"California judge" blocks President Trump order withholding funding to sanctuary cities

It's a federal judge. What's "California" got to do with anything?

Is California "an island in the Pacific"? Or is there some new geographical feature this week that magically nullifies the federal judiciary?
Another damn activist judge.

why don't we just make these judges president?

California judge blocks Trump order on sanctuary city money

dang your boy can't win for losing, eh?

bigly sad

ICE just arrested 100 folks in 4 days. WE ARE WINNING. and you're losing.

95 arrested in Southeast Texas during 4-day ICE operation targeting criminal aliens, illegal re-entrants and immigration fugitives


that you Charlie?
I'm not going to comment on whether the judge/panel is right or wrong, should or shouldn't have ruled as s/he/it did, etc. because I haven't read the decision, nor do I know off the top of my head what precedents and so on pertain to the matter, and, frankly, I don't feel like making the effort to find out. I will say, however, that at this rate, we're going to end up with the country being "run" by the judicial rather than by the executive branch.
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I'm not going to comment on whether the judge/panel is right or wrong, should or shouldn't have ruled as s/he/it did, etc. because I haven't read the decision, nor do I know off the top of my head what precedents and so on pertain to the matter, and, frankly, I don't feel like making the effort to find out. I will say, however, that at this rate, we're going to end up with country being "run" by the judicial rather than by the executive branch.

The judicial branch is there as a check on that executive branch. That's kind of the whole point.
Another damn activist judge.

why don't we just make these judges president?

California judge blocks Trump order on sanctuary city money

What is disgusting about this is that on one hand they say that "not giving these sanctuary cities funds will hurt these cities", but on the other hand they tell these same cities that if an illegal immigrant which they defend harms or kills a citizen, they cannot be sued and are protected from culpability. Which is it? Do these cities have responsibility for their actions or not? If not, they shouldn't be given a penny from the rest of the nation that opposes these cities

Arrogant and hypocritical. These "cities" want their cake and eat it too even though the vast majority of Americans are against their positions. Kate Steinles family should sue all the way to the Supreme Court. This is bothersome at the very least. One state or another impacting the entire nation by playing a political power play.
This is actually great news for us Conservatives.

If nobody has to adhere to Federal immigration laws then nobody has to adhere to the Federal gun laws, paying Federal taxes, the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Brown v Board, Roe v Wade or that stupid Obamacare law.

I love it. Great way to cutback on the abuse of the Federal government.

Even the queer Moon Bat Libtard judges in San Francisco can get it right every once in awhile.
Suppose we were under attack by North Korea and an ultra liberal judge blocked Trumps ability to wage war.

This is a MUCH more serious national problem than the just the irresponsible actions of a lone judge. They can and will put us ALL at risk over their agendas.

There needs to be some kind of judicial consensus requiring "X" number if judges from "X" number of various states to halt Executive orders that pose no threat to national security and are in fact necessary to ensure national security.

Allowing one idiot on the bench here and there to stop the President from protecting the nation is a serous risk to national security.
I'm not going to comment on whether the judge/panel is right or wrong, should or shouldn't have ruled as s/he/it did, etc. because I haven't read the decision, nor do I know off the top of my head what precedents and so on pertain to the matter, and, frankly, I don't feel like making the effort to find out. I will say, however, that at this rate, we're going to end up with country being "run" by the judicial rather than by the executive branch.

The judicial branch is there as a check on that executive branch. That's kind of the whole point.
Do you think that was an abuse of power or something?
Because, otherwise, I don't even see the point in you saying that. The last travel ban was within his authority. Pretty sure holding municipalities and states accountable for doing illegal acts and helping criminals is within his administrations authority as well.
Bahahahahaha....This ought to give the mo'fo a heart attack.

Federal judge blocks Trump's sanctuary cities order
Federal judge blocks Trump's sanctuary cities order
A San Francisco judge has blocked enforcement of President Trump’s executive order barring federal funds from so-called sanctuary cities.

San Francisco and Santa Clara County won preliminary injunctions to block Trump’s January order to withhold federal funds from cities that refuse to comply with federal authorities in enforcing immigration laws, according to multiple reports.

According to the judge’s order, the Justice Department can still withhold grants from places that don’t comply with the law, but it cannot enforce the order “in a way that violates the Constitution,” according to a Washington Post reporter.

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