California Governor Jerry Brown asks President Trump for help

Trump should tell him to go fuck himself.

How do you do that though? Despite the lies of Brown and his thugs regarding the "drought," the floods and mudslides are VERY real and affecting a lot of people.

Brown deserves prison, and if any aid were slated for the Silicone Valley plantations, it should be withheld, but the real people in the North and Sierras need help.
It's one thing to hate......quite another to do what California is doing.

What's the punishment for Sedition?

What is he doing that's "sedition"?
It's not just Jerry Brown. It's mayors and Congress critters from the state calling into question his legitimacy. The mayor of Berkeley encouraging rioters to stifle conservative speech. Refusing to obey immigration laws. Threatening to withhold federal taxes. Every day it gets worse.


A revolt or an incitement to revolt against established authority, usually in the form of Treason or Defamation against government.

Sedition is the crime of revolting or inciting revolt against government. However, because of the broad protection of free speech under the First Amendment, prosecutions for sedition are rare. Nevertheless, sedition remains a crime in the United States under 18 U.S.C.A. § 2384 (2000), a federal statute that punishes seditious conspiracy, and 18 U.S.C.A. § 2385 (2000), which outlaws advocating the overthrow of the federal government by force. Generally, a person may be punished for sedition only when he or she makes statements that create a Clear and Present Danger to rights that the government may lawfully protect (schenck v. united states, 249 U.S. 47, 39 S. Ct. 247, 63 L. Ed. 470 [1919]).

The crime of seditious conspiracy is committed when two or more persons in any state or U.S. territory conspire to levy war against the U.S. government. A person commits the crime of advocating the violent overthrow of the federal government when she willfully advocates or teaches the overthrow of the government by force, publishes material that advocates the overthrow of the government by force, or organizes persons to overthrow the government by force. A person found guilty of seditious conspiracy or advocating the overthrow of the government may be fined and sentenced to up to 20 years in prison. States also maintain laws that punish similar advocacy and conspiracy against the state government.


Questioning legitimacy...isn't that what a bunch of elected Republican officials did when they questioned Obama's birth certificate? Is that sedition?

How about these governors?
5 Republican Governors Say They May Simply Refuse to Obey Obama’s Global Warming Rules
Allen West Tells Military to Disobey Barack Obama’s Unlawful Executive Order
These 7 GOP Governors Are Refusing to Crack Down on Prison Rape

Hillary started that.

Nobody in the GOP started calling for investigations into a Obama legitimacy in winning the election. Nobody tried to call Electors trying to badger them into changing their votes. Nobody tried calling all of Obama's nominees white supremacists on the floor of the Senate. Nobody threatened to assassinate him or impeach him before he took office. Nobody said that they were determined to impeach him without any evidence. Nobody claimed he needed to be impeached for being insane. None of this was going on in the Capital, but it is going on now.'re making excuses, moving goal posts when the Republicans did the same things.

You guys were continuously calling for Obama's impeachment. He got plenty of assasination threats. His nominees were considered black supremicists and Ayer's clones. It wasn't any different. Just the shoes on the other foot now. Either it's sedition in both or neither because the actions are essentially the same.
Nobody in Congress called for an investigation into Obama for Impeachment without any evidence needed before he took office or within hours after he took office. Republicans never accused every single Obama nominee of being a racist and refused to vote for them on that basis. No GOP leader in Washington encouraged people to break the law and resist every single thing Obama did.
I think president Trump should help Californians. I mean there was a natural disaster and they need our federal government to help them.
It's just the right thing to do :)
Politics doesn't matter when people are in danger
California already was a disaster before it started raining..
Really? The 7th biggest economy in the world is a disaster? LOL, there are a whole bunch of states that would like to have the industry that California has.

10th sploogy, with virtually ALL of the wealth concentrated into the hands of a few plantations in Palo Alto.

Oh, and the other states DO have the industry of California. The Plantation bosses have used the democrats in their hip pockets to drive EVERY OTHER industry than tech out of the state, The Plantations went to war against the middle class and have utterly destroyed it in the Peoples Republic, with their little thug democrats doing precisely what Bezos, Cook, and Ellison order them to do..

Antebellum California is a miserable place where 90% of the state lives in abject poverty. while 99.9999999999% of the wealth is concentrated in the hands of a couple dozen Plantation owners. The 9.5% left in the middle are feeling the heat and planning their escape from the oppression of the Sacramento gangsters who are the agents of the Silicone Valley Plantations.
I dare Trump to deny a declaration of a major disaster to a state that's suffering a major disaster. I fucking dare him. Let's see if he has the balls.

Hope he does, but we know what the whiney little bitch will do . Can't do that we must cater to the little bitches who can't handle it. Why they are so big and strong they should take care of it themselves. After all they want no parts of the US. Serves the bastards right.
He won't. Because the government has an agreement with the states to give federal aid when natural disasters occur. "Major disaster" status has been granted to multiple states already this year. I fucking dare Trump to deny it. It would be unprecedented ammunition for his opponents. Will he puss out? Or screw the people he swore an oath to protect? Let's find out.

I would mail the governor a life vest

With bricks in it. :thup:
So sad, thousands of Americans have to flee there homes because of a failing dam, in one of the most political conservative areas of northern Calif. sure they will be pleased to hear that all the support for them seems to be coming from people who lean left. who would have thought that we would lose our moral values over who sits in the big chair,
Actually, it's not the's the emergency spillway....which has never had to be used before in the history of the dam (about 50 years old)

Bull fucking shit.

You're such a fucking liar, Shortbus.

The Spillway was declared unsafe in 2013 due to the damage from the 2009 rains. But Brown and the pawns of the Palo Alto Plantations did nothing, instead funneling money to the train to nowhere, enriching...... ELON MUSK, another plantation owner.

Nothing is done in this corrupt state that doesn't serve the Plantation masters.
What is he doing that's "sedition"?
It's not just Jerry Brown. It's mayors and Congress critters from the state calling into question his legitimacy. The mayor of Berkeley encouraging rioters to stifle conservative speech. Refusing to obey immigration laws. Threatening to withhold federal taxes. Every day it gets worse.


A revolt or an incitement to revolt against established authority, usually in the form of Treason or Defamation against government.

Sedition is the crime of revolting or inciting revolt against government. However, because of the broad protection of free speech under the First Amendment, prosecutions for sedition are rare. Nevertheless, sedition remains a crime in the United States under 18 U.S.C.A. § 2384 (2000), a federal statute that punishes seditious conspiracy, and 18 U.S.C.A. § 2385 (2000), which outlaws advocating the overthrow of the federal government by force. Generally, a person may be punished for sedition only when he or she makes statements that create a Clear and Present Danger to rights that the government may lawfully protect (schenck v. united states, 249 U.S. 47, 39 S. Ct. 247, 63 L. Ed. 470 [1919]).

The crime of seditious conspiracy is committed when two or more persons in any state or U.S. territory conspire to levy war against the U.S. government. A person commits the crime of advocating the violent overthrow of the federal government when she willfully advocates or teaches the overthrow of the government by force, publishes material that advocates the overthrow of the government by force, or organizes persons to overthrow the government by force. A person found guilty of seditious conspiracy or advocating the overthrow of the government may be fined and sentenced to up to 20 years in prison. States also maintain laws that punish similar advocacy and conspiracy against the state government.


Questioning legitimacy...isn't that what a bunch of elected Republican officials did when they questioned Obama's birth certificate? Is that sedition?

How about these governors?
5 Republican Governors Say They May Simply Refuse to Obey Obama’s Global Warming Rules
Allen West Tells Military to Disobey Barack Obama’s Unlawful Executive Order
These 7 GOP Governors Are Refusing to Crack Down on Prison Rape

Hillary started that.

Nobody in the GOP started calling for investigations into a Obama legitimacy in winning the election. Nobody tried to call Electors trying to badger them into changing their votes. Nobody tried calling all of Obama's nominees white supremacists on the floor of the Senate. Nobody threatened to assassinate him or impeach him before he took office. Nobody said that they were determined to impeach him without any evidence. Nobody claimed he needed to be impeached for being insane. None of this was going on in the Capital, but it is going on now.'re making excuses, moving goal posts when the Republicans did the same things.

You guys were continuously calling for Obama's impeachment. He got plenty of assasination threats. His nominees were considered black supremicists and Ayer's clones. It wasn't any different. Just the shoes on the other foot now. Either it's sedition in both or neither because the actions are essentially the same.
Nobody in Congress called for an investigation into Obama for Impeachment without any evidence needed before he took office or within hours after he took office. Republicans never accused every single Obama nominee of being a racist and refused to vote for them on that basis. No GOP leader in Washington encouraged people to break the law and resist every single thing Obama did.

Well, yes, McConnell vowed the GOP was going to resist every single thing Obama did. I linked to Republican leaders vowing to break the law.

No one has accused every single Trump nominee of being a racist.

And ...consider impeachment: Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia
California Governor Jerry Brown Asks President Trump for Help

Leave it to a hypocritical two faced liberal who has no bones about stooping so low

It's Trump's job. Just like it was Obama's, even if the state governor hated Obama.
It's one thing to hate......quite another to do what California is doing.

What's the punishment for Sedition?

What is he doing that's "sedition"?

The call for an illegal secession is sedition. Brown signed the Calexit petition, which could be considered sedition. If the state were to apply to the UN as a distinct entity, that would definitely be treason.
California Governor Jerry Brown Asks President Trump for Help

Leave it to a hypocritical two faced liberal who has no bones about stooping so low

It's Trump's job. Just like it was Obama's, even if the state governor hated Obama.
It's one thing to hate......quite another to do what California is doing.

What's the punishment for Sedition?

What is he doing that's "sedition"?

The call for an illegal secession is sedition. Brown signed the Calexit petition, which could be considered sedition. If the state were to apply to the UN as a distinct entity, that would definitely be treason.

How many times has Texas called for secession? Governor Perry even addressed it in a 2009 rally. I think you need more then a petition.
Well, yes, McConnell vowed the GOP was going to resist every single thing Obama did.

Opposition parties are supposed if there is any point to resisting. Needless wastes of time are not constructive, however.

I linked to Republican leaders vowing to break the law.

If they did in fact break the law, they should be arrested and processed like anyone else, no?

No one has accused every single Trump nominee of being a racist.

Some in the Democratic Party think that ALL Republicans are racist. Some of them think that all white people are racist.

So I think it is safe to say that some Democrat somewhere has likely accused each and every Trump appointee of being a racist at one time or another.

Obama should have been impeached for giving himself War Time Powers in peace time nonemergency conditions to include being able to force any person to work for the government without compensation.
The call for an illegal secession is sedition. Brown signed the Calexit petition, which could be considered sedition. If the state were to apply to the UN as a distinct entity, that would definitely be treason.
How many times has Texas called for secession? Governor Perry even addressed it in a 2009 rally. I think you need more then a petition.
The Constitution allows for a state to petition Congress and leave the Union if it has the consent of the other states.

So how would that in and of itself be considered treason?
It's not just Jerry Brown. It's mayors and Congress critters from the state calling into question his legitimacy. The mayor of Berkeley encouraging rioters to stifle conservative speech. Refusing to obey immigration laws. Threatening to withhold federal taxes. Every day it gets worse.


A revolt or an incitement to revolt against established authority, usually in the form of Treason or Defamation against government.

Sedition is the crime of revolting or inciting revolt against government. However, because of the broad protection of free speech under the First Amendment, prosecutions for sedition are rare. Nevertheless, sedition remains a crime in the United States under 18 U.S.C.A. § 2384 (2000), a federal statute that punishes seditious conspiracy, and 18 U.S.C.A. § 2385 (2000), which outlaws advocating the overthrow of the federal government by force. Generally, a person may be punished for sedition only when he or she makes statements that create a Clear and Present Danger to rights that the government may lawfully protect (schenck v. united states, 249 U.S. 47, 39 S. Ct. 247, 63 L. Ed. 470 [1919]).

The crime of seditious conspiracy is committed when two or more persons in any state or U.S. territory conspire to levy war against the U.S. government. A person commits the crime of advocating the violent overthrow of the federal government when she willfully advocates or teaches the overthrow of the government by force, publishes material that advocates the overthrow of the government by force, or organizes persons to overthrow the government by force. A person found guilty of seditious conspiracy or advocating the overthrow of the government may be fined and sentenced to up to 20 years in prison. States also maintain laws that punish similar advocacy and conspiracy against the state government.


Questioning legitimacy...isn't that what a bunch of elected Republican officials did when they questioned Obama's birth certificate? Is that sedition?

How about these governors?
5 Republican Governors Say They May Simply Refuse to Obey Obama’s Global Warming Rules
Allen West Tells Military to Disobey Barack Obama’s Unlawful Executive Order
These 7 GOP Governors Are Refusing to Crack Down on Prison Rape

Hillary started that.

Nobody in the GOP started calling for investigations into a Obama legitimacy in winning the election. Nobody tried to call Electors trying to badger them into changing their votes. Nobody tried calling all of Obama's nominees white supremacists on the floor of the Senate. Nobody threatened to assassinate him or impeach him before he took office. Nobody said that they were determined to impeach him without any evidence. Nobody claimed he needed to be impeached for being insane. None of this was going on in the Capital, but it is going on now.'re making excuses, moving goal posts when the Republicans did the same things.

You guys were continuously calling for Obama's impeachment. He got plenty of assasination threats. His nominees were considered black supremicists and Ayer's clones. It wasn't any different. Just the shoes on the other foot now. Either it's sedition in both or neither because the actions are essentially the same.
Nobody in Congress called for an investigation into Obama for Impeachment without any evidence needed before he took office or within hours after he took office. Republicans never accused every single Obama nominee of being a racist and refused to vote for them on that basis. No GOP leader in Washington encouraged people to break the law and resist every single thing Obama did.

Well, yes, McConnell vowed the GOP was going to resist every single thing Obama did. I linked to Republican leaders vowing to break the law.

No one has accused every single Trump nominee of being a racist.

And ...consider impeachment: Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia
McConnell said he wanted to make him "a one-term president ".

That isn't unethical because that's the goal every time for the opposition.

And nobody tried to impeach Obama with no crime and no evidence. They simply don't like him and that's enough for them

And they have accused every nominee and every member of his administration of being a racist.

How many times has Texas called for secession? Governor Perry even addressed it in a 2009 rally. I think you need more then a petition.

Texas has a provision in their admission to the Union that specifically addresses secession. No such provision was made when California joined. The Antebellum state has no more right to leave the Union than South Carolina (whom it now so closely resembles) in 1860 did. I know the plantation owners are angry that they have a Federal Government that isn't bought and paid for, but they don't get to take US Territory to make their own little fiefdom. Brown and the California democrats are little dogs doing the bidding of their masters on the plantations, so Bezos, Cook, Ellison and the rest of the elite expect the Federal Government to sit up and beg to them as well.

Maybe a little Anti-Trust action against Apple, Amazon, and the other major plantations would help focus these elitist pigs?
More inane garbage from a right wing hate site. There's been a natural disaster in California, times like that require help no matter what your political differences are. Fucking goddamn conservatives. I hate them with every fiber of my being. Absolute scum.
Well, yes, McConnell vowed the GOP was going to resist every single thing Obama did.

Opposition parties are supposed if there is any point to resisting. Needless wastes of time are not constructive, however.

I linked to Republican leaders vowing to break the law.

If they did in fact break the law, they should be arrested and processed like anyone else, no?

No one has accused every single Trump nominee of being a racist.

Some in the Democratic Party think that ALL Republicans are racist. Some of them think that all white people are racist.

So I think it is safe to say that some Democrat somewhere has likely accused each and every Trump appointee of being a racist at one time or another.

Obama should have been impeached for giving himself War Time Powers in peace time nonemergency conditions to include being able to force any person to work for the government without compensation.

I think that's a big stretch without actual evidence based on your feelings about the party. That's like saying that some in the Republican Party think all Dems are racist against whites therefore some Republican somewhere has likely accused each and every Obama appointee of being racist. If you are going to make a claim, it should be supported by more then that shouldn't it?

If they did in fact break the law, they should be charged and processed like anyone else but I have a feeling there are likely differences between how groups interpret what the law means or whether it's legitimate, but the courts are the place for that.

The point is though - the Republicans have done the same things, but no one called it "sedition". So why now? It's not sedition.
I think that's a big stretch without actual evidence based on your feelings about the party. That's like saying that some in the Republican Party think all Dems are racist against whites therefore some Republican somewhere has likely accused each and every Obama appointee of being racist. If you are going to make a claim, it should be supported by more then that shouldn't it?

If you watch some of the videos coming out of the discussions fo rthe next chairperson of the DNC, all the candidates equate Trump with some kind of racist con man.

I dont know of any serious Republican members of the RNC that bothers with accusing Democrats of racism, though many GOP think Obama was a Kenyan Communist, which I suppose is the GOP equivalent of the Democrats accusation of racism.

And I am not asserting that there is no one in the GOP who thinks that, but that they are too timid to do so even if they felt it was Truth.

If they did in fact break the law, they should be charged and processed like anyone else but I have a feeling there are likely differences between how groups interpret what the law means or whether it's legitimate, but the courts are the place for that.

Yeah, I would assume that the judicial process would proceed apace.

The point is though - the Republicans have done the same things, but no one called it "sedition". So why now? It's not sedition.

I think to hire thousands of violent protesters to attack people, damage property and burn the American flag is in fact sedition.

To block ANY AND ALL attempts by a Republican President to do what both Carter and Obama and Clinton did when they were Presidents to safeguard the people of this country I think is sedition.
California had a drought and got used to having things that way.

Then it rained and they got wet.

So best for them would just be to hang California out to dry.
California Governor Jerry Brown Asks President Trump for Help

Leave it to a hypocritical two faced liberal who has no bones about stooping so low

It's Trump's job. Just like it was Obama's, even if the state governor hated Obama.
It's one thing to hate......quite another to do what California is doing.

What's the punishment for Sedition?

What is he doing that's "sedition"?

The call for an illegal secession is sedition. Brown signed the Calexit petition, which could be considered sedition. If the state were to apply to the UN as a distinct entity, that would definitely be treason.

How many times has Texas called for secession? Governor Perry even addressed it in a 2009 rally. I think you need more then a petition.
It's one thing to entertain the idea.....quite another to stage riots, create chaos in hearings by throwing around false accusations about Russians blackmailing the president, and making insane claims the president is nuts.
Well, yes, McConnell vowed the GOP was going to resist every single thing Obama did.

Opposition parties are supposed if there is any point to resisting. Needless wastes of time are not constructive, however.

I linked to Republican leaders vowing to break the law.

If they did in fact break the law, they should be arrested and processed like anyone else, no?

No one has accused every single Trump nominee of being a racist.

Some in the Democratic Party think that ALL Republicans are racist. Some of them think that all white people are racist.

So I think it is safe to say that some Democrat somewhere has likely accused each and every Trump appointee of being a racist at one time or another.

Obama should have been impeached for giving himself War Time Powers in peace time nonemergency conditions to include being able to force any person to work for the government without compensation.

I think that's a big stretch without actual evidence based on your feelings about the party. That's like saying that some in the Republican Party think all Dems are racist against whites therefore some Republican somewhere has likely accused each and every Obama appointee of being racist. If you are going to make a claim, it should be supported by more then that shouldn't it?

If they did in fact break the law, they should be charged and processed like anyone else but I have a feeling there are likely differences between how groups interpret what the law means or whether it's legitimate, but the courts are the place for that.

The point is though - the Republicans have done the same things, but no one called it "sedition". So why now? It's not sedition.

This nothing like we did. This has taken it to a whole new level.
More inane garbage from a right wing hate site. There's been a natural disaster in California, times like that require help no matter what your political differences are. Fucking goddamn conservatives. I hate them with every fiber of my being. Absolute scum.

Awwww....does lil baby need a bottle and a diaper change????? "There, there....there, there (pats your little sloped skull)

Jesuit Jerry Brown seems to be fine with the Calexit movement but at the first sign of trouble? And instead of using the resources and squirreled away money and hard assets of the STATE OF CALIFORNIA.INC? He wants to suck off the federal teat? Irony, thy name is Jerry Brown.

BTW, I find your kind every bit as disgusting as you find those like we are even but the best part of the equation is that I don't want to be liked by you and your ilk. The very thought repulses me. This is a chasm that is as deep as it is wide and there is no bridge for that gap. Your biggest problem is that you commie fucks don't have the numbers, the guns or the with it.


Dale, you're a right wing NUTJOB who thinks no one died at Sandy Hook. NO ONE cares what you think, you fucking mental patient.

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