Zone1 California school divides students by "privileged" and "oppressed"

I don’t except you to trust me to do anything. You don’t even know me. I’m just trying to have a talk about a worksheet. And stay on track as you throw curve ball after curveball

The only "curveball" is you pretending the sheet doesn't mean or do exactly what I am saying it means or does.
One generation for the children of Jim Crowe parents makes sense because they were deprived. But after that, the playing field was even. The extra generation was at the insistence of leftists.

But if blacks can’t raise themselves up after grandpa, and then daddy, and then they themselves were granted special privilege, it’s their own fault. At this point, they need to correct the behaviors and choices that result in problems. Punishing white kids isn’t the answer.
So what if they were deprived. If the laws were changed and opportunity is now equal then how could you condone favoritism for a group based on skin color. Isn’t that reverse racism
Yes, via things such as team-building - NOT through dividing people according to oppression and privilege. All we’ll do is raise a bunch of black kids who will feel entitled, and white kids who will feel shame for something they never did.
Understanding and acknowledging the struggles of others is team building. And if it makes somebody feel entitled or guilty then it is being taught wrong. Like how you at Marty here keep distorting it. That’s not a productive way to spin it. It not how I would discuss it. Yet you keep pushing these ugly narratives. Maybe you’re the problem here. Did you ever consider that
Understanding and acknowledging the struggles of others is team building. And if it makes somebody feel entitled or guilty then it is being taught wrong. Like how you at Marty here keep distorting it. That’s not a productive way to spin it. It not how I would discuss it. Yet you keep pushing these ugly narratives. Maybe you’re the problem here. Did you ever consider that

It's how it is being taught by the current crop of woke "teachers" who buy into the SJW pity pole hook line and sinker.
The only "curveball" is you pretending the sheet doesn't mean or do exactly what I am saying it means or does.
Well I’m trying to discuss specifics and you can’t seem to stay on point or refer to anything literal. That’s a curve ball in my book
Well I’m trying to discuss specifics and you can’t seem to stay on point or refer to anything literal. That’s a curve ball in my book

You can't link specifics to a worksheet that contains nothing but broad generalizations. white=bad everything else=good.

Again, you can't have oppressed without oppressors, and that is given by who is in the first column, just "disguised in plain sight" by using the work privilege.
The worksheet is designed to help develope perspective, empathy and understanding. Those socialization skills will help in any workplace
We are talking about kids here. It will instill a misplaced sense of anger and entitlement among blacks toward whites who had nothing to do with racism from the last century. It’s completely out of place in a school system where kids can barely read or write.
So what if they were deprived. If the laws were changed and opportunity is now equal then how could you condone favoritism for a group based on skin color. Isn’t that reverse racism
What leftists are doing NOW os reverse racism. And I am not condoning favoritism for a group based on skin color - that’s the liberals’ agenda.

I‘m for ignoring race completely and giving the job or college spot to the best qualified.
Again, you can't have oppressed without oppressors, and that is given by who is in the first column, just "disguised in plain sight" by using the work privilege.
Let’s jump down to the second row. Sexism. Are you also going to make the case that this sheet is attacking all men?

Let’s go down to ageism. Is it attacking all young people?

Are you seeing how silly and distorted your narrative is when we apply it to the other rows?
We are talking about kids here. It will instill a misplaced sense of anger and entitlement among blacks toward whites who had nothing to do with racism from the last century. It’s completely out of place in a school system where kids can barely read or write.
In what way does this sheet I still anger and entitlement?! Point to what the sheet actually said and then explain how it results in anger
What leftists are doing NOW os reverse racism. And I am not condoning favoritism for a group based on skin color - that’s the liberals’ agenda.

I‘m for ignoring race completely and giving the job or college spot to the best qualified.
I’m not talking about now. I’m talking about afyer the laws were changed in the 60’s what kind of favoritism do you think was warranted and how was that not reverse racist?
In what way does this sheet I still anger and entitlement?! Point to what the sheet actually said and then explain how it results in anger
Oh please…..instructing malleable children that certain groups of people are privileged and others are oppressed will instill LOTS of hostility.

Why do harm by promoting reverse racism to kids instead of teaching them the schoolwork they are so sorely missing?

Job Opening Seeking….

….A black kid who can’t do basic math or write a simple sentence but feels white folks own him bigtime for what other whites did to blacks generations ago.
I’m not talking about now. I’m talking about afyer the laws were changed in the 60’s what kind of favoritism do you think was warranted and how was that not reverse racist?
No favoritism was warranted at the time other than to provide equal opportunity. That’s been done since before I started college, and I’m old enough to be a grandma.
The worksheet is interesting, and has multiple lines race, gender, education, class, military...etc. Race is only one of many on it.

So why is race the only category critics focus on?
The worksheet is interesting, and has multiple lines race, gender, education, class, military...etc. Race is only one of many on it.

So why is race the only category critics focus on?
For the same reason that the lib educators put race at the top of the ”oppression” chart. The agenda behind all this is to keep the anti-white racism going and bestow special favoritism to blacks.
For the same reason that the lib educators put race at the top of the ”oppression” chart. The agenda behind all this is to keep the anti-white racism going and bestow special favoritism to blacks.
That answer is presumptive and evasive and gets an F grade. Racism is at the top of the chart because it is the most prevalent, with sexism and homophobia right up there in the top tier

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