California orders no EV charging over Labor Day weekend

Related to this is the BIG move of utility companies giving away "Free" smart thermostats.
Smart thermostats, by design, and they say so in plain English, give the utility company the ability to change your thermostat.
As of now, you can simply walk over to it and manually set it back and they will leave you alone.
That will change.
This is a move by utility companies to eventually control electrical usage via government "emergency powers" - which, again, if Democrats maintain control - THIS WILL HAPPEN. 100%.
It is the only reason smart thermostats are being employed. They serve absolutely no other purpose, none, other than your utility company can change your thermostat.
How do these dumb fucks move away from Cali because it sucks…..BUT THEN VOTE THE SAME WAY THAT MADE CALI SUCK?
Back then, yes there were unfunded liabilities. They just weren't reported or part of the budget until recently.
grey davis signed the pension deal in 2000 which started this....otherwise wilson left the state with a 13 billion dollar surplus....
5 pages in and there is still no link to this order.

None are found on Google.

Seems that the state would want to make it known so people will be ready
Here is something from last month which relates to what is happening still...

5 pages in and there is still no link to this order.

None are found on Google.

Seems that the state would want to make it known so people will be ready

That's because no such order has been made.

Given his apparent reluctance to address the error, one can only conclude that the OP is lying...
Yeah....I don't care how you power your car.........just don't mandate that everyone use the dumbest possible way to power your car...........suckers....

Rolling black outs are already in effect within California.


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