Zone1 California school divides students by "privileged" and "oppressed"

Really?! You don’t think you’re expelling hate?!
Of course you are.

The worksheet does not read as anything hateful or targeting to me. You’re making up unwritten agendas and hating those, that’s on you
Of course it’s hateful. It’s designed to get kids to look down at non-targets by calling them “privileged” and eventually vote for special, discriminatory policies that favor blacks and punish whites. An agenda to promote racism is hateful.

No WAY that blacks should be at the top of the chart.
Except that nobody is being oppressed. SOME are being targeted for hate crimes. Jews and gays, mostly.

Blacks are NOT being oppressed when special carve-outs are given them for jobs and promotions, and college admission policies are written so as to favor them over Asians and whites.
Well now you’re changing the discussion… but we can go there…

The worksheet says “Targets”. So when learning about all the isms… there are targeted groups and untargeted groups. It doesn’t discuss severity or abundance of occurrence in modern society. The worksheet lays out the relations, that’s it. If we can agree that the worksheet is accurate and not written as Marty is trying to paint it as then we can move on to discussing its relevance
Of course it’s hateful. It’s designed to get kids to look down at non-targets by calling them “privileged” and eventually vote for special, discriminatory policies that favor blacks and punish whites. An agenda to promote racism is hateful.
That’s not how I read it. Privilege, while I don’t like the term, isn’t used to drive hate, it’s used to draw awareness that certain people don’t have to carry the same burdens as targeted people. It isn’t accusing them of anything but rather pointing out that things are different for other people. It’s an opportunity to become aware of things that many people are not aware of because they don’t experience it.
I am not. Where is the hate?

Questioning is not hate. Hate is hate.
Really? You don’t hate what the left is doing to groom kids with CRT? You’re simply questioning? Are you really going to say that with a straight face?
Who cares who is at the top?! Wow, the things you do to blind yourself… it amazes me
Because the fact that they put a group who is not even oppressed - a group that enjoys special privileges, in fact - at the very top of a list of “oppressed” groups is very telling as to what the purpose is.

It is NOT to instill empathy. It is to instill the false idea that blacks should enjoy special privileges in society, and at the expense of whites.
Well now you’re changing the discussion… but we can go there…

The worksheet says “Targets”. So when learning about all the isms… there are targeted groups and untargeted groups. It doesn’t discuss severity or abundance of occurrence in modern society. The worksheet lays out the relations, that’s it. If we can agree that the worksheet is accurate and not written as Marty is trying to paint it as then we can move on to discussing its relevance
I don’t have any more time for this now. I am meeting another “oppressed” person for lunch and it’s an hour drive. We will pick this up later.
Really? You don’t hate what the left is doing to groom kids with CRT? You’re simply questioning? Are you really going to say that with a straight face?

I don't like it. Hate has a connotation that you want to lump onto me related to race, or gender, or whatever is on the pity pole.

Nice try.
Because the fact that they put a group who is not even oppressed - a group that enjoys special privileges, in fact - at the very top of a list of “oppressed” groups is very telling as to what the purpose is.

It is NOT to instill empathy. It is to instill the false idea that blacks should enjoy special privileges in society, and at the expense of whites.
Blacks were literally oppressed by law in our country for generations. From slavery to Jim Crow. There are still people alive today that were oppressed by law and not given the same opportunities as whites. Changing laws and giving some perks doesn’t just change all of that. They are still treated like second class citizens by many. The treatment of this kind is what still lingers and exists today. This treatment is what’s trying to be improved on by perspective giving and empathy exercises like this worksheet.

You need the worksheet more than most. It exists to counter the ignorance you expel on a regular basis on this board. Too bad you can’t see it
I don't like it. Hate has a connotation that you want to lump onto me related to race, or gender, or whatever is on the pity pole.

Nice try.
Got it so you can say I push hate but you don’t. You can say it’s bad that I don’t concede arguments while you don’t either. Perhaps you should change your name to Marty the Hypocrite… it has a ring to it
Got it so you can say I push hate but you don’t. You can say it’s bad that I don’t concede arguments while you don’t either. Perhaps you should change your name to Marty the Hypocrite… it has a ring to it

You are arguing for blood libeling white kids because of their race, not me.
You are arguing for blood libeling white kids because of their race, not me.
And here comes the degradation of the thread. You seem to be out of points regarding the topic and want to do personal attacks. If that’s where you’re at, let’s end it now. If you want to talk about the topic, perhaps you can explain why you refuse to acknowledge that it work sheet clearly states targeted and non-targeted groups. Not oppressors and the oppressed. What if it’s actually about what it literally says? Why is that such a crazy notion?
And here comes the degradation of the thread. You seem to be out of points regarding the topic and want to do personal attacks. If that’s where you’re at, let’s end it now. If you want to talk about the topic, perhaps you can explain why you refuse to acknowledge that it work sheet clearly states targeted and non-targeted groups. Not oppressors and the oppressed. What if it’s actually about what it literally says? Why is that such a crazy notion?

What personal attack? Just pointing out what your support of things like this equals.

targeted/non-targeted = oppressor/oppressed. Ignoring that requires an exercise in doublethink.
What personal attack? Just pointing out what your support of things like this equals.

targeted/non-targeted = oppressor/oppressed. Ignoring that requires an exercise in doublethink.
Who cares what I support and don’t?! Has nothing to do with the topic. I know when a poster is out of ammo when they resort to a discussion about ME. It’s not about me.
Who cares what I support and don’t?! Has nothing to do with the topic. I know when a poster is out of ammo when they resort to a discussion about ME. It’s not about me.

When you defend something of course it becomes about you, and your views, and your beliefs.

You just don't want to admit you support racial and other profiling, which is exactly what this worksheet is.

Four legs good, two legs bad.
targeted/non-targeted = oppressor/oppressed. Ignoring that requires an exercise in doublethink.
You’re rewriting the worksheet. That’s not what it says. It’s literally says:
Targeted/Non-targeted = Oppressed/Privileged.

You keep lying about that.

Oppressors are the oppressors. They are the racists and bigots out there. The worksheet is about who is being targeted and who isn’t targeted by those people. It isn’t about the oppressors. It’s about the targets. Do I need to keep repeating?
When you defend something of course it becomes about you, and your views, and your beliefs.

You just don't want to admit you support racial and other profiling, which is exactly what this worksheet is.

Four legs good, two legs bad.
Wrong. I’m defending a perspective for debate. I could easily flip the tables and tear apart this worksheet. There are so many points that you’re failing to bring up. Good substantive points. But you’re too blinded by your agenda and distortions
You’re rewriting the worksheet. That’s not what it says. It’s literally says:
Targeted/Non-targeted = Oppressed/Privileged.

You keep lying about that.

Oppressors are the oppressors. They are the racists and bigots out there. The worksheet is about who is being targeted and who isn’t targeted by those people. It isn’t about the oppressors. It’s about the targets. Do I need to keep repeating?

I am pointing out what the authors really intended, you keep covering for them.

I am not lying, you are denying.

When you accuse someone of privilege you accuse them of oppression, but using a weasel word.
Wrong. I’m defending a perspective for debate. I could easily flip the tables and tear apart this worksheet. There are so many points that you’re failing to bring up. Good substantive points. But you’re too blinded by your agenda and distortions

Nope, you are an SJW true believer, and thus you defend obviously biased material because it has a bias you like.
Blacks were literally oppressed by law in our country for generations. From slavery to Jim Crow. There are still people alive today that were oppressed by law and not given the same opportunities as whites. Changing laws and giving some perks doesn’t just change all of that. They are still treated like second class citizens by many. The treatment of this kind is what still lingers and exists today. This treatment is what’s trying to be improved on by perspective giving and empathy exercises like this worksheet.

Most people who can listen/read critically would never argue any of those points. As a society and through the mechanics of law and legislation we have attempted to remove those laws and injustices to create the potential for equality and of opportunity.

But, at what point do minorities direct responsibility back on themselves and stop pointing to archaic laws and slavery that have been abolished?
We are seeing more and more segregation whether physical or non-tangible social segregation because it has become easy to cry "racism" as a reason for one's own personal choices that have led to their own current situation.

My concern with "White Privilege" is that it is negating personal culpability and I think anyone that can read/listen critically, can understand the position as well.

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