Zone1 California school divides students by "privileged" and "oppressed"

No, I don't represent all of Canada. My views as expressed on this are consistent with the majority of Canadians'.

Your opinion is as valid as your credibility.
So, you weren't even born in Canada and are simply using it in an appeal to popularity.

Got it
I understand the chart just fine. Do you see the irony of your statement? You called something a lie and then said it exists. You’re a moron
You are the fucking moron. The content of the chart, what the chart claims is a lie you fucking gaslighter wannbe. Fuck you.
You represent all of Canada, now, do you?

Were you even born in Canada?

We all know Canada is made up of Democrats. It's a great example of how you can be too liberal. I love America because we also have like 30% Republicans. 30% Dems. 40% don't vote.
You are the fucking moron. The content of the chart, what the chart claims is a lie you fucking gaslighter wannbe. Fuck you.
Name a specific part. It’s like pulling teeth having a discussion with you. Can you back your shut up or not? Stop hiding
Name a specific part. It’s like pulling teeth having a discussion with you. Can you back your shut up or not? Stop hiding
Hey ass wipe why don't you prove that the chart is accurate. It's made up Marxist garbage. If any of it were true evil whites would never let it run through the institutions. Think about that for a minute. If whites were evil oppressors do you really think they would let this happen?
Ah then you're just being stubborn and missing the point.
No, I will take talent no matter where it comes from. I believe in talent, race, color, religion, sex, rich, poor, it doesn’t matter. I want the best, name a sports team that drafts by economic status? The point is talent rules and if I surround myself with talent, I am that much better.
I know and you're doing away with aa. I actually now agree and I see a better way. Just help out all poor kids the same despite skin tone.

I like these new laws that say employers can't make us sign non competes. Pay me to stay. And making companies post the salary so "negotiation" doesn't allow you to pay women and blacks and hispanics 75 cents to every dollar us whites make. That will help us white men too. More for our wives AND then we aren't losing jobs to people because they do it for less. It will bring wages up.
Shouldn't helping the poor be more aligned with charitable organizations, churches and related entities? In current state, low-income individuals become enslaved to government benefits with little to no incentive to better themselves.

The gender wage gap is a fallacy, as it doesn't account for the type of jobs, the total hours worked, raising children, etc. In fact, single women in urban areas, female CEOs and female porn stars make more than men. Just another baseless talking point from the left.
Hey ass wipe why don't you prove that the chart is accurate. It's made up Marxist garbage. If any of it were true evil whites would never let it run through the institutions. Think about that for a minute. If whites were evil oppressors do you really think they would let this happen?
Do you think the chart is saying all whites are evil oppressors? Can you show which part you think says that?
Their Oppressor column kind of sums up the Left's prioritized cultural hatred list very well.
First, it's men, then white, then Christian, then straight, then class, then it's protestant, i.e. Wasps.
It is the Left's ancient hatred that has been going on for generations.
CRT is just Left-Wing hate, stereotyping and prejudice.
Wasps are not holding anyone down.
America has an open economic system that gives everyone a chance.
People who try and who have the talent will succeed.

Besides everything?
I’m just looking for something specific. If you think it’s everything and don’t want to pick something then I’ll pick…

Type of oppression: Ageism
Variable: Age
Non-target groups: Young Adults
Target groups: Elders

Ok, please explain how that is racist
It's about sowing distrust and self hate among the citizens here so they're more easily manipulated. You are forced to choose a side in every matter, large or small, or you are dismissed as being "part of the problem" by whichever side you are forced to accept. If you remember the Stanford prison experiment which forced role playing to volunteers, you will see that this is being done on a larger scale, but with the same results.
It's about sowing distrust and self hate among the citizens here so they're more easily manipulated. You are forced to choose a side in every matter, large or small, or you are dismissed as being "part of the problem" by whichever side you are forced to accept. If you remember the Stanford prison experiment which forced role playing to volunteers, you will see that this is being done on a larger scale, but with the same results.
Which sides do you think people are being forced to decide to be on and who is doing the forcing?
Students at a California school district were given a presentation on oppression that listed types of people who would be considered part of a privileged "non-target group" or an oppressed "target group."

Acalanes Union High School District (AUHSD) Director of Student Support, Equity and Inclusion Dr. Lynnā McPhatter-Harris reportedly presented student leadership in the district with a worksheet that broke down different characteristics and attributes that could mean someone is either privileged or oppressed.

Types of oppression included racism, sexism, genderism, classism, elitism, religious oppression, militarism, ageism, adultism, heterosexism, ableism, xenophobia and linguistic oppression.

View attachment 760330

CRT is based on Left Wing bigot stereotyping.
CRT stereotypes all white people as oppressors and all POC as oppressed.
If all white people were privileged oppressors, then there would be no poor white people.
If all POC were oppressed, then there would be no multi-millionaire POC.
The other dumb Liberal stereotyping issue is that if a white person is successful, it means that they are an oppressor.
It is amazing that the CRT Educators do not understand that they are teaching students Left-Wing bigot racial stereotyping and racial hatred.
Parents need to start suing the school districts that are indoctrinating students in CRT hate and racism.
Enough with all this oppression stuff! These kids can’t even do basic math or compose a simple sentence.
So this is what the Left's CRT DEI prioritized hate list sort of looks like

1 men
2 white men
3 white Christian men
4 straight white Christian men
5 upper middle class straight white Protestant Christian men
6 formally educated manager upper middle class straight white Protestant Christian men
7 non-disabled formally educated manager upper middle class straight white Protestant Christian men
8 US citizen non-disabled formally educated manager upper middle class straight white Protestant Christian men
9 Veteran US citizen non-disabled formally educated manager upper middle class straight white Protestant Christian men
10 english speaking veteran US citizen non-disabled formally educated manager upper middle class straight white Protestant Christian men


How many boxes do you check off?
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So this what the Left's CRT DEI prioritized hate list sort of looks like

1 men
2 white men
3 white Christian men
4 straight white Christian men
5 upper middle class straight white Protestant Christian men
6 formally educated manager upper middle class straight white Protestant Christian men
7 non-disabled formally educated manager upper middle class straight white Protestant Christian men
8 US citizen non-disabled formally educated manager upper middle class straight white Protestant Christian men
9 Veteran US citizen non-disabled formally educated manager upper middle class straight white Protestant Christian men
10 english speaking veteran US citizen non-disabled formally educated manager upper middle class straight white Protestant Christian men

View attachment 760399

How many boxes do you check off?
That’s says “non/target groups (privilege)

It does not say “hate”

Why do you lie and why haven’t you answered my question about how the ageism section is racist??
A meme to keep the useful idiots riled up^^^


now here's the thing. I'm a white, cis-gendered, heterosexual male. In this society, I'm privileged. I won't be followed around a store like I'm up to something, I won't be pulled over by the cops on a pretext so they can search my trunk, I will always get fair consideration for a job or service at a store.

Everyone should have that. That is supposedly the promise of America, that everyone is equal.
Their Oppressor column kind of sums up the Left's prioritized cultural hatred list very well.
First, it's men, then white, then Christian, then straight, then class, then it's protestant, i.e. Wasps.
It is the Left's ancient hatred that has been going on for generations.
CRT is just Left-Wing hate, stereotyping and prejudice.
Wasps are not holding anyone down.
America has an open economic system that gives everyone a chance.
People who try and who have the talent will succeed.

Except they didn't call it an oppressor column. They called it a privilege column.

If you are white you are privileged compared to people of color.
If you are male, you have more privileges than women.
If you are straight and cisgender, you have more privileges than people who are LGBTQ+

This is just the reality of our culture.

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