Zone1 California school divides students by "privileged" and "oppressed"

Because of the response. The answer to racism has been, for the last few years at least, to discriminate against whites.

Ageism is allowed to continue along its merry way because “mature folks” are not one of the Left’s protected groups. And nobody is asking to hire less qualified older workers and deny younger workers who are better. We are asking for merit-based decisions, where age is not a factor.

Except Ageism isn't the same as racism. A minority is going to face racism his entire life. An old person is going to face ageism only part of his life, and he often has other options.

Now, I can say that I encountered ageism at the ripe old age of 46. My younger boss decided that I was "too old to retrain" after a reorganization caused largely by his negligence.

I probably could have had a lawsuit, because this knob was stupid enough to say this in front of other employees, but who needed that hassle?
NO, racism is NOT the most prevalent. That’s just the lie that Leftists keep telling, like “Hands up, don’t shoot!” and cops are targeting unarmed black men to kill.

The most prevalent is obvious. Blacks are placed into jobs they barely qualify for, if at all, due to the race, while another group with excellent work ethics and a long history of great work are pushed out. THAT is the group that suffers the most.

Uh, I've encountered maybe ONE person who was given a job she wasn't qualified for because she was black.

I've encountered many more white people who were given jobs they weren't qualified for because they were the relative of the boss, a drinking buddy of the boss, or the boss's fuckbuddy. And they were infinitely worse to work with because you really, really couldn't do anything about them.
NO, racism is NOT the most prevalent. That’s just the lie that Leftists keep telling, like “Hands up, don’t shoot!” and cops are targeting unarmed black men to kill.

The most prevalent is obvious. Blacks are placed into jobs they barely qualify for, if at all, due to the race, while another group with excellent work ethics and a long history of great work are pushed out. THAT is the group that suffers the most.

And there is the giant chip on your shoulder that comes up again and again. Anti-semitism was on that list too. No argument with that? Personally I found it fascinating in that it revealed “ism’s” I wasn’t aware of such as Vietnam vets. There is a lot to unpack in that list if you weren’t so hung up on race race race…

It’s a good thing to teach kids to walk a mile in another’s shoes.
Yes, because fairer minds prevailed. But it was pretty awful what that liberal said about elderly having no more value to society. That’s straight out of socialism.
No. Not because “fairer minds prevailed”. It was never even an argument because they were recognized as among the most vulnerable to the worst effects of Covid. CDC made those decisions.
The ones changing are being kicked out of the congregations in question.

It isn't performing the sin that gets you in this case, it's thinking that it's not a sin that condemns you.

Well it's hard for me to look at the loving gay couples I know and think there's anything wrong with what they are doing. And I see a lot of hetero relationships that don't look like heaven if you ask me. Who are you to judge? Oh yea, god told your ancestors.

See what's wrong with religion?
Let’s jump down to the second row. Sexism. Are you also going to make the case that this sheet is attacking all men?

Let’s go down to ageism. Is it attacking all young people?

Are you seeing how silly and distorted your narrative is when we apply it to the other rows?


Ageism is thrown in there as a bone to the AARP.
It's all there in print. You just refuse to see it or acknowledge it.
What that leftist Slade is doing is so obvious. He keeps peppering us with questions as so as to put US on the defensive, explaining ourselves. I see this M.O. used by Libs all the time. Maybe I’ll start trying it with him….watch my new approach.
Well it's hard for me to look at the loving gay couples I know and think there's anything wrong with what they are doing. And I see a lot of hetero relationships that don't look like heaven if you ask me. Who are you to judge? Oh yea, god told your ancestors.

See what's wrong with religion?

That's your view. The problem is you think that is the only allowable view and you are not beyond using government to force that on others.

See what's wrong with progressive dogma and why it's nothing more than a substitute religion for those who want to deny religon but need a substitute?

It even has diffferent flavors, AGW, Trans-crazies, general wokeness, CRT, radical feminism.
And there is the giant chip on your shoulder that comes up again and again. Anti-semitism was on that list too. No argument with that? Personally I found it fascinating in that it revealed “ism’s” I wasn’t aware of such as Vietnam vets. There is a lot to unpack in that list if you weren’t so hung up on race race race…

It’s a good thing to teach kids to walk a mile in another’s shoes.
Why do you think valuable class time should be taken up with political-based teachings about “oppressed“ groups when the majority of our children cannot read or write?
That's your view. The problem is you think that is the only allowable view and you are not beyond using government to force that on others.

See what's wrong with progressive dogma and why it's nothing more than a substitute religion for those who want to deny religon but need a substitute?

It even has diffferent flavors, AGW, Trans-crazies, general wokeness, CRT, radical feminism.
It dawned on me this morning. The Republicans really are pushing the culture wars. Why? Because they aren't in power so when they aren't in power they are going to exxaggerate everything. They are going to make a big deal about teaching racism in school. Or last time it was trannies in bathrooms. Was that ever a problem? No. It was a culture war talking point from the right. Stoking the fire.

Woke. You guys love this word. You get to be anti woke. What does anti woke mean to me? You are fighting for homophobia, mysogyny, racism, against affirmative action, diversity programs, etc. All the progressive things we're doing to make blacks and gays safe and equal in our society, you're pushing back. I get it.
It dawned on me this morning. The Republicans really are pushing the culture wars. Why? Because they aren't in power so when they aren't in power they are going to exxaggerate everything. They are going to make a big deal about teaching racism in school. Or last time it was trannies in bathrooms. Was that ever a problem? No. It was a culture war talking point from the right. Stoking the fire.

Woke. You guys love this word. You get to be anti woke. What does anti woke mean to me? You are fighting for homophobia, mysogyny, racism, against affirmative action, diversity programs, etc. All the progressive things we're doing to make blacks and gays safe and equal in our society, you're pushing back. I get it.

It takes two to tango, and your side is the one that thinks only you are allowed your opinion.

Your side gave up on equality, which is a noble goal. Now you want equity which is basically someone putting their thumb on the scale and deciding which side gets the advantage.

We are fighting for individual rights, you fight for collective rights only for the collective side you agree with.
It takes two to tango, and your side is the one that thinks only you are allowed your opinion.

Your side gave up on equality, which is a noble goal. Now you want equity which is basically someone putting their thumb on the scale and deciding which side gets the advantage.

We are fighting for individual rights, you fight for collective rights only for the collective side you agree with.

There is only one opinion on treating gays and blacks as equals and not bad or yucky. If your religion doesn't like gays you really need to keep that to yourselves. Or leave that religion.
There is only one opinion on treating gays and blacks as equals and not bad or yucky. If your religion doesn't like gays you really need to keep that to yourselves. Or leave that religion.

No, there isn't. You are advocating forced acceptance vs. tolerance.

Do atheists need to keep their opinions on Religious people to themselves?
No, there isn't. You are advocating forced acceptance vs. tolerance.

Do atheists need to keep their opinions on Religious people to themselves?
Can a teacher tell her students daily there is no god? Can she teach this?

Atheists usually do keep their opinions on Religious people to ourselves. Do we NEED TO? No.

Just like these people had the right to say what they were saying

This is who you are
Can a teacher tell her students daily there is no god? Can she teach this?

Atheists usually do keep their opinions on Religious people to ourselves. Do we NEED TO? No.

Just like these people had the right to say what they were saying

This is who you are

LOL on atheists keeping their opinions to themselves.

The WBC people are idiots, but they have a right to speech. That is the difference between me and you, I support all speech, you only support speech you like, which translates to only supporting views you like.

That's the crux of collective liberty support vs. individual liberty support.
You had a good post going but spoiled it with too many questions. Turned it into a steam roll. Keep it simple and accessible for a forum style discussion. If you really want to have a discussion
I took the time. So instead of replying, you critic my post and its length as cause to not reply.

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