California hits 6 million residents with unprecedented water restrictions, agriculture is

yea i did...i showed you a list of what most people in most jobs make in cal......your list shows an avg of all workers,you do realize that the wealthy people out there bring that avg up to what you say most people make......if you live along the wealthy coast you are making a good living many places inland you may be way under 80K a California it all depends on were you live.....
Thanks Harry. That was what I was telling people during the bush years
They were factoring the CEOs and vps pay into wages. Very true.

I wish they took out every person who makes $1 million a year or more. Don’t count them as employees. Take them out then tell us how much the average worker makes. I agree the number would be much lower.
Whenever Progressives run things, everything, except a wealthy Progressive politicians, become scarce
publicans don’t even worry about resources becoming scarce. We at least try to regulate so we don’t run out of resources.

What would a libertarian do? Nothing. They’d let the free market decide. What would you do?
Thanks Harry. That was what I was telling people during the bush years
They were factoring the CEOs and vps pay into wages. Very true.

I wish they took out every person who makes $1 million a year or more. Don’t count them as employees. Take them out then tell us how much the average worker makes. I agree the number would be much lower.
gee we actually agree on something.....
gee we actually agree on something.....
I think we agree on most things. That’s why you should vote democratic. It’s the party for us to take back.

Not the republicans, tea party, libertarian party or Green Party.

Sarah palin knew this. She wasn’t always a Republican. In fact she was in a party that wanted Alaska to secede from the union. But she knew if she wanted to make change it would have to be through one of two parties.

She, the libertarians and tea party all tried to do it through the Republican Party. And each of them was somewhat successful.

Has your party been successful in implementing change on a local, state or national level?

then pick a better party. The Democratic Party.

publicans don’t even worry about resources becoming scarce. We at least try to regulate so we don’t run out of resources.

What would a libertarian do? Nothing. They’d let the free market decide. What would you do?

Coolidge ended a horrible post WWI recession in 18 months and jump started the Roaring 20's so yeah. Sign me up
I think we agree on most things. That’s why you should vote democratic. It’s the party for us to take back.

Not the republicans, tea party, libertarian party or Green Party.

Sarah palin knew this. She wasn’t always a Republican. In fact she was in a party that wanted Alaska to secede from the union. But she knew if she wanted to make change it would have to be through one of two parties.

She, the libertarians and tea party all tried to do it through the Republican Party. And each of them was somewhat successful.

Has your party been successful in implementing change on a local, state or national level?

then pick a better party. The Democratic Party.
sorry bobo i lived under that party for many years in california....under their management that state went from maybe the best place on the planet to live to an over crowded over taxed over regulated place that it is today......neither party impresses me....they both are filled with 20 percenters bottom of the barrel stuff.....
sorry bobo i lived under that party for many years in california....under their management that state went from maybe the best place on the planet to live to an over crowded over taxed over regulated place that it is today......neither party impresses me....they both are filled with 20 percenters bottom of the barrel stuff.....

So should they have built a wall? Or maybe they, or the federal government, should continue what we used to do. We used to go after illegal employers.

Also, is this a states rights issue? If Texas liked and defended their Mexican visitors, would you have anything to say about it? So they could come in through Texas and go to California, even if you build an impenetrable wall between California and Mexi Cali. Same with gun laws in NYC. If someone wants to bring them in from another state, what can NY do about it?

So California must have a shit ton of illegal employers. Is that what you are telling me?

This is what we were saying in 2006. Who were you voting for in 2006? Did you vote for Bush? Doesn't matter Gore won California. But people like you in Ohio and Tennessee are the reason we have so many illegal workers in this country. You voted for Bush, didn't vote at all, or voted 3rd party.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

The hiring crimes of Illegal Employers are being ignored by the law, and rewarded by the economic systems of the nation.
So should they have built a wall? Or maybe they, or the federal government, should continue what we used to do. We used to go after illegal employers.

Also, is this a states rights issue? If Texas liked and defended their Mexican visitors, would you have anything to say about it? So they could come in through Texas and go to California, even if you build an impenetrable wall between California and Mexi Cali. Same with gun laws in NYC. If someone wants to bring them in from another state, what can NY do about it?

So California must have a shit ton of illegal employers. Is that what you are telling me?

This is what we were saying in 2006. Who were you voting for in 2006? Did you vote for Bush? Doesn't matter Gore won California. But people like you in Ohio and Tennessee are the reason we have so many illegal workers in this country. You voted for Bush, didn't vote at all, or voted 3rd party.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

The hiring crimes of Illegal Employers are being ignored by the law, and rewarded by the economic systems of the nation.
california has never gone after illegal employers in this century and never will.....
bobo it isnt because of me we have illegal workers in this country....were the hell do you get these ideas? it from your party?....
welcome to joey xiden’s america, where californians can’t get a drink of water
sorry bobo i lived under that party for many years in california....under their management that state went from maybe the best place on the planet to live to an over crowded over taxed over regulated place that it is today......neither party impresses me....they both are filled with 20 percenters bottom of the barrel stuff.....
I thought you'd like this George Carlin quote

“Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls. They got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying. Lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else, but I’ll tell you what they don’t want. They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. That’s against their interests. That’s right.”
They've been made scarce intentionally, by people like you.
We're the ones telling you guys natural resources are scarce and it's your party that argues with us that things are just fine. You admitted you agree with me. Natural resources are scare. Now you want to claim it's us who did it. Typical Republican move. First deny something is a problem and when you admit it finally, say it's the other sides fault. The problem you claimed didn't exist previously. Got it.

So at least we agree natural resources are scarce. This is a perfect example how the rich divide us with wedge issues. We actually agree the problem exists. Now if I can only convince you that it's not us doing it....INTENTIONALLY on top of that.

If you mean raising gas prices to keep you from using so much, that's a great idea! I've been riding my ebike a lot more lately and walking my dog around my home instead of driving 8 miles every day to take his spoiled ass to the park. Now 8 miles costs me $3. Do I really want to go to the park that bad? Nah. So I'm saving gas. The planet thanks us.
We're the ones telling you guys natural resources are scarce and it's your party that argues with us that things are just fine. You admitted you agree with me. Natural resources are scare. Now you want to claim it's us who did it. Typical Republican move. First deny something is a problem and when you admit it finally, say it's the other sides fault. The problem you claimed didn't exist previously. Got it.

So at least we agree natural resources are scarce. This is a perfect example how the rich divide us with wedge issues. We actually agree the problem exists. Now if I can only convince you that it's not us doing it....INTENTIONALLY on top of that.

If you mean raising gas prices to keep you from using so much, that's a great idea! I've been riding my ebike a lot more lately and walking my dog around my home instead of driving 8 miles every day to take his spoiled ass to the park. Now 8 miles costs me $3. Do I really want to go to the park that bad? Nah. So I'm saving gas. The planet thanks us.
No, the resources have been made artificially scarce (i.e. withheld) by the direct actions of people like you. DemoKKKrats like you have been in complete control of California for 35 years, during which time NO new water storage infrastructure was built, and the population doubled. Only progreSSives (like you) are too dumb to see what was coming.
No, the resources have been made artificially scarce (i.e. withheld) by the direct actions of people like you. DemoKKKrats like you have been in complete control of California for 35 years, during which time NO new water storage infrastructure was built, and the population doubled. Only progreSSives (like you) are too dumb to see what was coming.
There you go. You just said the population doubled. We don't like that. So yes, we probably raise prices and taxes to run the rats out.

We do that to black people in Metro Detroit. It's kind of expensive to live in Metro Detroit. You have to cut your grass which means you have to buy a lawnmower and actually cut your grass. Taxes are a bitch. We don't want to make it affordable for just anyone to live here. Take the hint.
There you go. You just said the population doubled. We don't like that. So yes, we probably raise prices and taxes to run the rats out.

We do that to black people in Metro Detroit. It's kind of expensive to live in Metro Detroit. You have to cut your grass which means you have to buy a lawnmower and actually cut your grass. Taxes are a bitch. We don't want to make it affordable for just anyone to live here. Take the hint.
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