California Pizza Places Laying Off ALL Delivery Drivers Due To New Law

Yep that is a very good point. Jobs like that just wear your vehicle down and you pay for gas.
Not enough, what they do is give the driver .23 cents per mile for gas yet the company files for federal credit at .56 cents per mile, and places like Pizza Hut have an automatic charge of four dollars on the ticket therefore reducing any tips the driver may get.
A few points.
1) I am a life long Republican, not a nut job MAGA ciltist or Dem
.2) mcdonalds is a sit down health hazard the same as Applebee's or the other places you mentioned that I never heard of. Are they hillbilly chains so you think them a step above?
Which Republicans do you plan on voting for?
Pizza Hut was already dying. Franchises have been closing everywhere.
Are you always a lying moron?

Out of 400 franchises they rank #12, up from last year.

19,000 stores in over 100 countries.

There is elasticity of demand depending upon the cost of the pizza. There will be time when the cost will be more than most people are willing to pay.

You are correct with the idea about the drones. If the Liberals artifically drive up the labor cost then the industry will look at other ways to deliver the product. Just look at what they are doing in the fast food industry.
Which is exactly what is going to happen here. Pizza Hut will still be making "deliveries" through Door Dash, etc, which will raise the overall price to something that lower incomes will not be able to afford, once again, hurting the poor and minorities the most - AKA social injustice. But, the left apparently doesn't care about social injustice.
I find it interesting when people are fine with workers losing jobs just because they don't like the product the company produces.
??????????????? That makes no sense. Businesses make and sell a product or service and if the public doesn't like or want the product or service, the company goes out of business. It's called capitalism, something you are apparently against.
??????????????? That makes no sense. Businesses make and sell a product or service and if the public doesn't like or want the product or service, the company goes out of business. It's called capitalism, something you are apparently against.
Of course it makes sense. Just about every time someone posts a thread about a restaurant chain taking steps that cost people jobs, somebody thinks it's almighty important that they rush in to regale everyone about how they don't care because they hate the food that restaurant serves.
The company should supply them with a company car. That would justify a lower wage.
The federal government provides a tax credit for personal vehicle use in business. Sixty-five and a half cents per mile. That covers the lower wage. Unskilled labor gets unskilled wages. If you want more money, learn more and become more valuable to the market.
You failed to explain the theft part, stupid.

Low, or no, skill workers get paid low wages. If you don’t like it, improve your skills.
Underpaying market rates, forcing workers to work off clock, mandatory overtime w/o the pay, contact employees not subject to worker protections, employers stealing tips from waitstaff....
The federal government provides a tax credit for personal vehicle use in business. Sixty-five and a half cents per mile. That covers the lower wage. Unskilled labor gets unskilled wages. If you want more money, learn more and become more valuable to the market.
Yep. Nobody had to apply for those jobs. Not a huge deal if they go unfilled.

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