California hits 6 million residents with unprecedented water restrictions, agriculture is

The Tax Reform Act of 1986 lowered the top tax rate for ordinary income from 50% to 28% and raised the bottom tax rate from 11% to 15%. This was the first time in U.S. income tax history that the top tax rate was lowered and the bottom rate was increased at the same time.

Thanks. Was that supporting the FICA claim?
I found where Republicans are admitting it's true but that it was Democrats fault.

Republicans admitted that FICA was doubled? LOL!

So if I prove he did double FICA for people earning less than $40K, what are you going to do for me?

I'll congratulate you for being right, for a change.
Well then congratulate me because Reagan raised taxes in 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986 and 1987. Ultimately he doubled FICA for people earning less than $40K.

So, despite his public opposition to higher taxes, Reagan ended up signing off on several measures intended to raise more revenue.

"Reagan was certainly a tax cutter legislatively, emotionally and ideologically. But for a variety of political reasons, it was hard for him to ignore the cost of his tax cuts," said tax historian Joseph Thorndike.

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime

For instance, more asset sales became taxable and tax-advantaged contributions and benefits under pension plans were further limited.

There were other notable tax increases under Reagan.

In 1983, for example, he signed off on Social Security reform legislation that, among other things, accelerated an increase in the payroll tax rate, required that higher-income beneficiaries pay income tax on part of their benefits, and required the self-employed to pay the full payroll tax rate, rather than just the portion normally paid by employees.

The tax reform of 1986, meanwhile, wasn't designed to increase federal tax revenue. But that didn't mean that no one's taxes went up. Because the reform bill eliminated or reduced many tax breaks and shelters, high-income tax filers who previously paid little ended up with bigger tax bills.

All told, the tax increases Reagan approved ended up canceling out much of the reduction in tax revenue that resulted from his 1981 legislation.
Well then congratulate me because Reagan raised taxes in 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986 and 1987. Ultimately he doubled FICA for people earning less than $40K.

So, despite his public opposition to higher taxes, Reagan ended up signing off on several measures intended to raise more revenue.

"Reagan was certainly a tax cutter legislatively, emotionally and ideologically. But for a variety of political reasons, it was hard for him to ignore the cost of his tax cuts," said tax historian Joseph Thorndike.

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime

For instance, more asset sales became taxable and tax-advantaged contributions and benefits under pension plans were further limited.

There were other notable tax increases under Reagan.

In 1983, for example, he signed off on Social Security reform legislation that, among other things, accelerated an increase in the payroll tax rate, required that higher-income beneficiaries pay income tax on part of their benefits, and required the self-employed to pay the full payroll tax rate, rather than just the portion normally paid by employees.

The tax reform of 1986, meanwhile, wasn't designed to increase federal tax revenue. But that didn't mean that no one's taxes went up. Because the reform bill eliminated or reduced many tax breaks and shelters, high-income tax filers who previously paid little ended up with bigger tax bills.

All told, the tax increases Reagan approved ended up canceling out much of the reduction in tax revenue that resulted from his 1981 legislation.

Well then congratulate me because Reagan raised taxes in 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986 and 1987.

He raised them so much that your source is whining about lower government revenues? Weird.

Ultimately he doubled FICA for people earning less than $40K.

You just won't post proof.

In 1983, for example, he signed off on Social Security reform legislation that, among other things, accelerated an increase in the payroll tax rate

Right. He moved the scheduled 1% increase forward one year. Awful!!
Thanks. Was that supporting the FICA claim?
How would you know everything that Reagan's tax bill did? Did you read it? Do you think Reagan read it?

At the time, people weren't substantially informed about the tax cuts, as an ABC News Poll in September 1986 showed that 63% of Americans didn't know enough about the Tax Reform Act of 1986 to say if it was good or bad.
Well then congratulate me because Reagan raised taxes in 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986 and 1987.

He raised them so much that your source is whining about lower government revenues? Weird.

Ultimately he doubled FICA for people earning less than $40K.

You just won't post proof.

In 1983, for example, he signed off on Social Security reform legislation that, among other things, accelerated an increase in the payroll tax rate

Right. He moved the scheduled 1% increase forward one year. Awful!!
He also raised your and my retirement age 2 years. He really fucked you. Just remember when you are working at age 66, he did that to you. What is two years at that age worth to you? To me it's worth a lot. You only have so many summers left.

I can't find proof so I'm asking the guy who wrote it. I'm looking.
He also raised your and my retirement age 2 years. He really fucked you. Just remember when you are working at age 66, he did that to you. What is two years at that age worth to you? To me it's worth a lot. You only have so many summers left.

I can't find proof so I'm asking the guy who wrote it. I'm looking.

He also raised your and my retirement age 2 years. He really fucked you.

It was going broke.
Remember the Greenspan Commission?

I can't find proof so I'm asking the guy who wrote it. I'm looking.

Good luck.
He also raised your and my retirement age 2 years. He really fucked you. Just remember when you are working at age 66, he did that to you. What is two years at that age worth to you? To me it's worth a lot. You only have so many summers left.

I can't find proof so I'm asking the guy who wrote it. I'm looking.

Short memory?


He also raised your and my retirement age 2 years. He really fucked you. Just remember when you are working at age 66, he did that to you. What is two years at that age worth to you? To me it's worth a lot. You only have so many summers left.

I can't find proof so I'm asking the guy who wrote it. I'm looking.

Once again, why can't you address the topic? People like you, who have run California for decades, haven't built any new water storage infrastructure in 40 years, during which time the population of the state has doubled. That's an intentionally created crisis. It's your fault, and your fellow DemoKKKrats are now punishing mostly poor and brown people (of course) for their own bad policies.
I don't give a damn about them. They move into the desert and then don't take steps to get more water.

Oh well.......Enjoy the thirst.
I don't give a damn about them. They move into the desert and then don't take steps to get more water.

Oh well.......Enjoy the thirst.
You might want to update your avatar and sigs. Sandy Hook families HAVE sued gun manufacturers and recently settled with Remington for $73 million. But they're not done, are they.
You might want to update your avatar and sigs. Sandy Hook families HAVE sued gun manufacturers and recently settled with Remington for $73 million. But they're not done, are they.
My sig line stays. Joe's famous saying stays
Once again, why can't you address the topic? People like you, who have run California for decades, haven't built any new water storage infrastructure in 40 years, during which time the population of the state has doubled. That's an intentionally created crisis. It's your fault, and your fellow DemoKKKrats are now punishing mostly poor and brown people (of course) for their own bad policies.

Why would anyone want to live in California.........
According to the facts, in the last 40 years California's population doubled. So people who move there for work, rich people, bums, surfers and illegals.

Everyone else should leave. Same reason you would never move to NYC or Hawaii. You can't afford it. If you could, you would.
mail carriers make the same no matter were you live except Alaska....wrong again bobo.....
I saw this George Carlin quote and thought of you

“When you're born into this world, you're given a ticket to the freak show. If you're born in America you get a front row seat.”​

According to the facts, in the last 40 years California's population doubled. So people who move there for work, rich people, bums, surfers and illegals.

Everyone else should leave. Same reason you would never move to NYC or Hawaii. You can't afford it. If you could, you would.
Lol move to left world. Dont think so.

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