California: Progressive Paradise

As I recall, research found that the vast majority of the plastic trash flowed down from rivers, not in our country. We're not the world's police force and can't dictate what other nations do with their trash. It would be nice though, if the UN could encourage those nations to do more towards recycling, after all, the ocean is the home of the seafood we eat and we don't need the trash amongst it.
That's some really ignorant stuff, right there. The US Pollutes.
China and five other "Asian" nations were responsible for most of the 9.4 million tons of plastic waste. The United States is only 20th on the list. That's insignificant by comparison. Perhaps you should travel to those other nations and march up and down their streets with signs to stop polluting. We are doing our bit.
As I recall, research found that the vast majority of the plastic trash flowed down from rivers, not in our country. We're not the world's police force and can't dictate what other nations do with their trash. It would be nice though, if the UN could encourage those nations to do more towards recycling, after all, the ocean is the home of the seafood we eat and we don't need the trash amongst it.

The point of the meme was political. Every bad idea starts in California.

As for the are correct:

“90% of plastic polluting our oceans comes from just 10 rivers

More than 8 million tons of it ends up in the ocean every year. If we continue to pollute at this rate, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050.

But where does all this plastic waste come from?

Most of it is washed into the ocean by rivers. And 90% of it comes from just 10 of them, according to a study.

Rivers of plastic

By analyzing the waste found in the rivers and surrounding landscape, researchers were able to estimate that just 10 river systems carry 90% of the plastic that ends up in the ocean.

Eight of them are in Asia: the Yangtze; Indus; Yellow; Hai He; Ganges; Pearl; Amur; Mekong; and two in Africa – the Nile and the Niger.

90% of plastic polluting our oceans comes from just 10 rivers
People are most conservative on issues that they know most about. --Ann Coulter

Wrong. How silly and simplistic. Ask her family.

How many of her dozen best sellers have you read?

They are all documented and scholarly.

Here's a taste:
"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."

And you are proof, huh?
People are most conservative on issues that they know most about. --Ann Coulter

Wrong. How silly and simplistic. Ask her family.

How many of her dozen best sellers have you read?

They are all documented and scholarly.

Here's a taste:
"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."

And you are proof, huh?
Here's a simple fucking goodle search for you to figure it out for yourself. My god, AC is a scab. AC is a plagiarist. A squatter. A thief.

People are most conservative on issues that they know most about. --Ann Coulter

Wrong. How silly and simplistic. Ask her family.

How many of her dozen best sellers have you read?

They are all documented and scholarly.

Here's a taste:
"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."

And you are proof, huh?
Here's a simple fucking goodle search for you to figure it out for yourself. My god, AC is a scab. AC is a plagiarist. A squatter. A thief.

Is that how you were raised.....with that sort of language?

It may not be too late to contact CPS.
People are most conservative on issues that they know most about. --Ann Coulter

Wrong. How silly and simplistic. Ask her family.

How many of her dozen best sellers have you read?

They are all documented and scholarly.

Here's a taste:
"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."

And you are proof, huh?
Here's a simple fucking goodle search for you to figure it out for yourself. My god, AC is a scab. AC is a plagiarist. A squatter. A thief.

Is that how you were raised.....with that sort of language?

It may not be too late to contact CPS.
Contact yourself, dipshit. We are all adults on this message board and we can all post as we damn well please. Especially on your stupid OPs. Get the fuck over yourself. You've been full of Bloviated Bull Shit for years here. Fuck Off.
They’re always looking to create some sort of ‘paradise,’ those wacky totalitarians, aren’t they?
Remember that great ‘Workers Paradise’ behind the Iron Curtain???
Now….the American version……California.

1.Did Longfellow live in California????
Maybe not….but he sure knew about it:

Tell me not, in mournful numbers,

Life is but an empty dream!

For the soul is dead that slumbers,

And things are not what they seem.

2.“Everyone thinks California is our most progressive state. And why not? It imposes the highest tax on the richest one percent. It is aggressively implementing Obamacare. And it is standing up to President Donald Trump on everything from immigration to the environment.

And yet the Golden State is also number one in poverty and inequality in America.

3.If racism is more than just saying nasty things — if it is, as scholars like James Baldwin, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Michelle Alexander and countless others have described, embedded into socioeconomic structures — then California isn’t just the least progressive state. It’s also the most racist.

4.Homeless encampments of hundreds of people have cropped up around the state in the last two years. Occasionally, they are ravaged by hepatitis A,…

5….workers in California earn 11 percent more than their counterparts nationally. But that amount is not enough to make up for mortgage payments and rents that are 44 percent and 37 percent higher (respectively) than the national average.

6.Environmentalism is used to justify de facto racial segregation in California’s housing. Environmental lawsuits are a major reason for longer delays and higher costs of new housing. “The core legal structure of CEQA,” notes housing attorney Jennifer Hernandez, “protects the existing characteristics of those neighborhoods and thus perpetuates land use practices founded in race and class discrimination.”

7. Consider:

· In the name of helping the poor and protecting the environment, California has placed myriad restrictions and fees on building new housing units, driving up their price;

· Progressive local governments like San Francisco and Santa Monica block even those housing projects that comply with zoning laws progressives had agreed to;

8. Progressive leaders who daily denounce Republicans as racist have blithely presided over a significant decline in the academic performance of black and Latino eighth graders relative to their counterparts in other states. Today, less than 40 percent of non-white and non-Asian students meet state educational standards… When the cost of living is taken into account, California spends less on K-12 education than all but four other states.

9. A decade-long reform effort in Washington, D.C. showed that student performance can be improved significantly by rewarding teachers for performance and replacing underperforming teachers.
But California has rejected similar reforms. Progressives won’t even allow delaying teacher tenure from two to three years to ensure high-quality teachers.” Number One in Poverty, California Isn't Our Most Progressive State -- It's Our Most Racist One

How about changing the name of the state from California, to ‘Hypocricia’?

Or, should the name be reserved for the entire Democrat Party????

Fitting, Newsom may very well be the Democrat presidential nominee in 2024.

And you know that Democrats may be just dumb enough to vote for him.....he could run on "Make America California"....

Democrats could wear MAC hats.
It would be more like, "Make America Communist."
Contact yourself, dipshit. We are all adults on this message board and we can all post as we damn well please. Especially on your stupid OPs. Get the fuck over yourself. You've been full of Bloviated Bull Shit for years here. Fuck Off.
LOL! What a Dummy U R.
Midterms ain't lookin' so sure now, are they?
Polls, Predictions, and Prognostication.

In full disclosure, I don't make predictions, I follow the great Yogi: “It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”

1. “Survey finds Hillary Clinton has ‘more than 99% chance’ of winning election over Donald Trump” Saturday 5 November 2016

The man who predicted 49 out of 50 states in 2012 has said who will win on Tuesday

The Princeton Election Consortium found Ms Clinton has a projected 312 electoral votes across the country and only 270 are needed to win

2. The Russians colluded to support their bribe partner, Bill's wife.....'s why:
October 25, 2016...NYTimes gave Hillary 93% chance of winning the election.
2016 Election Forecast: Who Will Be President?

Disclaimer “past performance is no guarantee of future results”

3. "Clinton is expected to get 332 electoral votes, while Trump is predicted to get just 206, according to the Moody's Analytics model, which is based on three economic and three political factors." Key model predicts big election win for Clinton

4. But I don't mind feel good this:

"TRAFALGAR POLLSTER: Republican wave will be BIGGER than polls estimate and here’s why…​

Trafalgar pollster Robert Cahaly is now saying that some MAGA voters are going to be nearly impossible to poll accurately and estimate for the election.

He blames this on Biden’s angry rhetoric and policies toward MAGA voters.

Because of this he argues the Republican wave will be bigger in November than polls suggest, including his, and he explains why below:

TRAFALGAR POLLSTER: Republican wave will be BIGGER than polls estimate and here’s why…

Trafalgar pollster Robert Cahaly is now saying that some MAGA voters are going to be nearly impossible to poll accurately and estimate for the election. He blames this on Biden’s angry rhetor…

One can only hope.

People are most conservative on issues that they know most about. --Ann Coulter
Quote Reply PoliticalChic
  • Thanks

Robert C. Cahaly

Replying to @RobertCahaly
Now that the Biden administration has essentially classified “MAGA Republicans” as a threat to democracy marshaling federal law enforcement to focus on them. This move has created a new type of voter that will be even harder to poll or even estimate.
4:29 AM · Sep 17, 2022


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