thrown at all kinds of other areas, but not disaster relief.
You know that declaration was given by Trump, yet you hear nearly nothing of it, the very last paragraphs of a 2 page article in the LA Times-

An 'aggressive, proactive attack' to prevent disaster at the Oroville Dam
the Trump administration approved Gov. Jerry Brown's requests for presidential disaster declarations for both the Oroville dam and the response to major winter storms in January, including mudslides and power outages...

...At a news briefing Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said President Trump has been “keeping a close eye” on the situation in Oroville.
Just FYI your source is pay only so a lot of us cannot read said article.

That said, I'm not surprised. Trump's a real American, he's not playing tit for tat games even if a lot of his supporters want him to.
Weird. I don't have a paid subscription. Click close on the subscription box that pops up. That should take you to the article. I have run into others that pull it with that box, just locate the close on the box, usually on a corner, and you should be able to read it.
Just FYI your source is pay only so a lot of us cannot read said article.

That said, I'm not surprised. Trump's a real American, he's not playing tit for tat games even if a lot of his supporters want him to.

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