California hits 6 million residents with unprecedented water restrictions, agriculture is

Biden didn't create the water crisis in California, other DemoKKKrats did. Namely Jerry Brown, Gavin Newsom, Gray Davis, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Kamala Harris, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The only thing you post is BULLSHIT. Your unique genre is ignorance, hate and belligerence. Well, maybe not unique, trump was your mentor.
The water companies are always complaining about low water levels in their reservoirs. I drive past my local reservoir every day, and each morning I fill a bucket of water from my tap and empty it into the reservoir on my way to work.

Now, if everyone did the same, these reservoirs would be full in no time.
Aren't you one of the Republicans who said you refuse to stop watering and mowing your lawn? Enjoy that nice green grass.

Why don't they just desalinate the ocean water?
I don't think they can desalinate at the volumes needed to make a big difference.
I don't think they can desalinate at the volumes needed to make a big difference.
It's hard to put an exact dollar figure on desalination—this number varies wildly from place to place, based on labor and energy costs, land prices, financial agreements, and even the salt content of the water. It can cost from just under $1 to well over $2 to produce one cubic meter (264 gallons) of desalted water from the ocean. That's about as much as two people in the U.S. typically go through in a day at home.

But switch the source to a river or an aquifer, and the cost of a cubic meter of water can plummet to 10 to 20 cents, and farmers often pay far less.

That means it's still almost always cheaper to use local freshwater than to desalinate seawater. This price gap, however, is closing. For example, meeting growing demand by finding a new source of water or by building a new dam in a place like California could cost up to 60 cents per cubic meter of water.

And sometimes these traditional means of “harvesting” water are no longer available. As such, this cost figure is expected to continue to rise, which is why California is now seriously considering desalination and why the city of Tampa, Fla., decided to build the biggest desalination plant in the U.S.

Well Todd, anthropogenic global warming was created by the burning of wood, and was exacerbated by coal at the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution.

If only you could prove that, you wouldn't sound like such a con artist.

The water companies are always complaining about low water levels in their reservoirs. I drive past my local reservoir every day, and each morning I fill a bucket of water from my tap and empty it into the reservoir on my way to work.

Now, if everyone did the same, these reservoirs would be full in no time.
You should also piss in it

Urine is about 95% water.
It's hard to put an exact dollar figure on desalination—this number varies wildly from place to place, based on labor and energy costs, land prices, financial agreements, and even the salt content of the water. It can cost from just under $1 to well over $2 to produce one cubic meter (264 gallons) of desalted water from the ocean. That's about as much as two people in the U.S. typically go through in a day at home.

But switch the source to a river or an aquifer, and the cost of a cubic meter of water can plummet to 10 to 20 cents, and farmers often pay far less.

That means it's still almost always cheaper to use local freshwater than to desalinate seawater. This price gap, however, is closing. For example, meeting growing demand by finding a new source of water or by building a new dam in a place like California could cost up to 60 cents per cubic meter of water.

And sometimes these traditional means of “harvesting” water are no longer available. As such, this cost figure is expected to continue to rise, which is why California is now seriously considering desalination and why the city of Tampa, Fla., decided to build the biggest desalination plant in the U.S.

I really believe low cost desalinization is going to be critical going forward especially in areas like the American Southwest that is totally out of control with water usage from the Colorado River and supporting lakes. I love golf but the amount of water it takes to sustain the THOUSANDS of sprawling courses and surrounding areas is staggering. That's one example of non critical water usage that has to change.
You're really into drinking piss. Have you been hanging out with Hunter Biden, by any chance?

I can't believe after everything we heard and saw yesterday about the attempted coup, you want to talk about Hunter. Piss on you!

  • Former Attorney General William Barr told Trump that his claims of widespread election fraud were "bullshit."
I can't believe after everything we heard and saw yesterday about the attempted coup, you want to talk about Hunter. Piss on you!

  • Former Attorney General William Barr told Trump that his claims of widespread election fraud were "bullshit."
Why do you constantly lie? Is that something you’re proud of?
Why do you constantly lie? Is that something you’re proud of?
Why do you make a big deal about Hunter when President Trump sold the Saudi's nuclear technology and then after he got out of office the Saudi's gave Jared $2 billion? Imagine what you'd say if that were Hunter. You fucking hack.
Barr didn’t say it like that. Listen to his one on one with Ben Shapiro.
He didn't say it like that? Well he said it right? Now you want to suggest I'm misinterpreting? This is the tactic you used for 4 fucking years whenever Trump said something bad/stupid/wrong. He didn't mean it like that.

Well Barr did say this

"Disputing President Donald Trump's persistent, baseless claims, Attorney General William Barr declared Tuesday the U.S. Justice Department has uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 election," the AP reported.

Am I misinterpreting this?

"We have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election," Barr said.

"There's been one assertion that would be systemic fraud and that would be the claim that machines were programmed essentially to skew the election results," Barr said, referring to Sidney Powell's allegations that elections systems that stored results in Germany had flipped votes, and the software created in Venezuela "at the direction of Hugo Chavez" was capable of changing votes. "The DHS and DOJ have looked into that, and so far, we haven't seen anything to substantiate that," Barr went on, referring to the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice.

Barr met with Donald Trump for three hours. The president continued to rail against the vote outcome, repeating some of the same claims of fraud and a stolen election. He asked Barr about his quotes in the AP story. "You must have said that because you hate Trump, you must really hate Trump."

Barr tells the president that he thinks the White House has no strategy. He says, according to Bob Woodward and Robert Costa's "Peril" that "every self-respecting lawyer in the country has run for the hills. Your team is a bunch of clowns. ... You have wasted four weeks on the one theory that is demonstrably crazy, which is these machines."

"Barr had never seen Trump in such a fury," the authors write in "Peril." "If a human being can have flames coming out of his ears, this was it. Barr imagined the flames. He had never seen Trump madder."

Senator Chuck Schumer is quoted as saying: "I guess he's the next one to be fired."

Meadows asked Barr not to resign before January 20. He agreed to stay on if the president wanted him to, but, according to "Peril," "Barr immediately regretted saying he would stay ... Trump was not listening to him, and the attorney general was now a figurehead at best."

That night, Barr had dinner with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and they commiserated about Trump and the potential dangers to the country. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Army Gen. Mark Milley later called Barr, saying "you can't leave now. We need you," begging him to stay on to January 20. The silent coup plotters of the government, cabinet members now untethered from the president, worried that something terrible was ahead: there were still almost two months before the inauguration of Joe Biden.

Trump's claim that he won was bullshit. How else do you say that?

Barr quit because he wasn't going to defend a lie. BULLSHIT!
Why do you make a big deal about Hunter when President Trump sold the Saudi's nuclear technology and then after he got out of office the Saudi's gave Jared $2 billion? Imagine what you'd say if that were Hunter. You fucking hack.
Because the media said the laptop story was a lie and would not cover it. It wasn’t.
He didn't say it like that? Well he said it right? Now you want to suggest I'm misinterpreting? This is the tactic you used for 4 fucking years whenever Trump said something bad/stupid/wrong. He didn't mean it like that.

Well Barr did say this

"Disputing President Donald Trump's persistent, baseless claims, Attorney General William Barr declared Tuesday the U.S. Justice Department has uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 election," the AP reported.

Am I misinterpreting this?

"We have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election," Barr said.

"There's been one assertion that would be systemic fraud and that would be the claim that machines were programmed essentially to skew the election results," Barr said, referring to Sidney Powell's allegations that elections systems that stored results in Germany had flipped votes, and the software created in Venezuela "at the direction of Hugo Chavez" was capable of changing votes. "The DHS and DOJ have looked into that, and so far, we haven't seen anything to substantiate that," Barr went on, referring to the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice.

Barr met with Donald Trump for three hours. The president continued to rail against the vote outcome, repeating some of the same claims of fraud and a stolen election. He asked Barr about his quotes in the AP story. "You must have said that because you hate Trump, you must really hate Trump."

Barr tells the president that he thinks the White House has no strategy. He says, according to Bob Woodward and Robert Costa's "Peril" that "every self-respecting lawyer in the country has run for the hills. Your team is a bunch of clowns. ... You have wasted four weeks on the one theory that is demonstrably crazy, which is these machines."

"Barr had never seen Trump in such a fury," the authors write in "Peril." "If a human being can have flames coming out of his ears, this was it. Barr imagined the flames. He had never seen Trump madder."

Senator Chuck Schumer is quoted as saying: "I guess he's the next one to be fired."

Meadows asked Barr not to resign before January 20. He agreed to stay on if the president wanted him to, but, according to "Peril," "Barr immediately regretted saying he would stay ... Trump was not listening to him, and the attorney general was now a figurehead at best."

That night, Barr had dinner with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and they commiserated about Trump and the potential dangers to the country. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Army Gen. Mark Milley later called Barr, saying "you can't leave now. We need you," begging him to stay on to January 20. The silent coup plotters of the government, cabinet members now untethered from the president, worried that something terrible was ahead: there were still almost two months before the inauguration of Joe Biden.

Trump's claim that he won was bullshit. How else do you say that?

Barr quit because he wasn't going to defend a lie. BULLSHIT!

Listen to his one on one with Ben and judge for yourself. LOL

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