Zone1 California school divides students by "privileged" and "oppressed"

Privilege = oppressor.

Stop trying to pretend otherwise, that ain't gonna fly with me.
See now you’re putting you own spin and distortion on it. Your argument doesn’t hold if you take what it says at face value and act literal. That’s pretty weak.

Privilege doesn’t not mean oppressor. Why dont you write the context and actual words the sheet uses for privilege and we can see how it’s even further from how you’re trying to paint it
See now you’re putting you own spin and distortion on it. Your argument doesn’t hold if you take what it says at face value and act literal. That’s pretty weak.

Privilege doesn’t not mean oppressor. Why dont you write the context and actual words the sheet uses for privilege and we can see how it’s even further from how you’re trying to paint it

It's called an opinion, something your side doesn't even believe I should have. And it's the right opinion.

It's what it is used for, and as usual hidden in another word because progressives think they are slick.

The sheet is CRT garbage, not worth my time, and should be banned from curriculum.

And that is that.
It's called an opinion, something your side doesn't even believe I should have. And it's the right opinion.

Is that right. Do you see me here calling you names and trying to shut you up? No. I’m having a discussion with you and asking you questions so you can explain yourself. Right?
It's called an opinion, something your side doesn't even believe I should have. And it's the right opinion.

It's what it is used for, and as usual hidden in another word because progressives think they are slick.

The sheet is CRT garbage, not worth my time, and should be banned from curriculum.

And that is that.
To be clear, you can’t point to anything literal so you have to say it’s hidden and that is that.

That’s not a very strong argument there bucko
To be clear, you can’t point to anything literal so you have to say it’s hidden and that is that.

That’s not a very strong argument there bucko

Everyone knows that's what it means, especially people like you who pretend otherwise.
Everyone knows that's what it means, especially people like you who pretend otherwise.
It means what it means. Your secret hidden interpretation exists in your hate propaganda and talking points. If you can’t use the literal words and definitions being used then you have an extremely weak argument. Saying “everybody knows what they really mean” is a cop out.
It means what it means. Your secret hidden interpretation exists in your hate propaganda and talking points. If you can’t use the literal words and definitions being used then you have an extremely weak argument. Saying “everybody knows what they really mean” is a cop out.

The destruction of language and the use of weasel words is your bailiwick, not mine. You just get mad when it gets called out.
Republicans seem to believe our history moving forward should be as white washed as our history books are about our past. I think we should tell the real truth. You Republicans don't seem to think we can handle it. Or that the truth will cause problems. I thought ignorance of history means you are doomed to repeat it. You right wingers want to continue on with your racism and part of that is denying you ever were. You can't even admit it was you who were Democrats back during the Civil Rights movement. You certainly weren't on MLK's side.
Hyperbolic statement. I wish that posters could understand that not ALL Republicans or democrats can be painted with some broad platitude. It's illogical to assume that everyone in a certain group maintains your belief. It is a well known fact that this country, throughout its history has caused many atrocities. Anyone that has any semblance of an education, literacy, should be able to deduce such facts.

It is also easy to deduce that racist assholes still exist today, in every race, in this country and around the world. It is a damn shame.

The fact that you use "republicans" as a way to aggregate a sect of people tells me that you are ingesting exactly what the MSM, politicians and social media talking heads want you to believe.

Let me ask a few questions:
Do you believe the gov't ultimately has your best interest at heart?
Do you believe the bigger the gov't the better for the people?
Do you believe that you should earn based on your effort, skills, education, and that your earnings should be yours to keep while paying modest taxes for social safety nets?
Do you believe in opportunity of equality or plain equality?
Do you believe in personal culpability? That the choices you make directly affect you and that no one else can be blamed for the position you currently find yourself in?
Do you believe that you can wake up every morning and better yourself personally, economically, spiritually, socially, professionally and there is nothing standing in your way?
Do you believe that if you put in enough effort, that you can succeed doing whatever endeavor you wish to do?
The destruction of language and the use of weasel words is your bailiwick, not mine. You just get mad when it gets called out.
When you say something has a hidden meaning and can’t even discuss what it says at face value and per the definition then YOU are destroying language. When you say crap like privilege = oppression you are destroying language. Maybe talk less and look inward a bit more. You’re doing exactly what you’re trying to blame other for.
When you say something has a hidden meaning and can’t even discuss what it says at face value and per the definition then YOU are destroying language. When you say crap like privilege = oppression you are destroying language. Maybe talk less and look inward a bit more. You’re doing exactly what you’re trying to blame other for.

I told you what it means, you know what it means, but as per the SJW playbook you can't admit what it means.

That is a feature of the left's war on language, not a bug.
Hyperbolic statement. I wish that posters could understand that not ALL Republicans or democrats can be painted with some broad platitude. It's illogical to assume that everyone in a certain group maintains your belief. It is a well known fact that this country, throughout its history has caused many atrocities. Anyone that has any semblance of an education, literacy, should be able to deduce such facts.

It is also easy to deduce that racist assholes still exist today, in every race, in this country and around the world. It is a damn shame.

The fact that you use "republicans" as a way to aggregate a sect of people tells me that you are ingesting exactly what the MSM, politicians and social media talking heads want you to believe.

Let me ask a few questions:
Do you believe the gov't ultimately has your best interest at heart?
Do you believe the bigger the gov't the better for the people?
Do you believe that you should earn based on your effort, skills, education, and that your earnings should be yours to keep while paying modest taxes for social safety nets?
Do you believe in opportunity of equality or plain equality?
Do you believe in personal culpability? That the choices you make directly affect you and that no one else can be blamed for the position you currently find yourself in?
Do you believe that you can wake up every morning and better yourself personally, economically, spiritually, socially, professionally and there is nothing standing in your way?
Do you believe that if you put in enough effort, that you can succeed doing whatever endeavor you wish to do?
You had a good post going but spoiled it with too many questions. Turned it into a steam roll. Keep it simple and accessible for a forum style discussion. If you really want to have a discussion
I told you what it means, you know what it means, but as per the SJW playbook you can't admit what it means.

That is a feature of the left's war on language, not a bug.
I don’t think privilege means oppression. I’m pretty sure anybody who speaks English and is honest would agree.

The worksheet doesn’t call anybody an oppressor. When I ask you to show where it says that specifically all you can say is that it’s hidden in there. You see how lame of a response that is right? You really don’t have an argument and you’re avoiding a straight forward discussion.

Let’s try one more time though… Show exactly what the sheet says that you think is racist, wrong or calls people oppressors
I don’t think privilege means oppression. I’m pretty sure anybody who speaks English and is honest would agree.

The worksheet doesn’t call anybody an oppressor. When I ask you to show where it says that specifically all you can say is that it’s hidden in there. You see how lame of a response that is right? You really don’t have an argument and you’re avoiding a straight forward discussion.

Let’s try one more time though… Show exactly what the sheet says that you think is racist, wrong or calls people oppressors

When you call out someone for privilege you are oppressing them based on what they are, not what they did.

In this case the person with the privilege is the oppressor, again just because of what they are, not what they did or did not do.

They won't come right out and say it, they try to be slick, which is what you are trying to do by these denials.
When you call out someone for privilege you are oppressing them based on what they are, not what they did.

In this case the person with the privilege is the oppressor, again just because of what they are, not what they did or did not do.

They won't come right out and say it, they try to be slick, which is what you are trying to do by these denials.
What in the word you are talking about?! Ok since you refuse to address the worksheet directly I’ll post the actual words and you then tell me how that corresponds to what you are accusing it of….

Type of oppression: racism
Variables: race/skin color
Non-Targeted Groups (Privilege): whites
Targeted Groups (Oppressed): people of color

Ok, tell me what’s racist or incorrect about what’s literally said there.
The laws treat everyone equally.

So the best way to end racism is to keep bitching about people who aren't racist acting racist?

I am not part of the problem, the problem is the current focus on revenge and leverage instead of equality. That's the whole reason the left came up with the term equity.

You aren't a liberal, you are a progressive woke statist.
Which is different from a liberal how?

You aren't a conservative then. Siding with Trump doesn't make you a real conservative. In fact any conservative who went against Trump was viewed by you guys as less conservative. Which means you don't know the meaning of these words.

I'm a liberal progressive Democrat and you are a right wing conservative Republican.

And there is a spectrum. You say if us liberals are from 1-10 scale I'm a what? I'm a 3? What's more liberal than me? What is less?
What in the word you are talking about?! Ok since you refuse to address the worksheet directly I’ll post the actual words and you then tell me how that corresponds to what you are accusing it of….

Type of oppression: racism
Variables: race/skin color
Non-Targeted Groups (Privilege): whites
Targeted Groups (Oppressed): people of color

Ok, tell me what’s racist or incorrect about what’s literally said there.

If one is the oppressed, the others have to be the oppressors.

Thanks for proving my point.
Which is different from a liberal how?

You aren't a conservative then. Siding with Trump doesn't make you a real conservative. In fact any conservative who went against Trump was viewed by you guys as less conservative. Which means you don't know the meaning of these words.

I'm a liberal progressive Democrat and you are a right wing conservative Republican.

And there is a spectrum. You say if us liberals are from 1-10 scale I'm a what? I'm a 3? What's more liberal than me? What is less?

Liberal in the classical sense, in the rights of the individual over the rights of the collective.

Those weren't "Real Conservatives", those were RINO's and corporatists.

You are not liberal. Anyone who is a proponent of stifling speech isn't a liberal.

You are a progressive woke Statist.
Hyperbolic statement. I wish that posters could understand that not ALL Republicans or democrats can be painted with some broad platitude. It's illogical to assume that everyone in a certain group maintains your belief. It is a well known fact that this country, throughout its history has caused many atrocities. Anyone that has any semblance of an education, literacy, should be able to deduce such facts.

It is also easy to deduce that racist assholes still exist today, in every race, in this country and around the world. It is a damn shame.

The fact that you use "republicans" as a way to aggregate a sect of people tells me that you are ingesting exactly what the MSM, politicians and social media talking heads want you to believe.

Let me ask a few questions:
Do you believe the gov't ultimately has your best interest at heart?
Do you believe the bigger the gov't the better for the people?
Do you believe that you should earn based on your effort, skills, education, and that your earnings should be yours to keep while paying modest taxes for social safety nets?
Do you believe in opportunity of equality or plain equality?
Do you believe in personal culpability? That the choices you make directly affect you and that no one else can be blamed for the position you currently find yourself in?
Do you believe that you can wake up every morning and better yourself personally, economically, spiritually, socially, professionally and there is nothing standing in your way?
Do you believe that if you put in enough effort, that you can succeed doing whatever endeavor you wish to do?

I answered all your questions but then I deleted them. Let's focus on your last question first. Or, let me flip the question on you and see how you respond.

Do you believe that even with affirmative action, if you put in enough effort you can succeed doing whatever endeavor you wish to do?

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