Zone1 California school divides students by "privileged" and "oppressed"

It doesn't have to say it, it's the entire point of the worksheet, but implied as usual for messages the left wants to present without actually having to say it.

Whites can be targets of racism, so that's a lie right off the bat.

Take a look at some of the black racists posters on this board for examples of that.
You’re dead wrong. The sheets shows who is being targeted and a point is that groups that aren’t targeted may not realize what it’s like to be targeted. They are lucky enough to not be targeted by the same kinds of things. Hence privilege

It’s perspective building not an attack. That’s why you need to lie about it calling people oppressors when it doesn’t.
I am, you just have the typical leftist inability to see any side but your own, either intentionally or you just simply aren't capable of it.
Do you think you’re displaying an ability to see another side besides your own? I mean you’re the one injecting words and hidden meanings into something that isn’t actually there. That’s a dishonest way to make an argument
You’re dead wrong. The sheets shows who is being targeted and a point is that groups that aren’t targeted may not realize what it’s like to be targeted. They are lucky enough to not be targeted by the same kinds of things. Hence privilege

It’s perspective building not an attack. That’s why you need to lie about it calling people oppressors when it doesn’t.

I am 100% right, the purpose of the worksheet is to imprint CRT related class/group ID and angst between the oppressed and the oppressors, and we all know who the oppressors are.

It's not perspective building because anyone who isn't lying to themselves knows no discussion comes out of this, just rote acceptance of the woke position.
Do you think you’re displaying an ability to see another side besides your own? I mean you’re the one injecting words and hidden meanings into something that isn’t actually there. That’s a dishonest way to make an argument

I am calling out the true meaning and intent of these things, that only a leftist denies because they know when called out it makes them look like the control freaks they are.

The only dishonesty in this thread is from you, willfully going with the woke mantra of deny the actual intent of whatever you are defending because being truthful exposes your actual goals and desires.
Why do you think valuable class time should be taken up with political-based teachings about “oppressed“ groups when the majority of our children cannot read or write?
Reading and writing are not the only skills a child needs to be a good citizen or a job. You present a flawed dichotomy that you can't somehow teach both.

Teaching a child empathy for the struggles of others and an openess to those with different views, experiences cultures, religions etc. might go a ways in preventing us from repeating mistakes of the past. As a Jewish women, I would think you would support it.
What that leftist Slade is doing is so obvious. He keeps peppering us with questions as so as to put US on the defensive, explaining ourselves. I see this M.O. used by Libs all the time. Maybe I’ll start trying it with him….watch my new approach.
So you and Marty don't want to explain your views...or can't?
I am 100% right, the purpose of the worksheet is to imprint CRT related class/group ID and angst between the oppressed and the oppressors, and we all know who the oppressors are.

It's not perspective building because anyone who isn't lying to themselves knows no discussion comes out of this, just rote acceptance of the woke position.
What do you mean no discussions come out of this?! There is plenty to discuss.

I laugh when I hear y’all toss out woke like it’s a bad word or insult. I’m sure you consider me as a woke leftist. But in my reality I do t use labels. I like to try and open my mind to all perspectives and improve myself as often as I can. Why do you think I’m here engaging with you asking questions and not just ranting insults and platitudes??

I grew up calling people retarded, and fags and gay as insults. If somebody made a weak or awkward throw I’d say they threw like a girl…. On and on…. I would t be surprised if you did the same. I would t be surprised if you see nothing wrong with using the same language today.

But the fact is our culture and my privilege kept me oblivious to the fact that terms like this could be insulting to others who I wasn’t intending on offending. You can call that woke if you want but being aware of times when you are an ass or may be unintentionally offending people is a good think IMO. I’d like to think that decent people would then make a change for the better
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I am calling out the true meaning and intent of these things, that only a leftist denies because they know when called out it makes them look like the control freaks they are.

The only dishonesty in this thread is from you, willfully going with the woke mantra of deny the actual intent of whatever you are defending because being truthful exposes your actual goals and desires.
You’re calling out what your skeptic and antagonist mind and media propaganda is telling you. You’re injecting words and meanings into this that aren’t there. You’re saying that privilege = oppressors when it clearly says privilege = non targets. You’re not being honest.
What that leftist Slade is doing is so obvious. He keeps peppering us with questions as so as to put US on the defensive, explaining ourselves. I see this M.O. used by Libs all the time. Maybe I’ll start trying it with him….watch my new approach.
Yes I’m asking you questions so you can defend your arguments. What’s wrong with that? Isn’t that why we are here? Ask me a question and I’ll give you an honest and direct answer. would you prefer I just rant and insult and dodge and change the subject like many on this board do?
What do you mean no discussions come out of this?! There is plenty to discuss.

I laugh when I hear y’all toss out woke like it’s a bad word or insult. I’m sure you consider me as a woke leftist. But in my reality I do t use labels. I like to try and open my mind to all perspectives and improve myself as often as I can. Why do you think I’m here engaging with you asking questions and not just ranting insults and platitudes??

I grew up calling people retarded, and fags and gay as insults. If somebody made a weak or awkward throw I’d say they threw like a girl…. On and on…. I would t be surprised if you did the same. I would t be surprised if you see nothing wrong with using the same language today.

But the fact is our culture and my privilege kept me oblivious to the fact that terms like this could be insulting to others who I wasn’t intending on offending. You can call that woke if you want but being aware of times when you are an ass or may be unintentionally offending people is a good think IMO. I’d like to think that decent people would then make a change for the better

On this board? Yes. Amongst the target audience of the worksheet? Probably not. It's accept or else.

I doubt you open your mind, because you show a complete lack of any ability to compromise on anything, much like anyone on the left.

Just because people became weaker doesn't mean I have to come along for the ride.

Spoken like a good little woke foot solider, buying into the transfer of power in any discussion or situation from those who earn it, to those who can whine the loudest or display they are the most "disadvantaged"
You’re calling out what your skeptic and antagonist mind and media propaganda is telling you. You’re injecting words and meanings into this that aren’t there. You’re saying that privilege = oppressors when it clearly says privilege = non targets. You’re not being honest.

I am seeing through the woke BS and explaining to you the intent you know is there, but can't admit is there because it ruins the whole kayfabe of the situation.

Non targets have to be the oppressors if there are oppressed. It's amazing how much your side rapes the language to hide your true intentions.
You’re acting like racism is some made up fantasy. Yes it existed, yes it still exists, yes it targets people of color. No it doesn’t target white people. Yes white people oppressed colored people for generations. Yes some white people are still racist today. Why are you pretending that this is not truth? Name one thing wrong with what I just said…
Its true that many Americans, white, asian and even minorities themselves have a low opinion of “people of color” aka blacks

And its based on bad behavior by blacks

Thats somewhat unfair to the many decent black people, but thats life
On this board? Yes. Amongst the target audience of the worksheet? Probably not. It's accept or else.
How I the world would you know that?! When was the last time you sat ins classroom and listed to a discussion or lesson about this? Your comment is a classic example of you making shit up
How I the world would you know that?! When was the last time you sat ins classroom and listed to a discussion or lesson about this? Your comment is a classic example of you making shit up

It's a classic example of calling out the left on its obvious subterfuge and maskirovka.
Again, if someone is oppressed there has to be an oppressor, and next to each oppressed is a "privileged" group which all but is called out as the oppressor.

I don't care either way about the argument itself, what I care about is it being presented to kids as "one group is the good guys, one group is the bad guys, and the groups aren't based on what you did but on what you are"

It's no different than blood libel.
The poster you’re talking to probably doesn’t even know what blood libel is.
Can’t call yourself oppressed if everyday of your life you get a ton of perks and privileges that others do not.
Yup. Blacks are getting admissions policies changed and entrance exams eliminated specifically to justify getting them in when they wouldn’t have qualified if white. That’s not oppressed in my book.
Where does the worksheet say that? Quote it

You know it doesn’t. It says that whites are not a target of racism… this is why they are called privileged in that sense. Do you understand that?. Don’t have to agree, but do you understand what that point is saying? Think before you speak.
Except whites are a target of racism these days. Having a U.S. president say that whites will not be considered for a role, or that changes must be made to discriminate against whites in government, is an example of that.
I doubt you open your mind, because you show a complete lack of any ability to compromise on anything, much like anyone on the left.
Compromise? Is that what you do? Open minded compromise? Just curious.

I enjoy defending positions fiercely through debate and then reflecting upon what shakes out. In the end I’ve compromised many times and acknowledged good points. Ask poster FJB for example… we have approached issues many times from different angles… it’s all about approach.

I am curious though since you pointed to not seeing the Left compromise in debate. Do you compromise? Any examples?

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