Zone1 California school divides students by "privileged" and "oppressed"

I am seeing through the woke BS and explaining to you the intent you know is there, but can't admit is there because it ruins the whole kayfabe of the situation.

Non targets have to be the oppressors if there are oppressed. It's amazing how much your side rapes the language to hide your true intentions.
There are always oppressors to the oppressed but that’s not the point nor the focus of this worksheet no matter how hard you try and spin it into that. The focus is on the targeted groups and pointing out the groups that aren’t targeted therefore may be unaware of the plights of the targeted. That’s what the discussion is about.
Its true that many Americans, white, asian and even minorities themselves have a low opinion of “people of color” aka blacks

And its based on bad behavior by blacks

Thats somewhat unfair to the many decent black people, but thats life
Yes that’s life. So why not discuss it?
Compromise? Is that what you do? Open minded compromise? Just curious.

I enjoy defending positions fiercely through debate and then reflecting upon what shakes out. In the end I’ve compromised many times and acknowledged good points. Ask poster FJB for example… we have approached issues many times from different angles… it’s all about approach.

I am curious though since you pointed to not seeing the Left compromise in debate. Do you compromise? Any examples?

Well I am one of those people that are OK with a 15-16 week abortion allowance, with only exceptions for life of the mother or fetal non viability after.

In this case there is no real compromise because CRT is a poison on children of all races. just more balkanizing and pity pole fighting for position based on what you are. It's like your side is trying to create a new Caste system.
Except whites are a target of racism these days. Having a U.S. president say that whites will not be considered for a role, or that changes must be made to discriminate against whites in government, is an example of that.
Well that’s not something the president said that’s your distorted manipulation of what he said. And that also isn’t racism. Look up the definition of the word please
Well I am one of those people that are OK with a 15-16 week abortion allowance, with only exceptions for life of the mother or fetal non viability after.

In this case there is no real compromise because CRT is a poison on children of all races. just more balkanizing and pity pole fighting for position based on what you are. It's like your side is trying to create a new Caste system.
We aren’t talking about abortion. So you aren’t compromising here yet you’re casting stones at me for not compromising. What’s up with that?
There are always oppressors to the oppressed but that’s not the point nor the focus of this worksheet no matter how hard you try and spin it into that. The focus is on the targeted groups and pointing out the groups that aren’t targeted therefore may be unaware of the plights of the targeted. That’s what the discussion is about.

If it splits the groups into one being oppressed, and puts the other next to it, those are the oppressors, no matter how much spin or Orwellian wording they try to hide it with.

The discussion is "Group X good, Group Y Bad"
We aren’t talking about abortion. So you aren’t compromising here yet you’re casting stones at me for not compromising. What’s up with that?

You asked about a compromise position of mine, I gave it to you.

Next time be more clear on your questions.
You make shit up and then paint it as “calling out”. If you can’t back it up then you’re not really calling out.

I didn't make anything up, I just used the worksheet and explained to you what the originator really meant, based on my understanding on how you wokesters work.
Well that’s not something the president said that’s your distorted manipulation of what he said. And that also isn’t racism. Look up the definition of the word please
He said only a Black would be considered for VP. That’s saying no whites.

He also said to make government more “diverse.” That’s code for fewer whites.

I am opposed to all race-based decisions. Liberals seem OK with them, as long as the racism goes against whites.
Why do you think valuable class time should be taken up with political-based teachings about “oppressed“ groups when the majority of our children cannot read or write?
Why is that the teacher's fault.

The information to learn how to read and write is there. If little Timmy doesn't pick it up, that's on him.

The information on class and oppression is there. It's up to the kid to decide what to do with it.
Well I am one of those people that are OK with a 15-16 week abortion allowance, with only exceptions for life of the mother or fetal non viability after.

In this case there is no real compromise because CRT is a poison on children of all races. just more balkanizing and pity pole fighting for position based on what you are. It's like your side is trying to create a new Caste system.
How do you define CRT?
Again, if someone is oppressed there has to be an oppressor, and next to each oppressed is a "privileged" group which all but is called out as the oppressor.
There doesn’t have to “an oppressor”. Sometimes it’s the system itself that oppresses.
Can’t call yourself oppressed if everyday of your life you get a ton of perks and privileges that others do not.
What ton of perks and priveledges? Going to elite grade s hooks schools? Getting into Ivy League because your parents are donors?
What ton of perks and priveledges? Going to elite grade s hooks schools? Getting into Ivy League because your parents are donors?
If poor white people got exactly the same handouts as poor black people, I’d support it

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