California skiers hit the September!!!

Over 2' of the white stuff and another 2'-5' is expected by the end of the weekend...

The Mountains where I live will have 3'-7' by Monday night. Even Jackson Hole will have sufficient base for sking operations. And weather patterns don't look to changing back to warm flows..
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Progressives think that the public sits home and studies the science and are stuck in the matrix they live in. As we know however, voters don't give a crap about climate change in every single poll. What are they influenced by? The research shows.........its the local climate. So when folks go on DRUDGE today and see a big story of skiers skiing in the summer, climate change becomes laughable............except if you are an climate crusader OCD. Folks in the northeast couldn't go to the beach most days this matters. Except to the k00ks.:boobies::boobies::popcorn:

Because as they say...........reality is 95% perception!!:spinner:
The science is not mattering and progressives don't get it. But lets face it........they still cant fathom that they got their clocks cleaned last November. Its a thinking fuck up...........theres the dogma on the science..........but it doesn't matter for dick if people don't care!!:2up:
Now you did it. The lefts heads are exploding as they try to argue that hurricanes are proof of Gorebal Warming but snow in summer is weather, not climate.
The science is not mattering and progressives don't get it. But lets face it........they still cant fathom that they got their clocks cleaned last November. Its a thinking fuck up...........theres the dogma on the science..........but it doesn't matter for dick if people don't care!!:2up:

Until it's too late, and you might be dead then, you'll just be fucking it all up for the grandkids, but fuck the grandkids right?
The science is not mattering and progressives don't get it. But lets face it........they still cant fathom that they got their clocks cleaned last November. Its a thinking fuck up...........theres the dogma on the science..........but it doesn't matter for dick if people don't care!!:2up:

Until it's too late, and you might be dead then, you'll just be fucking it all up for the grandkids, but fuck the grandkids right?
Is that why Al Gore flies around in private jets and lives in 12,000 sq ft mansions, carbon footprints?
A week ago we had hot weather and massive fires. Smoke over the whole state. Now we have thunderstorms, hard rain, and snow on the mountains. But that is weather in the
West. You fellows just stay where you are at, you ain't got what it takes to live out here. Visit, leave your money, then go away. Make Governor McCall happy. LOL
A week ago we had hot weather and massive fires. Smoke over the whole state. Now we have thunderstorms, hard rain, and snow on the mountains. But that is weather in the
West. You fellows just stay where you are at, you ain't got what it takes to live out here. Visit, leave your money, then go away. Make Governor McCall happy. LOL

Well the whole point is........where you are at matters. We know that. For people in most of the country, they are sick and tired of relentless cold month after month after month.......doesn't square with what the msm is saying about climate change. So obviously..........the climate is of small concern and warming is the last thing people are worried about. That's just life........not to mention, for years the people have been seeing brush fires......thunderstorms etc. Most people just take it in as part of their daily existence. There are some who get real upset when things happen in nature.......certain personality types. Some of this is cultural........some of it relates to your environment when you were growing up!! Lets face it.........weve all been around people who's head explodes when a line of thunderstorms rolls through. Think of if you are a kid and mom or dad are diving into the bathtub at the crack of thunder. Well.......for the rest of your life, weather events are going to be traumatic experiences. For most people though...........they roll with it. Its like taking a dump on the bowl in the morning.

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