California has about one year of water left

When they fled West from the dust bowl in caravans of beat-up vehicles they were called "Okies" - with deep contempt.

Next year when they flee East from the new dust bowl in caravans of SUVs and limos will they be called "Callies"? Will the contempt be at all muted?
Ban agriculture (read: aquaculture). Farmers have raped and pillaged the land for generations.
We'll never learn.

Colorado took water from California.
Arizona took water from Colorado.

But few will willingly do what it takes to conserve.
Right, the sky is falling, it has nothing to do with the 100 billion dollar twin tunnels, does it, or the 46 trillion save the earth by burning more oil and coal to cover the california with wind turbines and solar. Still its funny hiw in the last three years we produced more wine grapes then any other time in history.

Anyhow, you can laugh as you pay high prices for food, you can relish in how right you are as banks and corporations get rich, saving us from the falling sky.

46 trillion, that is a lot of money to be lent, a lot of commodities to be traded by wall street.

You are one gullible sucker.

Anyhow our aquifers are only down 10 % but the reserves will go dry because the politicians turned off the water, not because there is no rain.

Thank goodness, it's about time.

Let them dry up and flake off into the ocean. It can't happen fast enough for me.


Wishing death on other human beings and fellow Americans.

The christian point of view.

Next, we'll hear, "Let them drink sand."

It reminds me of the GOP Health Care Plan...

Right, the sky is falling, it has nothing to do with the 100 billion dollar twin tunnels, does it, or the 46 trillion save the earth by burning more oil and coal to cover the california with wind turbines and solar. Still its funny hiw in the last three years we produced more wine grapes then any other time in history.

Anyhow, you can laugh as you pay high prices for food, you can relish in how right you are as banks and corporations get rich, saving us from the falling sky.

46 trillion, that is a lot of money to be lent, a lot of commodities to be traded by wall street.

You are one gullible sucker.

Anyhow our aquifers are only down 10 % but the reserves will go dry because the politicians turned off the water, not because there is no rain.

Why don't you leave the mountains and come live by me in Columbus, OH. Been raining all day and supposed to rain till midday tomorrow pretty hard. Our grass is actually green and real grass. ;) I can afford the higher prices, but many other can't. Thank you California.

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