Zone1 California school divides students by "privileged" and "oppressed"

I am pointing out what the authors really intended, you keep covering for them.
Listen to yourself. You’re pointing out what you think the authors intended. I disagree. I don’t read it the same way you do. I’m reading it literally. You’re injecting a hidden agenda. That’s weak.
Listen to yourself. You’re pointing out what you think the authors intended. I disagree. I don’t read it the same way you do. I’m reading it literally. You’re injecting a hidden agenda. That’s weak.
You are ignoring the obvious.
Nope, you are an SJW true believer, and thus you defend obviously biased material because it has a bias you like.
There you go making incorrect assumptions again. Why do you do that? You don’t know me or my intentions yet you think you can define me. Who do you think you are exactly?! That takes quite a bit of nerve.
Wrong. Privilege is not an accusation of oppression. It’s a benefit of not being a target of oppression.

Nope, it's just the usual subterfuge the left uses to muddle language and pretend their intentions are noble.
There you go making incorrect assumptions again. Why do you do that? You don’t know me or my intentions yet you think you can define me. Who do you think you are exactly?! That takes quite a bit of nerve.

You are what you defend on the merits. The only time that doesn't apply when you defend someone's right of expression.
Most people who can listen/read critically would never argue any of those points. As a society and through the mechanics of law and legislation we have attempted to remove those laws and injustices to create the potential for equality and of opportunity.

But, at what point do minorities direct responsibility back on themselves and stop pointing to archaic laws and slavery that have been abolished?
We are seeing more and more segregation whether physical or non-tangible social segregation because it has become easy to cry "racism" as a reason for one's own personal choices that have led to their own current situation.

My concern with "White Privilege" is that it is negating personal culpability and I think anyone that can read/listen critically, can understand the position as well.
Oh I think the majority of life is about self discipline and responsibility. Advocacy groups fight to minimize the external factors and spread awareness around issues they deem important.
Oh I think the majority of life is about self discipline and responsibility. Advocacy groups fight to minimize the external factors and spread awareness around issues they deem important.
When does "White Privilege" fall of the awareness spectrum and minorities take full responsibility for their actions?

Let me give you an example.

Will Smith slap at the Oscars. Shortly after Black journalist/talking heads wrote that the primary reason that it was a bad look was because it was perceived through the "White Gaze" and the predominance of whiteness at the Oscars. Blacks coming to defense of their race and using "white" as a way to deflect personal actions.
Blacks were literally oppressed by law in our country for generations. From slavery to Jim Crow. There are still people alive today that were oppressed by law and not given the same opportunities as whites. Changing laws and giving some perks doesn’t just change all of that. They are still treated like second class citizens by many. The treatment of this kind is what still lingers and exists today. This treatment is what’s trying to be improved on by perspective giving and empathy exercises like this worksheet.

You need the worksheet more than most. It exists to counter the ignorance you expel on a regular basis on this board. Too bad you can’t see it
Blah, blah, blah. Blacks USED TO be oppressed, but they are favored now. People who get prioritized for jobs and promotions, and for whom admissions policies are adjusted in their favor, are NOT oppressed.

In fact, I just got back from lunch with a member of an “oppressed“ group, according to the chart - a Jewish friend. It was outside Baltimore, and you wouldn’t BELIEVE all the oppressed people eating filets at an upscale steakhouse! At least 50% of the clientele were black. (I stuck with the $27 hamburger. Oye.)

So cry me a River, and stop your insults about my “ignorance” just because I won’t submit to the FALSE leftist narrative.
Wrong. I’m defending a perspective for debate. I could easily flip the tables and tear apart this worksheet. There are so many points that you’re failing to bring up. Good substantive points. But you’re too blinded by your agenda and distortions
You‘re defending a perspective for debate - and then insult anyone who disagrees with you.

I am ALSO defending a perspective for debate: there are no oppressed groups here in America. The chart is part of the indoctrination to get kids to eventually vote for policies that discriminate against whites and in favor of blacks. THAT is why blacks are listed on top, even though other groups are targeted more.
There you go making incorrect assumptions again. Why do you do that? You don’t know me or my intentions yet you think you can define me. Who do you think you are exactly?! That takes quite a bit of nerve.
You just called me ignorant. That takes a lot of nerve too.
You are what you defend on the merits. The only time that doesn't apply when you defend someone's right of expression.
Bullshit, positions can be taken in debate for many reasons. If I had a vote on whether to use this worksheet in school or not I’d vote no. How does that sit with you?
When does "White Privilege" fall of the awareness spectrum and minorities take full responsibility for their actions?

Let me give you an example.

Will Smith slap at the Oscars. Shortly after Black journalist/talking heads wrote that the primary reason that it was a bad look was because it was perceived through the "White Gaze" and the predominance of whiteness at the Oscars. Blacks coming to defense of their race and using "white" as a way to deflect personal actions.
I think blacks and everybody else are always responsible for their actions. White privilege doesn’t excuse bad actions.
Blah, blah, blah. Blacks USED TO be oppressed, but they are favored now. People who get prioritized for jobs and promotions, and for whom admissions policies are adjusted in their favor, are NOT oppressed.

In fact, I just got back from lunch with a member of an “oppressed“ group, according to the chart - a Jewish friend. It was outside Baltimore, and you wouldn’t BELIEVE all the oppressed people eating filets at an upscale steakhouse! At least 50% of the clientele were black. (I stuck with the $27 hamburger. Oye.)

So cry me a River, and stop your insults about my “ignorance” just because I won’t submit to the FALSE leftist narrative.
Wholy crap you actually saw a black person eating a steak?! I just google searched and found that you are correct. They do actually eat steaks. I even saw one driving a Mercedes! Go figure. I guess you’re right, they really aren’t oppressed. They have it better than all of us! Thanks for clearing that up for me.
I am ALSO defending a perspective for debate: there are no oppressed groups here in America. The chart is part of the indoctrination to get kids to eventually vote for policies that discriminate against whites and in favor of blacks. THAT is why blacks are listed on top, even though other groups are targeted more.
Ok so after reading your argument I’m seeing you say that there are no oppressed groups in America yet you say in the next breath that there are other groups targeted more.

Your sure you wanna run with that one??
Wholy crap you actually saw a black person eating a steak?! I just google searched and found that you are correct. They do actually eat steaks. I even saw one driving a Mercedes! Go figure. I guess you’re right, they really aren’t oppressed. They have it better than all of us! Thanks for clearing that up for me.
Libtards go with Nasry sarcasm when they’re losing the argument.

I didn’t say I saw “a black person” eating a steak. I said half the clientele were black, eating at an upscale restaurant, and certainly not ”oppressed.”

NO GROUP no oppressed. The chart is a lie.

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