California suffering through SEVERE climate change

So far the Tranny Sacrifice Panel has made 3 important decisions..

1) In the tradition of 60s radical public theatre -- the sacrifices will NOT be televised.. However invitations will be issued to the first 100 Volt buyers to register each month.


2) A priority draft of virgin trannies will be made in order of their carbon footprints.
With SUV driving trannies going to the top of list..


3) Due to protests that not enough virgin trannies will be selected from northernmost reaches of California, the Panel has recommended that several dozen virgin trannies from Burbank/Hollywood will be relocated free of charge to Eureka.
California Facing Worst Drought on Record | NOAA
The most populated state in the country is facing what may be its worst drought in a century of record-keeping. On January 20, the governor of California declared a state of emergency, urging everyone to begin conserving water. Water levels in all but a few reservoirs in the state are less than 50% of capacity, mountains are nearly bare of snow except at the highest elevations, and the fire risk is extreme. In Nevada, the situation is much the same.

Wonder why that could be :eusa_think:

Everyone knows why.. It's because Jerry Brown didn't get the memo about sacrificing a virgin tranny on top of Mt. Tamalpais every 1st Tuesday of the month. He has now delegated that task to a bipartisian panel who will supply sufficient virgin trannies to resolve the disaster..

At least -- that's the view of the Warmer Church of Panicked Villagers.

For the rest of us --- this drought was caused by a natural weather event where a blocking and persistent High Pressure dome sat it's ass over the SouthWest and beat the crap out of any approaching precipt.

Solve your problem BullWinkle?? Do you need the cartoon version? Which way do High Pressure system rotate? Do you understand ANYTHING about how your world works?

So IOW, Its Bush's Fault?
We had a terrible drought a few years ago. It was so bad, there was some talk of building desalinization plants along the ocean. Then it rained and the plan was scrapped, as if we would never again have another drought.

The climate is the same. It is just fine as it is. We have too many people living in California so droughts have a much more severe effect than it did say in the 50s or even 60s.

I think about desalinization plants out there everytime I hear you're having droughts. It's pretty selfish on my part, I don't want the rest of the country coming for water from the Great Lakes.

plus diverting the once mighty Colorado river so that its now just a trickle.
+1 for Sarah and DTazMBro for bringing up a grand idea.. I'd vote for them..
Let's see.. If I still lived in Cali --- which would I rather have?
A $400Bill speedy choo-choo from nowhere to Stockton? Or a system of desalinization plants run by renewables? (Here -- renewables used OFF-GRID are ideal to produce water even with service interruptions)

If there are still thinking voters in that state -- it ought to be a landslide Initiative item..
California Facing Worst Drought on Record | NOAA
The most populated state in the country is facing what may be its worst drought in a century of record-keeping. On January 20, the governor of California declared a state of emergency, urging everyone to begin conserving water. Water levels in all but a few reservoirs in the state are less than 50% of capacity, mountains are nearly bare of snow except at the highest elevations, and the fire risk is extreme. In Nevada, the situation is much the same.

Wonder why that could be :eusa_think:

Everyone knows why.. It's because Jerry Brown didn't get the memo about sacrificing a virgin tranny on top of Mt. Tamalpais every 1st Tuesday of the month. He has now delegated that task to a bipartisian panel who will supply sufficient virgin trannies to resolve the disaster..

At least -- that's the view of the Warmer Church of Panicked Villagers.

For the rest of us --- this drought was caused by a natural weather event where a blocking and persistent High Pressure dome sat it's ass over the SouthWest and beat the crap out of any approaching precipt.

Solve your problem BullWinkle?? Do you need the cartoon version? Which way do High Pressure system rotate? Do you understand ANYTHING about how your world works?

California Facing Worst Drought on Record | NOAA
The most populated state in the country is facing what may be its worst drought in a century of record-keeping. On January 20, the governor of California declared a state of emergency, urging everyone to begin conserving water. Water levels in all but a few reservoirs in the state are less than 50% of capacity, mountains are nearly bare of snow except at the highest elevations, and the fire risk is extreme. In Nevada, the situation is much the same.

Wonder why that could be :eusa_think:

it does not help matters when the state

tears down (4) four reservoirs that used to retain runoff and provide electricity

this dry spell is nothing compared to the 250 year drought in 850 AD

or the one that occurred 50 years after that one that lasted a 163 years

both long before the threat of the fabricated man made global warming
The idea that individual action can control the climate, or storms, or rainfall, or any natural occurrence is something that one would expect from a savage culture. Something close to being prehistoric. Maybe we should sacrifice a few virgins to the rain god.

The idea that individual action can control the climate, or storms, or rainfall, or any natural occurrence

we can

we call it shelter

heating and air conditioning

matter of fact i have my environment set at 72 degrees and 35 percent humidity
Did you know that there was a time when climate scientists told the truth about the climate?


This thread is such a total crock of shit and typical bomb throwing by the far left k00ks who have no other option because they are losing.

Extreme weather patterns/events been happening for time and eternity.......the AGW k00ks don't want people knowing that though........

This link pwns them every time >>>>

Chronology of Extreme Weather

You're such an ignoramous, you don't know the first thing about climate sciences. The world is currently in the grip of severe man made global warming. The more CO2 that goes into the atmosphere, the more the atmosphere retains heat via the greenhouse effect. This in turn leads to the oceans getting warmer and warmer, which causes significantly increased precipitation. You deniers just wish California was in a drought so you could continue to spread your ignorant lies and misinformation. But the smart people know it's just not possible. Global warming is here to stay!
California Facing Worst Drought on Record | NOAA
The most populated state in the country is facing what may be its worst drought in a century of record-keeping. On January 20, the governor of California declared a state of emergency, urging everyone to begin conserving water. Water levels in all but a few reservoirs in the state are less than 50% of capacity, mountains are nearly bare of snow except at the highest elevations, and the fire risk is extreme. In Nevada, the situation is much the same.

Wonder why that could be :eusa_think:


California is suffering through a drought. The only things humans are responsible for is the water use (and waste) policies of the liberal loons that "run" (pronounced "ruin") California.

In related news, it often gets warmer in spring and summer and cooler (or cold) in fall and winter.

This just in: The bright yellow hot shiny orb in the sky has lots to do with global climate and climatic variation.

Additional atmospheric CO2 from all of human history contributes exactly diddly dick to climate change.

Thank you. Good evening.
A basic premise of AGW theory is that increased atmospheric CO2 will retain more heat, which in turn will evaporate more H2O into the atmosphere, which will then itself retain even more heat, and on & on. Therefore, the theory requires more moisture, not less in AGW scenarios. Droughts are contrary to the theory as a general result. The people in Europe who have been suffering widespread floods should be the ones crowing about green house gas effects they attribute to the unproven theory.

Get with the program. CO2 is responsible for everything from flooding, to drought, to how effectively you brush your teeth.
I have been doing a better job of brushing my teeth lately. Maybe the CO2 is getting to my brain.


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