Zone1 California school divides students by "privileged" and "oppressed"

So are you saying that people of color have not been an oppressed group? Is that a lie?

I am saying if you list one group as oppressed, there has to be an oppressor, and this table shows it, no matter how much they try to hide it by using the word privilege.

This table isn't about back then, it's about setting up the levels on the pity pole today.
Liberal in the classical sense, in the rights of the individual over the rights of the collective.

Those weren't "Real Conservatives", those were RINO's and corporatists.

You are not liberal. Anyone who is a proponent of stifling speech isn't a liberal.

You are a progressive woke Statist.
You mean stifling lies or homophobic/racist views? So if I'm not down with your hate speech and lies I'm not a liberal? Fuck you.
You mean stifling lies or homophobic/racist views? So if I'm not down with your hate speech and lies I'm not a liberal? Fuck you.

Is saying homosexual acts are sinful hateful/homophobic?

If yes, you basically admit your goal has to be the elimination of all major religions.

Also, allowing speech you despise is the crux of classical liberalism, and the antidote is more speech, not stifling theirs.
No, they used to be, generations ago. No need to kick-start racism up again by perpetrating it against whites.
They still are. See, this is why you whites who don't think you are part of the problem, are part of the problem. You think racism ended in 1970?

Look at the numbers. Still a lot of room for more blacks AND WOMEN in the executive boardrooms.

I wish we would stop counting white women in the affirmative action numbers. Stop giving companies credit for diversity when they hire a woman. Has to be a black women or hispanic or muslim. White women don't appreciate the fact they have benefited the most from affirmative action. There would be no Carli Fiorino if women weren't counted in the aa numbers. And you don't even appreciate it.
I am saying if you list one group as oppressed, there has to be an oppressor, and this table shows it, no matter how much they try to hide it by using the word privilege.

This table isn't about back then, it's about setting up the levels on the pity pole today.
You’re completely misinterpreting the worksheet. I can’t tell if you’re doing it on purpose to support you political agenda or if you’re honestly confused.

This worksheet isn’t about attacking anybody. It’s about raising awareness of groups who get marginalized… both historically and today.

Unless you’re going to claim that people of color are not a group that’s been victims of racism and oppression you haven’t pointed to anything that’s inaccurate in that worksheet. Seems like you just can’t handle an honest conversation about it so you don’t want classrooms talking about it either.

I’m white and I don’t feel attacked by that worksheet… why do you?
You’re completely misinterpreting the worksheet. I can’t tell if you’re doing it on purpose to support you political agenda or if you’re honestly confused.

This worksheet isn’t about attacking anybody. It’s about raising awareness of groups who get marginalized… both historically and today.

Unless you’re going to claim that people of color are not a group that’s been victims of racism and oppression you haven’t pointed to anything that’s inaccurate in that worksheet. Seems like you just can’t handle an honest conversation about it so you don’t want classrooms talking about it either.

I’m white and I don’t feel attacked by that worksheet… why do you?

It is attacking people for what they are, not what they did. When you blame a whole group of people for something, you can't pretend you are just educating them about it.

Specific events can be gone into detail, the failure of Reconstruction due to the election of 1876, the passage of Jim Crow laws, Their cementing into practice due to Plessey, the Resurrection of the KKK in the 1950's and 60's due to the Civil Rights Era pushback. All those can be discussed. Specific people can be blamed.

But that's not what the left wants. They want to blame everyone who isn't in the "right column". This sheet just simplifies it to "white people bad, black people good" at the top, and then continues it with other comparisons taking into account the SJW pity pole rankings.

It's nothing more than "four legs good, two legs bad."
They used to be but aren’t anymore. Is that what you’re saying?
Yes, of course. Blacks today aren’t oppressed. If anything, they enjoy special privileges in hiring and college and med school admissions. Entry exams have been abolished for their benefit. We even have had the U.S. President announce special programs to help reduce the number of whites in government.
It is attacking people for what they are, not what they did. When you blame a whole group of people for something, you can't pretend you are just educating them about it.
It’s not attacking anybody… that’s where you’re all all screwed up and reading things that aren’t being said. Discussing the struggles of others and building perspective is not attacking and blaming others.

You keep avoiding my questions because you know the answers support the fact that yes some groups were oppressed and they did and do in-fact have to deal with things that other groups don’t have to struggle with. Race is part of it. Sex and gender is another. Age is another. This worksheet isnt an attack on whites just as it’s not attacking all young people for ageism. You’re just trying to make this anti woke and political. But you’re not being honest
Yes, of course. Blacks today aren’t oppressed. If anything, they enjoy special privileges in hiring and college and med school admissions. Entry exams have been abolished for their benefit. We even have had the U.S. President announce special programs to help reduce the number of whites in government.
Corrections are being made in our society to compensate for generations of systemic racist oppression. That doesn’t happen over night nor does it purify our society of these practices.
It’s not attacking anybody… that’s where you’re all all screwed up and reading things that aren’t being said. Discussing the struggles of others and building perspective is not attacking and blaming others.

You keep avoiding my questions because you know the answers support the fact that yes some groups were oppressed and they did and do in-fact have to deal with things that other groups don’t have to struggle with. Race is part of it. Sex and gender is another. Age is another. This worksheet isnt an attack on whites just as it’s not attacking all young people for ageism. You’re just trying to make this anti woke and political. But you’re not being honest

It's passive aggressively doing just that, and it's blatantly obvious.

I went over examples of actual oppression, that can be blamed on actual people or groups of people, not the blanket "white=oppressor"

It is an attack, and you are just either too delusional to see it, or know my view is spot on and you can't admit it without breaking SJW kayfabe.
Corrections are being made in our society to compensate for generations of systemic racist oppression. That doesn’t happen over night nor does it purify our society of these practices.

I refuse to pay for the sins of the past, sins I had nothing to do with.

And the "sins" of the present? Sorry, but only men have penises, and only women have vaginas and mutilating yourself to pretend you are the other doesn't make you the other.
Is saying homosexual acts are sinful hateful/homophobic?

If yes, you basically admit your goal has to be the elimination of all major religions.

Also, allowing speech you despise is the crux of classical liberalism, and the antidote is more speech, not stifling theirs.
Oh don't you worry religions have the unique ability to slowly change their position on issues so that you don't even realize it.

Before gays were going to hell. Today most churches don't say that, right?

Even if homosexuality is a sin, why is it any worse than the sins you will commit before you die?
Oh don't you worry religions have the unique ability to slowly change their position on issues so that you don't even realize it.

Before gays were going to hell. Today most churches don't say that, right?

Even if homosexuality is a sin, why is it any worse than the sins you will commit before you die?

The ones changing are being kicked out of the congregations in question.

It isn't performing the sin that gets you in this case, it's thinking that it's not a sin that condemns you.
It's passive aggressively doing just that, and it's blatantly obvious.
Your hidden messages and passive aggressive none sense is in your head. How about we just use literal and factual. Take your over emotional reactions out of it. The worksheets is factual and accurate. It opens discussion and insight to understand the plight of different groups. Don’t be so damn sensitive and think everything is an attack against you. It isn’t.
Corrections are being made in our society to compensate for generations of systemic racist oppression. That doesn’t happen over night nor does it purify our society of these practices.
The corrections were already done when systemic racism laws were made illegal, generations ago. Time to start judging people by their character and ability instead of skin color.
I refuse to pay for the sins of the past, sins I had nothing to do with.

And the "sins" of the present? Sorry, but only men have penises, and only women have vaginas and mutilating yourself to pretend you are the other doesn't make you the other.
You’re not paying for the sins of others you’re benefitting. That’s what you don’t seem to realize and don’t seem to want to hear
The corrections were already done when systemic racism laws were made illegal, generations ago. Time to start judging people by their character and ability instead of skin color.
That was a step. It didn’t solve all the problems
Your hidden messages and passive aggressive none sense is in your head. How about we just use literal and factual. Take your over emotional reactions out of it. The worksheets is factual and accurate. It opens discussion and insight to understand the plight of different groups. Don’t be so damn sensitive and think everything is an attack against you. It isn’t.

The worksheet is woke SJW agitprop, and has no place in public schools.

The discussion won't be open because anyone disagreeing with it will be castigated and punished.

I'm a non-woke cis-gendered white lapsed catholic heterosexual male, by SJW standards everything has to be an attack against me.

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