California orders no EV charging over Labor Day weekend

Ah, yes, you can't refute what I've said (which is nothing more than a statement of fact) so you wish to end the conversation.


It most certainly is.

Not to the point made by the OP it's not...

Water conservation used to be a suggestion, now ... fines.

But they were, at one time, suggestions. That's all the current scenario with EV's is. No one's been "ordered" to do anything, and to insist otherwise is to perpetuate a lie.

The OP made the assertion that Californians have been ordered to not charge their EV's over Labor Day weekend.

That is a factually incorrect statement.

Now, is it possible that the state might order it in the future? Of course it is. But the PERTINENT fact right now is that such an order has yet to be given...
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Yes or No... so you personally believe that, at least in CA, there will be -NO- EV station "blackouts" in the near future?

I've never, ever said that, and suggesting that I have is retarded, so you might not want to do that.

The OP said nothing about "the near future". He said the order had been given; just read his thread title.

The undeniable FACT is that, as of right now, such an order has not been given...
I'm not on Facebook.

Why can't the state meet the power or water requirements of it's citizens?
Why do you evade my questions? You posted some personal emphasis which is nonsense. There is a weather related issue to all of this. I doubt you care due to your ideolgy. It's pretty sad.
Why do you evade my questions? You posted some personal emphasis which is nonsense. There is a weather related issue to all of this. I doubt you care due to your ideolgy. It's pretty sad.

I'm not evading anything. You accused me of "bitching" and being "upset". I'm neither. I'm simply pointing out the fact that your fellow DemoKKKrats who run California are unable to meet the basic humanitarian needs of their citizens (sufficient clean water and electricity). Why is that?
This is DemoKKKrat leadership at it's finest. They banned gas engines, but lack the forethought and competence to provide adequate electricity to charge EVs.

I guess everyone can just stay home :auiqs.jpg:but make sure that thermostat isn't set lower than 78!


Hoping to avoid blackouts, the California Independent System Operator, which manages the state’s power grid, warned Tuesday that it probably will issue a series of Flex Alerts over the next several days. Flex Alerts are voluntary calls for conservation during the afternoon and evening hours, when energy use tends to soar. Residents will be asked to turn up their thermostats to 78 degrees or higher, avoid using dishwashers or other large appliances, and hold off on charging their electric vehicles, all during the 4-9 p.m. time frame.

Already, the grid manager has issues a “restricted maintenance operations” notice starting Wednesday — a directive telling power generators and transmission line operators to delay routine maintenance that would take generating or transmission equipment offline.
Maybe you should stop being such a fossil fuel whore!
I've never, ever said that, and suggesting that I have is retarded, so you might not want to do that.

The OP said nothing about "the near future". He said the order had been given; just read his thread title.

The undeniable FACT is that, as of right now, such an order has not been given...
I didn't suggest you did. So ease off their coyote.
I was simply pointing out that there will be. Thus why I said - voluntary today = mandated tomorrow.
This is DemoKKKrat leadership at it's finest. They banned gas engines, but lack the forethought and competence to provide adequate electricity to charge EVs.

I guess everyone can just stay home :auiqs.jpg:but make sure that thermostat isn't set lower than 78!


Hoping to avoid blackouts, the California Independent System Operator, which manages the state’s power grid, warned Tuesday that it probably will issue a series of Flex Alerts over the next several days. Flex Alerts are voluntary calls for conservation during the afternoon and evening hours, when energy use tends to soar. Residents will be asked to turn up their thermostats to 78 degrees or higher, avoid using dishwashers or other large appliances, and hold off on charging their electric vehicles, all during the 4-9 p.m. time frame.

Already, the grid manager has issues a “restricted maintenance operations” notice starting Wednesday — a directive telling power generators and transmission line operators to delay routine maintenance that would take generating or transmission equipment offline.
More evidence of demofk stupid.

And, those same con people want to take their stupid country wide!!!! Hahaha haha nope keep your stupid
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Because when he tries to answer a question intelligently he makes himself look silly, and he doesn't know how to recover from that...
Obnoxious OP deflection. Not only is the ongoing record setting heatwave affecting the Western US as a whole, there are health warnings also. If the grid is overtaxed the public can't say they weren't warned. All that is being asked is for the citizens to be aware and to conserve.

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