California Governor To Pull National Guard Troops From Border

My govorner is doing exactly what we elected him to do. Neusome will take down tRump and the wall.

Just in!

Appeals court sides with Trump in border wall prototype dispute

A California-based federal appeals court on Monday sided with the Trump administration in lawsuits brought by state and environmental groups brought challenging the U.S. government’s authority to expedite construction of barriers along the border with Mexico.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in a 2-1 ruling said the Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 gives the Department of Homeland Security broad authority to construct the border barriers and waive environmental laws in the process.

The ruling affirms a district court's decision that allowed the federal government to construct wall "prototypes” in San Diego and replace primary fencing near Calexico, Calif.
“Cali has the best weather!” Well y’all also have the largest homeless population in the country, ridiculous taxes, a serious drug epidemic, and apparently now the police can write you a $1,000 ticket for car modifications. Lmfao, Cali is a joke.
Fed funds pay for states National Guard. Stop payment to the National Guard in California, and while they're at it, New Mexico too, since that state did the same.
My govorner is doing exactly what we elected him to do. Neusome will take down tRump and the wall.

Just in!

Appeals court sides with Trump in border wall prototype dispute

A California-based federal appeals court on Monday sided with the Trump administration in lawsuits brought by state and environmental groups brought challenging the U.S. government’s authority to expedite construction of barriers along the border with Mexico.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in a 2-1 ruling said the Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 gives the Department of Homeland Security broad authority to construct the border barriers and waive environmental laws in the process.

The ruling affirms a district court's decision that allowed the federal government to construct wall "prototypes” in San Diego and replace primary fencing near Calexico, Calif.

I still can't get over the tRump hypocritical action of building a wall, but hiring illegals. That is wrong in so many ways.
Another open borders ignoramus who lacks the value of life for the law abiding Citizens of his state and America. Trump will have no choice but to go alone and declare a National Emergency.

Multiple sources in link:


Will someone please tell me what Newsom could be thinking?

He is a lot of bad things, I would bet. But I didn't think he was stupid.

When he pulls the troops from the border, if something bad happens as a result, he would be seen as causing it by failing to use his power to keep the people of California safe.

How would they not hold him accountable at the polls???
Newsom is thinking about driving the last bit of Americans out of California, unless they have money enough to live behind walls. Newsom intends to triple the number of homeless in his first year. Under the smokes for votes program the homeless are reliable democrat voters.

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