California Pizza Places Laying Off ALL Delivery Drivers Due To New Law

But those 2 franchises represent 1200 employees losing their jobs.

I think getting rid of low paying jobs is a good thing, they will eventually be replaced by higher paying jobs. Take the money from the rich and redistribute it to cover the cost of the laid off workers wages, healthcare, and rent till those laid off workers find better paying jobs.
I think getting rid of low paying jobs is a good thing, they will eventually be replaced by higher paying jobs. Take the money from the rich and redistribute it to cover the cost of the laid off workers wages, healthcare, and rent till those laid off workers find better paying jobs.
What higher paying jobs are pizza delivery people qualified for?
The challenge i offered was to distinguish applebee slop from McDonald's slop.

You introduced price for some ungodly reason
We were talking about the ridiculous price of fast food. I said you could get better burgers at a sit down restaurant for the same price ( which is also overpriced btw).

Meaning food prices are too high for what you get. Pretty much everywhere.

No one asked for your food snob opinions on what people eat when they go out.

Lefties are such elitist posersā€¦
We were talking about the ridiculous price of fast food. I said you could get better burgers at a sit down restaurant for the same price ( which is also overpriced btw).

Meaning food prices are too high for what you get. Pretty much everywhere.

No one asked for your food snob opinions on what people eat when they go out.

Lefties are such elitist posersā€¦

A few points.
1) I am a life long Republican, not a nut job MAGA ciltist or Dem
.2) mcdonalds is a sit down health hazard the same as Applebee's or the other places you mentioned that I never heard of. Are they hillbilly chains so you think them a step above?
A few points.
1) I am a life long Republican, not a nut job MAGA ciltist or Dem
.2) mcdonalds is a sit down health hazard the same as Applebee's or the other places you mentioned that I never heard of. Are they hillbilly chains so you think them a step above?
Internet elist posers are so cute when they pretend they donā€™t ever eat at chain restaurants or fast food joints.
Are you even serious? He walks down the street hungry, his family hungry.
The investor class is protected from such things. They are diversified and set up corps so they can collapse one if shit goes south and the others can't be touched.
So few understand how the world really works.
I wasn't born into the investor class moron. I earned it by walking down the street and improving my situation. Cry me a river, parasite.
First off, it would help to read the liink.............

2 Pizza Hut franchises which happen to own a few stores are the only ones doing this in the article. Not all pizza places as the OP asserted in their title.

They are doing the layoffs up through Feb because of the 20 dollar minimum wage law that takes effect in April, and the franchise owners don't want to pay the money. Chances are, they will probably try to use GrubHub or some other delivery service, but will find out it doesn't work as well as they thought, and will hire back drivers (my prediction).

And,,,,,,,,,,,its only the 2 Pizza Hut franchises doing this...........not all pizza places.

How is a law that just targets fast food businesses not unconstitutional? It's equivalent to a bill of attainder.

One thing about Liberals. They screw up everything they touch.

Just think of all the high school and college students that delivered pizza to make a little extra money that will lose their jobs.

As long as people want delivery there will be jobs at the food delivery services that I had mentioned. That is, until drones take over the task.

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