Zone1 California school divides students by "privileged" and "oppressed"


now here's the thing. I'm a white, cis-gendered, heterosexual male. In this society, I'm privileged. I won't be followed around a store like I'm up to something, I won't be pulled over by the cops on a pretext so they can search my trunk, I will always get fair consideration for a job or service at a store.

Everyone should have that. That is supposedly the promise of America, that everyone is equal.
Weren‘t you the antisemite who, in addition to talking about my “fucking religion” (your words), suggested we move all Jews to all island (like lepers) where they won’t bother people? And if it wasn’t you who said it, you have said plenty of other Jew-hating things.

So, in your liberal and deranged (redundant) mind, everyone should be treated equal - except Jews.

(I love pointing out the left’s hypocrisy.)
Weren‘t you the antisemite who, in addition to talking about my “fucking religion” (your words), suggested we move all Jews to all island (like lepers) where they won’t bother people? And if it wasn’t you who said it, you have said plenty of other Jew-hating things.

I'm pretty sure I didn't suggest moving Jews to an Island.
But your fucking religion is your fucking choice. You chose to believe fucked up things and you engage in fucked up actions because you think your fucked up imaginary friend in the sky is cool with it.

Point of the matter is, I can stick you into a crowd of 100 other white people, and no one would know you were Jewish until you opened your mouth.

So, in your liberal and deranged (redundant) mind, everyone should be treated equal - except Jews.

No one should be treated unequally for who they are.
People should be judged by what they believe.
Religion, at the end of the day, is a choice.

I was brought up Catholic. I was taught a lot of really fucked up shit. Then I realized that the Church's teachings about divorce, birth control, and sexuality were all manner of fucked up. So I stopped believing in that shit and most of my still Catholic family knows you don't discuss religion with Uncle Joe.
I'm pretty sure I didn't suggest moving Jews to an Island.
But your fucking religion is your fucking choice. You chose to believe fucked up things and you engage in fucked up actions because you think your fucked up imaginary friend in the sky is cool with it.

Point of the matter is, I can stick you into a crowd of 100 other white people, and no one would know you were Jewish until you opened your mouth.

No one should be treated unequally for who they are.
People should be judged by what they believe.
Religion, at the end of the day, is a choice.

I was brought up Catholic. I was taught a lot of really fucked up shit. Then I realized that the Church's teachings about divorce, birth control, and sexuality were all manner of fucked up. So I stopped believing in that shit and most of my still Catholic family knows you don't discuss religion with Uncle Joe.
I‘ll probably regret asking, but you say “as soon as I open my mouth people would know I‘m a Jew.”

How so? Is there some innate way of speaking - syntax, pronunciation, etc. - that identifies the person speaking as a Jew? For example, I just got off the phone with a cruise representative asking a few questions about my booking. Could she tell I was Jewish?

Your answer will be telling.
I‘ll probably regret asking, but you say “as soon as I open my mouth people would know I‘m a Jew.”

Well, when you open your mouth and whine about how you are being oppressed for being Jewish. That's how we'd know.
Otherwise, how would we know?

Compare that to a black person... they don't have to tell us they are black, we know.
No, I will take talent no matter where it comes from. I believe in talent, race, color, religion, sex, rich, poor, it doesn’t matter. I want the best, name a sports team that drafts by economic status? The point is talent rules and if I surround myself with talent, I am that much better.
If every hiring manager were like you then blacks wouldn't have anything to complain about.

Every time someone goes on a rampage or we find a serial killer, or someone steals a car out of our parking lot I always say, "boy this would be a great world if everyone were at least as nice/good as me".

So on top of the fact poor people get off to a tougher start they also have to be judged equally on the job interview because of bias and racism. If I know a Detroit A isn't as good as a Suburb Public School A, then so do hiring managers who are white and have bias in their hearts and so do white colleges.

You could make the argument we are missing out. Could be some real talent in the poor people pool that just didn't get as easy of a head start as you got.

My brother has financially helped out poor black kids who were great athletes but didn't have parents or maybe one mom on drugs or one mom working for minimum wage. Diamonds in the ruff.

A lot of them are better than you and you know it. LOL. Quote from one of my favorite wrestlers. Couldn't help it.
Shouldn't helping the poor be more aligned with charitable organizations, churches and related entities? In current state, low-income individuals become enslaved to government benefits with little to no incentive to better themselves.

The gender wage gap is a fallacy, as it doesn't account for the type of jobs, the total hours worked, raising children, etc. In fact, single women in urban areas, female CEOs and female porn stars make more than men. Just another baseless talking point from the left.
If those entities did what they were supposed to do there'd be no need for welfare. Brett Favre scandal proved red states are using welfare as a slush fund. The money is not going to the people who need it. I want a better government. I can't tell those other organizations what to do with their money.

No I know the current negotiations for a job where they don't post the salary hurts women and blacks. And I believe it hurts me too. Our law that says you need to post the MINIMUM job salary that you will pay for a job will bring all our wages up. It's a tactic used so companies can keep wages down. Shame on you for defending them. We can't organize into unions, we have to sign non competes, we have no seat at the table, and you don't even want us to discuss with each other what we make.

Do you think we are fools?
If those entities did what they were supposed to do there'd be no need for welfare. Brett Favre scandal proved red states are using welfare as a slush fund. The money is not going to the people who need it. I want a better government. I can't tell those other organizations what to do with their money.

No I know the current negotiations for a job where they don't post the salary hurts women and blacks. And I believe it hurts me too. Our law that says you need to post the MINIMUM job salary that you will pay for a job will bring all our wages up. It's a tactic used so companies can keep wages down. Shame on you for defending them. We can't organize into unions, we have to sign non competes, we have no seat at the table, and you don't even want us to discuss with each other what we make.

Do you think we are fools?
Lol .. business are in business to .. well .. make money, and they certainly don't pay women and blacks less money for the same roles. I'm confident if you owned a for-profit business, you would want it to lose money or break even. Correct?
Lol .. business are in business to .. well .. make money, and they certainly don't pay women and blacks less money for the same roles. I'm confident if you owned a for-profit business, you would want it to lose money or break even. Correct?
These corporations are showing record profits and the CEO's and VP's at the top are giving all the raises to themselves. If labor had a seat at the table, the wage gap wouldn't have widened so much. Correct?

So the question is, if I were a CEO would I want all of it or would I want to share with the employees? Do I have to? Then I give all the raises to myself and them only the bare minimum I have to pay. If labor doesn't have a seat at the table.

And if I could employ shady tactics that are anti labor, I want a government who passes a law, you MUST post the pay on a job board. What does the job pay? We can always talk about you paying us more when we interview with you but don't waste my time. Up front, what does it pay. MINIMUM! This will help all workers. Cut the crap.
If every hiring manager were like you then blacks wouldn't have anything to complain about.

Every time someone goes on a rampage or we find a serial killer, or someone steals a car out of our parking lot I always say, "boy this would be a great world if everyone were at least as nice/good as me".

So on top of the fact poor people get off to a tougher start they also have to be judged equally on the job interview because of bias and racism. If I know a Detroit A isn't as good as a Suburb Public School A, then so do hiring managers who are white and have bias in their hearts and so do white colleges.

You could make the argument we are missing out. Could be some real talent in the poor people pool that just didn't get as easy of a head start as you got.

My brother has financially helped out poor black kids who were great athletes but didn't have parents or maybe one mom on drugs or one mom working for minimum wage. Diamonds in the ruff.

A lot of them are better than you and you know it. LOL. Quote from one of my favorite wrestlers. Couldn't help it.
A Chicago businessman used to get drug dealers to get things done, if they cleaned up and quit their dealing, they were great leaders and businessmen, they have to be to stay alive in their world. Talent is everywhere you just need the soft skills to get it to work.
These corporations are showing record profits and the CEO's and VP's at the top are giving all the raises to themselves. If labor had a seat at the table, the wage gap wouldn't have widened so much. Correct?

So the question is, if I were a CEO would I want all of it or would I want to share with the employees? Do I have to? Then I give all the raises to myself and them only the bare minimum I have to pay. If labor doesn't have a seat at the table.

And if I could employ shady tactics that are anti labor, I want a government who passes a law, you MUST post the pay on a job board. What does the job pay? We can always talk about you paying us more when we interview with you but don't waste my time. Up front, what does it pay. MINIMUM! This will help all workers. Cut the crap.
Does your company give labor a seat at the table? Do you fight to give labor a seat at the table of your company, or is that for others to do and you are all talk?
Does your company give labor a seat at the table? Do you fight to give labor a seat at the table of your company, or is that for others to do and you are all talk?

Nope. BUT, my company pays better than most companies. The industry I'm in, manufacturing, in general, pays better than most industries. Lots of reasons for it. One is unions.

I am telling you what labor should do. Doesn't matter what I do. I don't live in an environment where it is wise to discuss what you make with other employees. Employers have all the power. So no I am not willing to fall on the granade.

But that doens't mean I'm going to say your way works better for labor just because it happened to FINALLY work for me. I've been at this company almost 9 years. I've never worked for anyone this long. Usually they use you up in 5 year then it's time to go. That's the GOP way. You certainly don't expect to work for 1 company for the next 30 years. That hardly exists anymore. So it's hard for the masses to raise a family without stability. Don't you agree?

Well that's why we have so few young people having kids. Too expensive.

If I had this job right out of high school maybe I would have decided to find a wife and have kids. But I never had stability until after Bush 2. THanks Obama and Biden.
These corporations are showing record profits and the CEO's and VP's at the top are giving all the raises to themselves. If labor had a seat at the table, the wage gap wouldn't have widened so much. Correct?

So the question is, if I were a CEO would I want all of it or would I want to share with the employees? Do I have to? Then I give all the raises to myself and them only the bare minimum I have to pay. If labor doesn't have a seat at the table.

And if I could employ shady tactics that are anti labor, I want a government who passes a law, you MUST post the pay on a job board. What does the job pay? We can always talk about you paying us more when we interview with you but don't waste my time. Up front, what does it pay. MINIMUM! This will help all workers. Cut the crap.
A business makes a profit .. or ... "scary, record profits" ... oh my.... why is that a problem? Why is a problem for a CEO to make oodles of money? Why are complaints primarily around business associates? If it's a problem, shouldn't it also be a problem when other individuals, such as athletes, are making hundreds of millions? (e.g. Stephen Curry and Lebron James)

Why don't you do the market research to see what a role pays in a specific region? You don't do that when you're applying and interviewing for a new role?
A business makes a profit .. or ... "scary, record profits" ... oh my.... why is that a problem? Why is a problem for a CEO to make oodles of money? Why are complaints primarily around business associates? If it's a problem, shouldn't it also be a problem when other individuals, such as athletes, are making hundreds of millions? (e.g. Stephen Curry and Lebron James)

Why don't you do the market research to see what a role pays in a specific region? You don't do that when you're applying and interviewing for a new role?
Hey if you don't care about labor or the middle class fine.

Lebron is an employee. If he's making that much how much is the owner making?

Lebron is in a union by the way. That union made it so the min salary to play in the NBA is $1 million today. Thanks to the union.
Haha, yeah, screw free speech and open discussion about oppression and bigotry. Who needs it, right?!

This is educational curriculums below the college level, free speech has nothing to do with it.

And there is no "open discussion" because only the leftist side is allowed to be discussed.
This is educational curriculums below the college level, free speech has nothing to do with it.

And there is no "open discussion" because only the leftist side is allowed to be discussed.
What’s the “rightist” side?

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