California is gonna


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
tax cigarettes another $1.00 per pack.. supposedly to get smokers to stop smoking..:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: and then they want ya to amoke some pot. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: California is nutzoid.
They don't want people to quit. I think it would be unconstitutional to unfairly tax something in an attempt to make people stop using it. I don't think penalty taxes should be allowed. They need money and they know this will bring in some quick cash. Since smokers have been sufficiently turned into villians, no one will stand up for their rights. That's the mindset of the left. If you can make people hate certain groups, then it's okay to run roughshod over their rights with no complaints.
But smoking pot is fun!!!!

California born and raised, proud of it. Cali gettin stuff done.
tax cigarettes another $1.00 per pack.. supposedly to get smokers to stop smoking..:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: and then they want ya to amoke some pot. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: California is nutzoid.

it has to be voted on Willow.....and the people i have talked to Smoker or not....are tired of these guys trying to tax everything you do.....and when the tax gets voted down they try another way....."fees".........California for the past 15 years or so have had a Legislature with people with a mindset like Dean,Chris,Franco and "TruthMatters" running the show up in Sacramento....does that explain why this State has gone down the shitter so fast?...
tax cigarettes another $1.00 per pack.. supposedly to get smokers to stop smoking..:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: and then they want ya to amoke some pot. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: California is nutzoid.

it has to be voted on Willow.....and the people i have talked to Smoker or not....are tired of these guys trying to tax everything you do.....and when the tax gets voted down they try another way....."fees".........California for the past 15 years or so have had a Legislature with people with a mindset like Dean,Chris,Franco and "TruthMatters" running the show up in Sacramento....does that explain why this State has gone down the shitter so fast?...

How will it end?
tax cigarettes another $1.00 per pack.. supposedly to get smokers to stop smoking..:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: and then they want ya to amoke some pot. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: California is nutzoid.

Pigovian taxes. Gotta love 'em.

My psychic sense is detecting trucks driving in the dark of night coming from North Carolina, loaded with cigarettes to be sold out of the backs of those trucks.
tax cigarettes another $1.00 per pack.. supposedly to get smokers to stop smoking..:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: and then they want ya to amoke some pot. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: California is nutzoid.

it has to be voted on Willow.....and the people i have talked to Smoker or not....are tired of these guys trying to tax everything you do.....and when the tax gets voted down they try another way....."fees".........California for the past 15 years or so have had a Legislature with people with a mindset like Dean,Chris,Franco and "TruthMatters" running the show up in Sacramento....does that explain why this State has gone down the shitter so fast?...

Compared to most states California was rolling along pretty well, then-----then in 1978 California:
A) blew a hole in their revenue stream by putting a cap on property taxes while simultaneously,
B) instituting minority rule in both houses of their legislature.

California has been slip, sliding and struggling ever since.
*shrugs* I smoke I'll take a hit , that life.

theres a good piece by a former brown sptter over at city journal, if you want to take 10, give it a read. Its worse than we think. there is no way out without massive drop in spending an realignment of some major shit in this state. Its unimaginable that our spending has still gone up 15% in 3 years, despite the downturn.

Wendell Cox
The Long Stall
California’s jobs engine broke down well before the financial crisis.

Everybody knows that California’s economy has struggled mightily since the 2008 financial crisis and subsequent recession. The state’s current unemployment rate, 12.1 percent, is a full 3 percentage points above the national rate. Liberal pundits and politicians tend to blame this dismal performance entirely on the Great Recession; as Jerry Brown put it while campaigning (successfully) for governor last year, “I’ve seen recessions. They come, they go. California always comes back.”

But a study commissioned by City Journal using the National Establishment Time Series database, which has tracked job creation and migration from 1992 through 2008 (so far) in a way that government statistics can’t, reveals the disturbing truth. California’s economy during the second half of that period—2000 through 2008—was far less vibrant and diverse than it had been during the first. Well before the crisis struck, then, the Golden State was setting itself up for a big fall.

One of the starkest signs of California’s malaise during the first decade of the twenty-first century was its changing job dynamics. Even before the downturn, California had stopped attracting new business investment, whether from within the state or from without.

Economists usually see business start-ups as the most important long-term source of job growth, and California has long had a reputation for nurturing new companies—most famously, in Silicon Valley. As Chart 1 shows, however, this dynamism utterly vanished in the 2000s. From 1992 to 2000, California saw a net gain of 776,500 jobs from start-ups and closures; that is, the state added that many more jobs from start-ups than it lost to closures. But during the first eight years of the new millennium, California had a net loss of 262,200 jobs from start-ups and closures. The difference between the two periods is an astounding 1 million net jobs.

Between 2000 and 2008, California also suffered net job losses of 79,600 to the migration of businesses among states—worse than the net 73,800 jobs that it lost from 1992 through 2000. The leading destination was Texas, with Oregon and North Carolina running second and third (see Chart 2). California managed to add jobs only through the expansion of existing businesses, and even that was at a considerably lower rate than before.

more and some excellent graphs charts here, its free btw;

The Long Stall by Wendell Cox, City Journal Autumn 2011

heres one;

tax cigarettes another $1.00 per pack.. supposedly to get smokers to stop smoking..:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: and then they want ya to amoke some pot. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: California is nutzoid.

it has to be voted on Willow.....and the people i have talked to Smoker or not....are tired of these guys trying to tax everything you do.....and when the tax gets voted down they try another way....."fees".........California for the past 15 years or so have had a Legislature with people with a mindset like Dean,Chris,Franco and "TruthMatters" running the show up in Sacramento....does that explain why this State has gone down the shitter so fast?...

Compared to most states California was rolling along pretty well, then-----then in 1978 California:
A) blew a hole in their revenue stream by putting a cap on property taxes while simultaneously,
B) instituting minority rule in both houses of their legislature.

California has been slip, sliding and struggling ever since.

:lol:read the article dude....learn something.
tax cigarettes another $1.00 per pack.. supposedly to get smokers to stop smoking..:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: and then they want ya to amoke some pot. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: California is nutzoid.

It was the high taxes on cigarettes that finally got my parents to quit. The pleasure of spending their last years with them was so much more than it would of been if they'd still been smoking. In fact, I saw more of them after they quit smoking specifically because it was such a pleasure to visit. Of course, had they never smoked in the first place they might of lived longer, and I might not now have pulmonary problems either. Never underestimate the effects of second hand smoke.
well the cigarette thing is just horsehockey know what cali started doing with that money that was given to them via the tobacco settlement payouts? They didn't spend it where it belonged on education vis a vis smoking etc. it was gobbled up in the general fund.


California’s allocation of MSA funds has been largely controlled by the governor’s priorities, which were influenced by the state’s massive budget deficit. The legislature has had little influence on this issue, and health interest groups at the state level have been reactive rather than proactive. Gov. Gray Davis (D) dominated California’s initial allocation process for MSA funds; only after placing FY 2000 and FY 2001 MSA payments in the general fund did Davis designate $20 million from the MSA for California’s tobacco control program in FY 2002.8 He cut tobacco control funding while securitizing MSA funds for budget deficit reduction in FY 2003.9

More socialist redistribution garbage.
Again,its a matter of personal responsibility.
No one sticks a gun to folks heads and forces them to smoke.
Yeah,there are risks.but,habitual behavior is not the responsibility for government to intervene in. I don't expectany one to pay for repercussions of my bad habits,nor will i pay for others.
That being said...Georgia is a sweet state.
Before the buttfuck Obama tax,cigs were $2.15 a pack until February 2009.
Now,they are $3.65 a pack. Carton for $32.50
In any event,here's what i do
Buy a 6 oz package of sparrow so-called pipe tobacco for $4.50
One box of filter TUBES-$3.19
Rizla injection machine-$8.95
Initial investment +7% tax roughly $18.00
But versus $32.50
Save $14.00
after first buying machine....$24.00 saved. nine bucks a pack in MA
bootlegger could make a killing.
So-called pipe tobacco is classified as such as a "j"tax classification,therefore the rougher cut tobacco can be sold dirt cheap,and you know what you're smoking.
More socialist redistribution garbage.
Again,its a matter of personal responsibility.
No one sticks a gun to folks heads and forces them to smoke.
Yeah,there are risks.but,habitual behavior is not the responsibility for government to intervene in. I don't expectany one to pay for repercussions of my bad habits,nor will i pay for others.
That being said...Georgia is a sweet state.
Before the buttfuck Obama tax,cigs were $2.15 a pack until February 2009.
Now,they are $3.65 a pack. Carton for $32.50
In any event,here's what i do
Buy a 6 oz package of sparrow so-called pipe tobacco for $4.50
One box of filter TUBES-$3.19
Rizla injection machine-$8.95
Initial investment +7% tax roughly $18.00
But versus $32.50
Save $14.00
after first buying machine....$24.00 saved. nine bucks a pack in MA
bootlegger could make a killing.

I'm sure my parents didn't expect me to pay for their habit either. But here I am, the only one of 5 kids that never smoked and I have pulmonary problems that are usually caused by smoking.
Compared to most states California was rolling along pretty well, then-----then in 1978 California:
A) blew a hole in their revenue stream by putting a cap on property taxes while simultaneously,
B) instituting minority rule in both houses of their legislature.

California has been slip, sliding and struggling ever since.

The claim that the people of California aren't taxed enough is too absurd for words. California is one of the most heavily taxed states in the union. The problem with California is liberal Democrats who never saw a spending program they didn't like.
Compared to most states California was rolling along pretty well, then-----then in 1978 California:
A) blew a hole in their revenue stream by putting a cap on property taxes while simultaneously,
B) instituting minority rule in both houses of their legislature.

California has been slip, sliding and struggling ever since.

The claim that the people of California aren't taxed enough is too absurd for words. California is one of the most heavily taxed states in the union. The problem with California is liberal Democrats who never saw a spending program they didn't like.

While I agree, I also understand that Republicans fit that quote just as well as Democrats...

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