California suffering through SEVERE climate change

Brain-Dead partisian politics -- creating a nation of beggars and whiners.. From your "good news" ---

The drought has caused Democrats and Republicans in Congress to propose dueling emergency bills. Led by Republican Rep. Devin Nunes, the House passed one that would free up water for farmers by rolling back environmental protections and stop the restoration of a dried-up stretch of the San Joaquin River that once had salmon runs.

Democratic Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer proposed their own version that pours $300 million into drought-relief projects without changing environmental laws. The bill would allow more flexibility to move water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to farms in the south and speed up environmental reviews of water projects.

Read more here: FRESNO, Calif.: President Obama visits California's drought region - Business Breaking News -

All about the farmers.. NOTHING about desalinization or crop priorities. They are still growing RICE for cripes sakes in the Sacramento delta. And COTTON in the middle of the central valley.

LA needs to invest HEAVILY in desalinization. And stop STEALING water from the north.
And we need politicians with a WIDER more EQUITABLE view of resource issues like this one.

If Obama said it, then it must be true.


What a fuckin' tool you are.

The president also was announcing that the budget he'll send to Congress next month will include $1 billion for a proposed "climate resilience fund" to invest in research and pay for new technologies to help communities deal with the impact of climate change

Translation: Pork for UCLA studies designed to conclude that communities suffering draught need to waste less water.
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"Environmental special interests managed to dismantle the system by diverting water meant for farms to pet projects, such as saving delta smelt, a baitfish. That move forced the flushing of 3 million acre-feet of water originally slated for the Central Valley into the ocean over the past five years."

California's Drought Isn't Due To Global Warming, But Politics -

Shameless liar. There are no other explanations.

"Environmental special interests managed to dismantle the system by diverting water meant for farms to pet projects, such as saving delta smelt, a baitfish. That move forced the flushing of 3 million acre-feet of water originally slated for the Central Valley into the ocean over the past five years."

California's Drought Isn't Due To Global Warming, But Politics -

Shameless liar. There are no other explanations.


Shameless liar is what you are. That smelt is what the salmon feed on. Lose them, lose the salmon. Simple fact, they are trying to grow major crops in an area that is known for periodic droughts. When the droughts occur, much of the acreage is going to have to be taken out of production. The present cost of desalinization is far too high to use for agriculteral water.

hope he told them

that if they had any brains they would stop

tearing down their water reservoirs

and letting their water run off into the ocean

Link to articles about them tearing down water reservoirs?

yep, he's prolly got it confused, for partisan reasons, w/ the salmon runs in the NW that have had dams removed. Some really old that were constructed w/o regard to salmon conservation which is a huge $$$ business in this great nation.
"Environmental special interests managed to dismantle the system by diverting water meant for farms to pet projects, such as saving delta smelt, a baitfish. That move forced the flushing of 3 million acre-feet of water originally slated for the Central Valley into the ocean over the past five years."

California's Drought Isn't Due To Global Warming, But Politics -

Shameless liar. There are no other explanations.


Shameless liar is what you are. That smelt is what the salmon feed on. Lose them, lose the salmon. Simple fact, they are trying to grow major crops in an area that is known for periodic droughts. When the droughts occur, much of the acreage is going to have to be taken out of production. The present cost of desalinization is far too high to use for agriculteral water.

If you lose smelt, they'll eat something else.

Salmon are opportunistic feeders. Their diet reflects not only their location but at what stage of development they are at.

My husband and I are avid fishermen. Hence I'm really good at bait aka food for the fish you are trying to catch. :eusa_angel:

Oh and dear hubby is a graduate of University of Toronto. Biology. I live with a science guy.

Here's a fish food 101 link. Salmon will even eat smaller salmon. Marine life survives as it does because of it's adaptability to various diets. Of course there are some exceptions but for the most part that mantra holds true.

January 2005
Q. What do salmon eat?

A. What a salmon eats depends on age, species, and location. When salmon are young and still in freshwater they eat tiny zooplankton and adult invertebrates. However, this varies among species.

For instance, young coho salmon typically feed during the day and prefer aquatic insects at the surface of a stream, such as, mayflies, caddis flies, and stoneflies.

The young chinook salmon prefers plankton off the river floor, as well as, terrestrial insects and small crustaceans.

Another food source for a young salmon is found on overhanging riparian plants. Larvae and insects feeding on this vegetation often fall into the stream adding to a salmon’s diet.
As a salmon matures and eventually leaves the freshwater for the ocean, their diet may change.

While chum and sockeye salmon prefer to continue eating zooplankton and occasionally other small adult fish, other species begin to eat larger fish and aquatic insects. This includes shrimp, surf smelt, sand lance, crab, herring, amphipods, and krill.

Whatcom Salmon Recovery
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lol, well how convenient...

they are suffering with climate change, in other words, a drought where's Albert Gore (the god of climate change religion) to their rescue

Maybe he can do a rain dance for them
The whole California drought thing is the latest ruse from the AGW religion. Utter bullshit.

But don't take my word for it........take a gander into this link and check out the massive droughts all over the world back 100's of years.......long, long before the arrival of the Jeep Grand Cherokee.

This is the link the k00ks hate you knowing about >>>>

Chronology of Extreme Weather

Because it exposes their grand hoax!!!
"Environmental special interests managed to dismantle the system by diverting water meant for farms to pet projects, such as saving delta smelt, a baitfish. That move forced the flushing of 3 million acre-feet of water originally slated for the Central Valley into the ocean over the past five years."

California's Drought Isn't Due To Global Warming, But Politics -

Shameless liar. There are no other explanations.


Shameless liar is what you are. That smelt is what the salmon feed on. Lose them, lose the salmon. Simple fact, they are trying to grow major crops in an area that is known for periodic droughts. When the droughts occur, much of the acreage is going to have to be taken out of production. The present cost of desalinization is far too high to use for agriculteral water.

No lie at all. Three million acre feet of water dumped into the ocean instead of being used for food production is a fact.

Why would California politicians promote mass starvation?
What's with the "worst drought in California history" bullshit? I don't mind people having opinions. But no one is entitled to their own facts or an interpretation of historical facts and data.
It couldn't happen to a better state, but we need to put an armed border around it so the people can't flee across the country and infect us with their leftist thinking.

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