California suffering through SEVERE climate change

I know you'll say something stupid like "Do you want food? Then support agriculture." Well duh. I've grown my own food and harvested it since I was 3 years old (with the help of my family). But to think agriculture in Cali is the manifestation of perfection then we need a long history lesson on how agriculture industry became so powerful. Society values their food production but some realize their extraneous activities in politics and resource management have little to do with food production and a lot more to do with control.
With such a fire cracker, no wonder we can't properly debate these issues. You are focused on establishing your ego and dominance. Sorry hun but these are irrelevant matters. But I will say I'm glad you feel like you are accomplishing something on this Earth.

But if you think agricultural business is just peachy then you are ignoring facts. Plain and simple. Saying bite me and fuck you are just exemplars of you refusing to argue on a rational level. You'd prefer to think everything is meant personally towards you. Maybe in your world that is true but in reality it doesn't work that way. I'm not saying I function solely in this zone of reality but for god sakes you have no interest in hearing facts that run contrary to your favorite folks: Big Agro.

Where have I said the agricultural business is "just peachy"?

Where have I made the case that agriculture is "my favorite folks"?

Show me. You can't. And that makes you a liar.
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You are defending them tooth and nail. You wouldn't admit they have major faults and are partly to blame for this crisis in the first place. You are so worried we won't appreciate the fact they provide us with much of the food in grocery stores that you ignore any faults. Let's not forget if climate change has any basis in reality, we know that agriculture has played a definite role. I mentioned pesticides, there's also the fact of trucking billions of pounds of food across the country so we can have shitty tomatoes in the wintertime here in the Midwest and East among other obvious features of Big Agro.

The food produced on massive scales necessarily suffers in quality and nutritional value (not to mention taste). Maybe we shouldn't resort to trucking this food all over the globe just so we can turn a profit. Maybe we should eat what is feasible and sustainable. But Big Agro would never tell you that, they'd point to the nicety that we can eat any veggie at any time anywhere (though they'd prefer to keep the secret that it's shitty compared to quality produce farmed locally).
Wait, how did I turn this into a debate about agriculture industry from water shortages? Oh that's right, despite the 39 million living in Cali, 80% of the water goes to a narrow band of agriculture land that isn't necessarily in the interest of a sustainable society.
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update. They're still in a world of trouble even after they've, along w/ Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, etc... been siphoning the Colorado River dry :(

Does California Rain Mean the Drought Is Over?
Experts say this welcome new weather pattern could spare the state from recording the driest winter in history. But it's "too little, too late" to turn around a creeping crisis, they say. And it does not appear to be a harbinger of sustained precipitation to come.
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The food produced on massive scales necessarily suffers in quality and nutritional value (not to mention taste). Maybe we shouldn't resort to trucking this food all over the globe just so we can turn a profit. Maybe we should eat what is feasible and sustainable. But Big Agro would never tell you that, they'd point to the nicety that we can eat any veggie at any time anywhere (though they'd prefer to keep the secret that it's shitty compared to quality produce farmed locally).
Wait, how did I turn this into a debate about agriculture industry from water shortages? Oh that's right, despite the 39 million living in Cali, 80% of the water goes to a narrow band of agriculture land that isn't necessarily in the interest of a sustainable society.

You have some of the same biases that my music and audio buds do.. They BELIEVE that MONSTER cables improve the sound, and worry about sampling rates that TECHNICALLY could never matter.. So it is with your bias about "inferior brussel sprouts".. The diff in nutritional value or ECONOMIC value are miniscule if they ever existed.

And all that bias is to help convince yourself that EVERYONE should be growing bananas and potatoes.. Locally..

There is TERRIBLE abuse of ag resources in California -- especially water use. But that's not enough of a driver to "fundamentally transform" the biz back into an 1860s model of production.. Not gonna happen Gnarly..

there goes the idiotic Left again. what a moron you are.
you are the kind of idiot that tries to ridicule evangelicals for believing the Earth is only 6000 years old. then you come with some idiotic factoid that one region is having the worse drought "on record"

but weather records have only been kept for about 130 years; the planet is like 5 billion years old or something

idiots and hypocrites
California's Drought? What drought. We have as much rain this year as any year.
Last year was one of the wettest years with us setting records in Agriculture. I guess everyone will demand links, yes? Like I could not give them.

The big contraversy last year was the fact that despite records in rainfall that Los Angeles would not end water restrictions from the previous year.

Water Restrictions mean simply that Los Angeles charges twice the price well delivering the same amount of water.

Nobody remembers Senator Feinstein diverting water from the Central Valley to save the Delta Smelt, which somehow is still alive after 50 years of the same diversion of water to the San Joaquin valley.

I guess nobody knows the Politicians in the North reported record harvests for their farms, or that they want to take farmland for Wind Farms.

I also guess nobody remembers that last year the Corn harvest from the Midwest was diverted to make Ethanol, Bio-Fuel. Causing a tremendous crisis with Cattle production.

Yep we needed feed for the Cattle but the Green Energy nuts have a President which diverted Food to Fuel, allowing priced of Beef to rise dramatically.

And now the big lie is we have a drought in the Desert of California.

Its government policy that is causing problems with the medias help, not the Climate.

Not just Liberal media, I was reading an article in the Wall Street Journal about the food prices and there is not one mention of what happened last year, only this year, and this year just began but somehow this years "drought" is causing all this, seems like its not even spring yet? That this years crop is not even planted, yet this year's drought is a problem.

Well, the drought is non-existent in California.

Not that the truth matters.
we had one of the wettest years a couple of years ago
Don't you know that was weather and doesn't count. It only counts if you are a data climate denier (alarmist). Only their choice of weather actually can be classified as climate. Us, well we don't get that choice, we must concede to their irrational thought process.

I don't think anyone could actually make this stuff up.
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California has a semi arid climate. That means we have rain only seasonally with periodic drought. There's no change. As far as warm. I've been here since 1959 and it's the same warm as it always is.
I've been here since 1970 and nothing has changed. It's no different now than it was 40 years ago. Hot most of the year with little rain. Sometimes we get more than usual and sometimes less. Claims that global warming or climate change (whatever the term is this week) is affecting California are completely bogus and designed to scare people into jumping on the "sky is falling" bandwagon. It's a hoax, it's always been a hoax.

Storm Totals: February 28th - March 2nd, 2014

A major Pacific storm produced heavy rain, thunderstorms, wind and flooding throughout the region Friday and Saturday, with residual showers still lingering Sunday morning. The storm brought the first significant widespread rainfall of the entire 2013-14 rain season, ending what was an exceptionally dry winter up to this point.

Rain totals for Wildomar are not accurate due to a malfunctioning gauge. Estimated total is much higher

For what its worth, a rain gauge is simply a cup you measure water in? I guess it fell and broke?

Is the government actually being truthful?

At the beginning of the Rainy Season they call it a drought and declare and emergency, now we are well within the average amount of precipitation for any wet year and the Government is still declaring a drought well Rainfall totals are not being reported.

This is all another scam by the government to scare the people, got to keep fighting Global Warming, got to keep spending 100's of billions of dollars.

Think of the profit that would be lost if Politicians lose control of Trillion dollar budgets. Who profits from Global Warming. Think about and do a search.

General Electric which gets the largest subsidies from Obama, does GE profit.
Oil companies, do they profit, look into it.

Follow the money and you will find the answer to why the Government and News Media is lying about the drought.
And your point is what, that Republicans are to blame for California being prone to wildfires?

of course :eusa_eh: You didn't read the OP?

California's Drought? What drought. We have as much rain this year as any year.
Last year was one of the wettest years with us setting records in Agriculture. I guess everyone will demand links, yes? Like I could not give them.

The big contraversy last year was the fact that despite records in rainfall that Los Angeles would not end water restrictions from the previous year.

Water Restrictions mean simply that Los Angeles charges twice the price well delivering the same amount of water.

Nobody remembers Senator Feinstein diverting water from the Central Valley to save the Delta Smelt, which somehow is still alive after 50 years of the same diversion of water to the San Joaquin valley.

I guess nobody knows the Politicians in the North reported record harvests for their farms, or that they want to take farmland for Wind Farms.

I also guess nobody remembers that last year the Corn harvest from the Midwest was diverted to make Ethanol, Bio-Fuel. Causing a tremendous crisis with Cattle production.

Yep we needed feed for the Cattle but the Green Energy nuts have a President which diverted Food to Fuel, allowing priced of Beef to rise dramatically.

And now the big lie is we have a drought in the Desert of California.

Its government policy that is causing problems with the medias help, not the Climate.

Not just Liberal media, I was reading an article in the Wall Street Journal about the food prices and there is not one mention of what happened last year, only this year, and this year just began but somehow this years "drought" is causing all this, seems like its not even spring yet? That this years crop is not even planted, yet this year's drought is a problem.

Well, the drought is non-existent in California.

Not that the truth matters.

Well, asshole, no links, no credibility.
California drought: Sierra snowpack is barely there - SFGate

The snow levels in the Sierra were only 18 percent of average on Thursday, when the last of the season's once-a-month measurements was taken by the California Department of Water Resources. That's worse than last month, when the snowpack was 32 percent of normal for the date.
California Facing Worst Drought on Record | NOAA
The most populated state in the country is facing what may be its worst drought in a century of record-keeping. On January 20, the governor of California declared a state of emergency, urging everyone to begin conserving water. Water levels in all but a few reservoirs in the state are less than 50% of capacity, mountains are nearly bare of snow except at the highest elevations, and the fire risk is extreme. In Nevada, the situation is much the same.
Wonder why that could be :eusa_think:

Why could this be? Because much of California is a desert. I was born and raised there at it was not uncommon to experience long periods of heat and dry weather. Nothing new!! Move along.

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