California orders no EV charging over Labor Day weekend

The fact is, every liberal position California has, has been made worse by their very own policies. So much so that now they have to put up billboards begging people not to move to another state.
And that concerns me? No. So, what does your BS have to do with the OP? Not much.
The fact is, every liberal position California has, has been made worse by their very own policies. So much so that now they have to put up billboards begging people not to move to another state.
EVs can't pull a U-Haul. KKKalifornians will soon be trapped in that shithole.
Rolling black outs are already in effect within California.

for the past couple of decades. California's power grid makes Texas look like pure gold.
The place is the epitome of everything the left claims they are against, such as income inequality, homelessness, etc. With them in complete and total charge, these things have gotten "progressively" worse. Haha. Couldn't resist.

It's a way to try and force most people into public transportation. The average EV is $62,000, plus $2,000 for a charging station, and they have no resale value because if you buy a used EV and the battery goes, it's another 10K to replace it.

Therefore only the elite will be able to drive their own vehicles. As for the rest of us that can't afford them, get your ass on a bus to go everywhere.
Ah, yes, you can't refute what I've said (which is nothing more than a statement of fact) so you wish to end the conversation.


Not to the point made by the OP it's not...

But they were, at one time, suggestions. That's all the current scenario with EV's is. No one's been "ordered" to do anything, and to insist otherwise is to perpetuate a lie.

The OP made the assertion that Californians have been ordered to not charge their EV's over Labor Day weekend.

That is a factually incorrect statement.

Now, is it possible that the state might order it in the future? Of course it is. But the PERTINENT fact right now is that such an order has yet to be given...

Perseverate all you want on one word... "ordered" .

Would it make you feel better if the word was changed?
Perseverate all you want on one word... "ordered" .

Would it make you feel better if the word was changed?

Well, it would certainly afford the OP a degree of honsety and accuracy which is, thus far, completely absent...
I was there 90s building gas turbines in Mohave Arizona to send power to Ca. Rolling blackouts but a coal Peaker plant just up the road running at low capacity. Get fined cranking it up cause EPA says coal is evil. Lmao.

Enjoy the blackouts California retards.
Yak yak yak

That's right, you know it's true. CA has by far the highest homeless population in the country. Highest level of poverty. Highest level of drug addiction. Highest wealth inequality. And now an inability to meet their citizens basic humanitarian needs of clean water and electricity. Why is that?
Create a non existent crisis, disparage the great gas powered auto and force a replacement that is punitive and doesn’t work
For all you Earth weepers, Mother Nature ejects into the atmosphere 500X the amount of particulates every day that all cars on the planet do.
That's right, you know it's true. CA has by far the highest homeless population in the country.

Is that really surprising, though? It's the most populated state in the nation by a margin of over 10 million. Frankly, it would be weird if they had fewer homeless than anywhere else in the country...
Related to this is the BIG move of utility companies giving away "Free" smart thermostats.
Smart thermostats, by design, and they say so in plain English, give the utility company the ability to change your thermostat.
As of now, you can simply walk over to it and manually set it back and they will leave you alone.
That will change.
This is a move by utility companies to eventually control electrical usage via government "emergency powers" - which, again, if Democrats maintain control - THIS WILL HAPPEN. 100%.
It is the only reason smart thermostats are being employed. They serve absolutely no other purpose, none, other than your utility company can change your thermostat.

PG&E is doing this already.

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