California suffering through SEVERE climate change

"Environmental special interests managed to dismantle the system by diverting water meant for farms to pet projects, such as saving delta smelt, a baitfish. That move forced the flushing of 3 million acre-feet of water originally slated for the Central Valley into the ocean over the past five years."

California's Drought Isn't Due To Global Warming, But Politics -

Shameless liar. There are no other explanations.


Shameless liar is what you are. That smelt is what the salmon feed on. Lose them, lose the salmon. Simple fact, they are trying to grow major crops in an area that is known for periodic droughts. When the droughts occur, much of the acreage is going to have to be taken out of production. The present cost of desalinization is far too high to use for agriculteral water.

Simple fact, if the area is known for droughts then you can't blame the droughts on climate change.

Another simple fact, California developed a plan for dealing with the drought and assholes, like you, thought it made more sense to save some fish. Salmon can be reintroduced to the area if your wet dreams ever come to fruition and California actually experiences a change in climate that eliminates the drought. As it is, this drought has completely dried up the streams that those salmon spawn in, so it really doesn't matter if the smelt is alive.
What's with the "worst drought in California history" bullshit? I don't mind people having opinions. But no one is entitled to their own facts or an interpretation of historical facts and data.

It is a fact, if you define history as the period since the 1849 Gold Rush.
California policies are simple minded and ill advised. But they serve as a good exemplar of liberal hubris. WE are not in control of climate. We have SOME ability to mitigate the effects of climate problems. but we cannot cause climate change nor can we end it. Not our industry, not our CO2 emissions. Not a carbon tax. Nothing.

We might some day come to have great abilities over climate. But we are not there at this point in human development.

IF the assholes who ruin -- that is "run" -- California want to address the drought problem, then they need to come up with some workable and realistic water use polices that address human needs more than the idealized needs of the smelt.
Pictures reveal definitive facts, the kind that words cannot. But I'm well aware of the slant or bias.
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Pictures reveal definitive facts, the kind that words cannot. But I'm well aware of the slant or bias.

Pictures are frequently taken out of context rendering the information questionable. A specialty of the environmental left I might add.
Climate change cult members are damn scary simple minded and dangerous to us and our country

they will fall for anything and allow these politicians destroy our way of living because of it
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Pictures reveal definitive facts, the kind that words cannot. But I'm well aware of the slant or bias.

Pictures are frequently taken out of context rendering the information questionable. A specialty of the environmental left I might add.

That slideshow had nothing to do with the left or the right and I have to assume you couldn't spare the 30 seconds it would have taken to flip through the slide show. But apparently YOUR opinion does have to do with left vs right.

There's true science at work, eh?
Climate change cult members are damn scary simple minded and dangerous to us and our country

they will fall for anything and allow these politicians destroy our way of living because of it

And neither did YOU watch the slide show. It had NOT - ONE - FREAKING - WORD about climate change in it.
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I went to the slide show. Historic drought kiss my ass. That's just for freaking starters.

In regards to the agricultural community in California getting 80% of the water, do you like food?

Do you like the taxes spent on social programs in that ridiculous state paid out by successful vineyards and farms?

Because of the bullshit over the smelt which has added to this disaster, Californians and other Americans really really better be prepared to pay huge $$$$$ for imported produce from British Columbia and other agricultural producers.

The farmers up here are already doing cartwheels thinking of this years profits. Fools. Bloody stupid fools.

I hope they bleed Californians for every penny they can for food.

Just so maybe the idiots in that State will realize how valuable their agricultural industry is.

I doubt it because they are so freaking stupid, but I can always dream.
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Now I grow and freeze and can my own vegetables and for fruit I have 50 ever bearing strawberry plants and I'm going to double that and my area is loaded with wild saskatoon bushes.

So we won't be affected.

But for all you assholes who thought it a swell idea to hurt the farmers over the delta smelt, frankly I hope you suffer greatly.
The California water use policy can be pretty accurately summarized as follows:

fish over people!
I went to the slide show. Historic drought kiss my ass. That's just for freaking starters.

In regards to the agricultural community in California getting 80% of the water, do you like food?

Do you like the taxes spent on social programs in that ridiculous state paid out by successful vineyards and farms?

Because of the bullshit over the smelt which has added to this disaster, Californians and other Americans really really better be prepared to pay huge $$$$$ for imported produce from British Columbia and other agricultural producers.

The farmers up here are already doing cartwheels thinking of this years profits. Fools. Bloody stupid fools.

I hope they bleed Californians for every penny they can for food.

Just so maybe the idiots in that State will realize how valuable their agricultural industry is.

I doubt it because they are so freaking stupid, but I can always dream.

You narrow perspective makes it seem the agricultural industry is full of good will towards humanity and only exists to provide food.

I'm afraid profits trump their old fashion values of food production as demanded by their seed owners (Monsanto and others).

Don't forget to mention the use of pesticides that produces results. Undetermined results in humans in the long term and degradation of ground water---hmm isn't the problem we don't have enough water?

This isn't black and white like you make it out to be. There are plenty of variables that you are ignoring so you can make your case, which is nothing new.
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I went to the slide show. Historic drought kiss my ass. That's just for freaking starters.

In regards to the agricultural community in California getting 80% of the water, do you like food?

Do you like the taxes spent on social programs in that ridiculous state paid out by successful vineyards and farms?

Because of the bullshit over the smelt which has added to this disaster, Californians and other Americans really really better be prepared to pay huge $$$$$ for imported produce from British Columbia and other agricultural producers.

The farmers up here are already doing cartwheels thinking of this years profits. Fools. Bloody stupid fools.

I hope they bleed Californians for every penny they can for food.

Just so maybe the idiots in that State will realize how valuable their agricultural industry is.

I doubt it because they are so freaking stupid, but I can always dream.

You narrow perspective makes it seem the agricultural industry is full of good will towards humanity and only exists to provide food.

I'm afraid profits trump their old fashion values of food production as demanded by their seed owners (Monsanto and others).

Don't forget to mention the use of pesticides that produces results. Undetermined results in humans in the long term and degradation of ground water---hmm isn't the problem we don't have enough water?

This isn't black and white like you make it out to be. There are plenty of variables that you are ignoring so you can make your case, which is nothing new.

Oh bite me. Where did I say that the agricultural industy is full of good will towards humanity and only exist to provide food?

You're lying. I never said it. So fuck you.

I've been into water conservation since Grassy Narrows. Google it. I've fought against intensive hog farms in Southern Ontario and now in Manitoba.

Re: Monsanto. I grow a large garden every year. Every seed company I deal with is GMO free.

Don't lecture me with your smarmy little lines like "variables that I ignore so I can make my case, which is nothing new".

Are you a retread ? Or are you just pulling a typical snot nose bitchy response to any poster that doesn't agree with your way of thinking?

Oh and by the way food banks are seriously supported by the agricultural industry out in California.

Rick Palermo of the Community Food Bank in Fresno said he expects that the drought will lengthen lines in three Central Valley counties he serves.

The Fresno food bank expects to receive some of the president's money, but his worry is that the donations they get from farmers may be lacking.

About half of the 30 million pounds of food they distribute each month is grown in the Central Valley, he said.

"If folks aren't growing it, there's a good chance we're not going to get the type of donations we need," Palermo said. "It's a dual impact on us."

California farmers critical of Obama's drought relief efforts - InfoTel News
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With such a fire cracker, no wonder we can't properly debate these issues. You are focused on establishing your ego and dominance. Sorry hun but these are irrelevant matters. But I will say I'm glad you feel like you are accomplishing something on this Earth.

But if you think agricultural business is just peachy then you are ignoring facts. Plain and simple. Saying bite me and fuck you are just exemplars of you refusing to argue on a rational level. You'd prefer to think everything is meant personally towards you. Maybe in your world that is true but in reality it doesn't work that way. I'm not saying I function solely in this zone of reality but for god sakes you have no interest in hearing facts that run contrary to your favorite folks: Big Agro.

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