Zone1 California school divides students by "privileged" and "oppressed"

For the same reason that the lib educators put race at the top of the ”oppression” chart. The agenda behind all this is to keep the anti-white racism going and bestow special favoritism to blacks.
What difference does make WHERE it is, you would have picked it out anyway.
That answer is presumptive and evasive and gets an F grade. Racism is at the top of the chart because it is the most prevalent, with sexism and homophobia right up there in the top tier
NO, racism is NOT the most prevalent. That’s just the lie that Leftists keep telling, like “Hands up, don’t shoot!” and cops are targeting unarmed black men to kill.

The most prevalent is obvious. Blacks are placed into jobs they barely qualify for, if at all, due to the race, while another group with excellent work ethics and a long history of great work are pushed out. THAT is the group that suffers the most.
NO, racism is NOT the most prevalent. That’s just the lie that Leftists keep telling, like “Hands up, don’t shoot!” and cops are targeting unarmed black men to kill.

The most prevalent is obvious. Blacks are placed into jobs they barely qualify for, if at all, due to the race, while another group with excellent work ethics and a long history of great work are pushed out. THAT is the group that suffers the most.
Interesting. What then would you say is the most prevalent form of bigotry and oppression in our country?
Interesting. What then would you say is the most prevalent form of bigotry and oppression in our country?
You couldn’t guess from my description?

I’ll give you a hint: a prominent leftist said this particular group should be the LAST to get the vaccine, since they have the least value to society.
You couldn’t guess from my description?

I’ll give you a hint: a prominent leftist said this particular group should be the LAST to get the vaccine, since they have the least value to society.
Ohh you think republicans/trumpers are the most oppressed. Ok ok I would agree that they have definitely put themselves into a hated category… but then again so do criminals, skinheads, Nazis, etc etc. do you see the difference between these groups and the ones on the worksheet?
Ohh you think republicans/trumpers are the most oppressed. Ok ok I would agree that they have definitely put themselves into a hated category… but then again so do criminals, skinheads, Nazis, etc etc. do you see the difference between these groups and the ones on the worksheet?
No, that’s not the group. I can’t believe you don’t realize this.
Well school me then…
Older people. MUCH more prejudice and putdowns to workers 45+ than blacks. The way employers devalue people once they reach 50 is shameful, and this age group is passed over for promotions, travel opportunities, training programs, and even interviews. The comments on quite blatant, as well, from snarky remarks about “old fogeys” and AARP specials.
Older people. MUCH more prejudice and putdowns to workers 45+ than blacks. The way employers devalue people once they reach 50 is shameful, and this age group is passed over for promotions, travel opportunities, training programs, and even interviews. The comments on quite blatant, as well, from snarky remarks about “old fogeys” and AARP specials.
Oh yes ageism… that’s on the sheet. But isn’t that attacking all young people and demonizing them?
Older people. MUCH more prejudice and putdowns to workers 45+ than blacks. The way employers devalue people once they reach 50 is shameful, and this age group is passed over for promotions, travel opportunities, training programs, and even interviews. The comments on quite blatant, as well, from snarky remarks about “old fogeys” and AARP specials.
Weren’t the vaccines made available to the elderly prior to younger people?
Weren’t the vaccines made available to the elderly prior to younger people?
Yes, because fairer minds prevailed. But it was pretty awful what that liberal said about elderly having no more value to society. That’s straight out of socialism.
Oh yes ageism… that’s on the sheet. But isn’t that attacking all young people and demonizing them?
No, not if the jobs and interviews and training opportunities are assigned according to MERIT, not age.
Yes, because fairer minds prevailed. But it was pretty awful what that liberal said about elderly having no more value to society. That’s straight out of socialism.
That Liberal? You’re talking about one person? I thought your point was that ageism was more prevalent than racism. Your example is a statement from one person!
No, not if the jobs and interviews and training opportunities are assigned according to MERIT, not age.
We aren’t talking about “if’s” we are talking about what the worksheet is saying. Are you having a hard time following?? Focus!
That Liberal? You’re talking about one person? I thought your point was that ageism was more prevalent than racism. Your example is a statement from one person!
That was one person who said that bout the vaccine.

As far as prevalence, it’s all over the work world. Employers would never get away with treating blacks the way they treat older workers. So yes, ageism is a much bigger prejudice in this society than racism.
We aren’t talking about “if’s” we are talking about what the worksheet is saying. Are you having a hard time following?? Focus!
Those aren’t ifs. I am telling you that ageism is much more prevalent than pockets of racism. I sure don’t see employers hiring unqualified workers over 50 for jobs…..that is reserved for blacks.

IOW, blacks get special privileges while mature folks get shown the door or, at a minimum, denied opportunities.
That was one person who said that bout the vaccine.

As far as prevalence, it’s all over the work world. Employers would never get away with treating blacks the way they treat older workers. So yes, ageism is a much bigger prejudice in this society than racism.
Great then I’m glad it’s on the worksheet and can be open for discussion. Why do you feel like the racism row attacks whites and the ageism row doesn’t attack young people?
Great then I’m glad it’s on the worksheet and can be open for discussion. Why do you feel like the racism row attacks whites and the ageism row doesn’t attack young people?
Because of the response. The answer to racism has been, for the last few years at least, to discriminate against whites.

Ageism is allowed to continue along its merry way because “mature folks” are not one of the Left’s protected groups. And nobody is asking to hire less qualified older workers and deny younger workers who are better. We are asking for merit-based decisions, where age is not a factor.
Because of the response. The answer to racism has been, for the last few years at least, to discriminate against whites.

Ageism is allowed to continue along its merry way because “mature folks” are not one of the Left’s protected groups. And nobody is asking to hire less qualified older workers and deny younger workers who are better. We are asking for merit-based decisions, where age is not a factor.
The response?! By who? People you see pointed at in the media?!

The worksheet presents all of the above to be discussed and understood. You want ageism to improve? Then increase awareness and education about its existence. Help the younger generations understand that it’s happening, how it’s happening, etc. that’s the point of the worksheet.

You dodged answering why the worksheet is attacking whites and not attacking the young. Both racism and ageism rows are laid out in the same way.

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