Zone1 California school divides students by "privileged" and "oppressed"

The. problem. is. leftists. trying. to. shut. people. up.

Clear enough for you, mouthbreather?
Ohh, silly me. I thought you had an issue with them talking about oppression as laid out on that worksheet. Wonder where I got that notion from? Well glad I was wrong and you’re cool with it. My apologies
Ohh, silly me. I thought you had an issue with them talking about oppression as laid out on that worksheet. Wonder where I got that notion from? Well glad I was wrong and you’re cool with it. My apologies

My issue is people confusing curriculums with free speech, especially when it comes to public schooling.

Asking a curriculum to not be biased isn't asking anyone to be shut up.

Christians are required to provide religious education to public school kids after school hours if the parents so choose, Woke/SJW dogma should get the same treatment.
My issue is people confusing curriculums with free speech, especially when it comes to public schooling.

Asking a curriculum to not be biased isn't asking anyone to be shut up.

Christians are required to provide religious education to public school kids after school hours if the parents so choose, Woke/SJW dogma should get the same treatment.
Oh ok so you do have a problem with schools discussing that worksheet. That’s what I originally thought.

What in that worksheet do you think is biased or incorrect?

The constitution doesn’t have separation of woke and state
Hey if you don't care about labor or the middle class fine.

Lebron is an employee. If he's making that much how much is the owner making?

Lebron is in a union by the way. That union made it so the min salary to play in the NBA is $1 million today. Thanks to the union.
Lebron is making millions .. how much is the NBA janitor making?
Oh ok so you do have a problem with schools discussing that worksheet. That’s what I originally thought.

What in that worksheet do you think is biased or incorrect?

The constitution doesn’t have separation of woke and state

It's designed to marginalize certain people, the ending of which was the whole freaking point of the civil rights movement.

If wokeism keeps acting like a religion, it should be treated as such.

The worksheet is the epitome of CRT in action. It has no place in public schools.
Lebron is making millions .. how much is the NBA janitor making?
Who cares? My brother and his bosses are VP's. They all make $1 to $4 million a year. That's closer to where Lebron is in the grand scheme of things. And he's a worker. I don't begrudge workers for making their fair share. Yes, I believe Lebron gets his fair share. Does the janitor? Probably not.

I want to go back in time to when the janitor had a wife and kids at home.
Who cares? My brother and his bosses are VP's. They all make $1 to $4 million a year. That's closer to where Lebron is in the grand scheme of things. And he's a worker. I don't begrudge workers for making their fair share. Yes, I believe Lebron gets his fair share. Does the janitor? Probably not.

I want to go back in time to when the janitor had a wife and kids at home.
If you believe there is income inequality .. Lebron makes $45 million / year ($123K / day) while an NBA janitor makes $80K / year ($219 / day). Are you or are you not for income equality? Why are CEOs evil and NBA players not?
It's designed to marginalize certain people, the ending of which was the whole freaking point of the civil rights movement.

If wokeism keeps acting like a religion, it should be treated as such.

The worksheet is the epitome of CRT in action. It has no place in public schools.
In what way do you see it marginalizing certain people? Who and how?
Hey if you don't care about labor or the middle class fine.

Lebron is an employee. If he's making that much how much is the owner making?

Lebron is in a union by the way. That union made it so the min salary to play in the NBA is $1 million today. Thanks to the union.
One area of owning a business, whether is a private company or a public business is Risk. When the argument is purposed that labor should have a greater seat at the table, that's a great sentiment. However, if something where to happen to the business, let's say a lawsuit and the business is fined or ordered to pay a funds, who should pay for it? The laborers who had nothing to do with the fine?

When entrepreneur opens a business, and takes out a business loan. The owner is assuming most of the risk, not the employees they feel they need to help run the business. None of the employees put forth their money to launch the business. If the business goes under, the risk is on the owner. The employees move on and find another job.
Lebron is making millions .. how much is the NBA janitor making
Nothing is stopping the Janitor from going out and changing his career and skill set. And more than likely, the janitor works for owners of the facility, not the owner of the team, nor the NBA. 80K a year for being a janitor, depending on the area, is damn good money, considering it doesn't require any specialized training or education.
Nothing is stopping the Janitor from going out and changing his career and skill set. And more than likely, the janitor works for owners of the facility, not the owner of the team, nor the NBA. 80K a year for being a janitor, depending on the area, is damn good money, considering it doesn't require any specialized training or education.
You're preaching to the choir .. just demonstrating to sealybobo, who believes CEOs are evil because they make much more than company workers, yet, doesn't feel the same way the NBA stars make more in 1 day than NBA janitors do in 18 months.
It's designed to marginalize certain people, the ending of which was the whole freaking point of the civil rights movement.

If wokeism keeps acting like a religion, it should be treated as such.

The worksheet is the epitome of CRT in action. It has no place in public schools.
Republicans seem to believe our history moving forward should be as white washed as our history books are about our past. I think we should tell the real truth. You Republicans don't seem to think we can handle it. Or that the truth will cause problems. I thought ignorance of history means you are doomed to repeat it. You right wingers want to continue on with your racism and part of that is denying you ever were. You can't even admit it was you who were Democrats back during the Civil Rights movement. You certainly weren't on MLK's side.
In what way do you see it marginalizing certain people? Who and how?

When you automatically call a bunch of people oppressors (hiding with the privilege construct) based on WHAT they are, rather than who they are and what they do, you are marginalizing them.
Republicans seem to believe our history moving forward should be as white washed as our history books are about our past. I think we should tell the real truth. You Republicans don't seem to think we can handle it. Or that the truth will cause problems. I thought ignorance of history means you are doomed to repeat it. You right wingers want to continue on with your racism and part of that is denying you ever were. You can't even admit it was you who were Democrats back during the Civil Rights movement. You certainly weren't on MLK's side.

You can teach the truth, what you can't do is say the past is someone's fault today because of what subgroup they belong to.

I wasn't alive when MLK was assassinated, but today's wokesters aren't on his side by any means.

MLK was for color not being a decider in the value of a person, something today's woke left has augmented with sex, sexual orientation, religion (or lack thereof) and fetishes.
One area of owning a business, whether is a private company or a public business is Risk. When the argument is purposed that labor should have a greater seat at the table, that's a great sentiment. However, if something where to happen to the business, let's say a lawsuit and the business is fined or ordered to pay a funds, who should pay for it? The laborers who had nothing to do with the fine?

When entrepreneur opens a business, and takes out a business loan. The owner is assuming most of the risk, not the employees they feel they need to help run the business. None of the employees put forth their money to launch the business. If the business goes under, the risk is on the owner. The employees move on and find another job.

Nothing is stopping the Janitor from going out and changing his career and skill set. And more than likely, the janitor works for owners of the facility, not the owner of the team, nor the NBA. 80K a year for being a janitor, depending on the area, is damn good money, considering it doesn't require any specialized training or education.
Oh they will pay for it alright.

But I see you don't even believe labor should have a seat at the table. Thanks.

Major corporations have an obligation with labor and this country to pay us fairly. I know you want to cross the line into what's right. You guy have been cutting into labors wages since the 70's. Class warfare exists and corporations scored a major victory when they got Reagan elected. Today we see the middle class isn't what it once was.

And I'm sorry but GM had great profits when it manufactured in America. They just made a shit ton more when they went overseas. But when all those lost jobs help lead us to a major recession and GM has spent all their profits instead of saving like Ford did, they purposely went bankrupt and loved doing it. They reniged on pensions and renegotiated with labor. Labor had no power. GM had no money. But look at GM now. Now look at the middle class when they went overseas. But now GM is crushing it.

Some industries should never be outsourced. This was one of them. Vital to our country, our economy. Those high paying union jobs created a middle class the world had never seen before. I lived through it. It was amazing.

Today not as amazing. No jobs where you work 30 year and get a pension. Hell, my dad got a pension for only 20 years. Not as much but enough to retire before he was 60.
You can teach the truth, what you can't do is say the past is someone's fault today because of what subgroup they belong to.

I wasn't alive when MLK was assassinated, but today's wokesters aren't on his side by any means.

MLK was for color not being a decider in the value of a person, something today's woke left has augmented with sex, sexual orientation, religion (or lack thereof) and fetishes.
No but you are a white man living in a society that treats black people like second class citizens. You say you aren't part of the problem but many of you are and don't even know it. Ever hear of bias? We all have it.

So racism isn't over and black people do deal with these issues to this day. And you deny it? Or say it wasn't/isn't you?

You're part of the problem. And that bothers you. That's what they teach. You're part of the problem.

What pisses me off is they don't even appreciate us liberals because we aren't liberal enough. We're wrong to not want blacks moving into our neighborhoods. Knowing that when they move in theft will go up. If it didn't, we wouldn't feel this way. It didn't happen when the first 3 blacks moved in. But eventually, we catch blacks on video in our private condos, with cameras, middle of the night, stealing our cars.
When you automatically call a bunch of people oppressors (hiding with the privilege construct) based on WHAT they are, rather than who they are and what they do, you are marginalizing them.
In which part did they call a bunch of people oppressors. Can you be specific and point to it?
No but you are a white man living in a society that treats black people like second class citizens. You say you aren't part of the problem but many of you are and don't even know it. Ever hear of bias? We all have it.

So racism isn't over and black people do deal with these issues to this day. And you deny it? Or say it wasn't/isn't you?

You're part of the problem. And that bothers you. That's what they teach. You're part of the problem.

What pisses me off is they don't even appreciate us liberals because we aren't liberal enough. We're wrong to not want blacks moving into our neighborhoods. Knowing that when they move in theft will go up. If it didn't, we wouldn't feel this way. It didn't happen when the first 3 blacks moved in. But eventually, we catch blacks on video in our private condos, with cameras, middle of the night, stealing our cars.

The laws treat everyone equally.

So the best way to end racism is to keep bitching about people who aren't racist acting racist?

I am not part of the problem, the problem is the current focus on revenge and leverage instead of equality. That's the whole reason the left came up with the term equity.

You aren't a liberal, you are a progressive woke statist.

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