California suffering through SEVERE climate change

California Facing Worst Drought on Record | NOAA
The most populated state in the country is facing what may be its worst drought in a century of record-keeping. On January 20, the governor of California declared a state of emergency, urging everyone to begin conserving water. Water levels in all but a few reservoirs in the state are less than 50% of capacity, mountains are nearly bare of snow except at the highest elevations, and the fire risk is extreme. In Nevada, the situation is much the same.

Wonder why that could be :eusa_think:

So the drought in the middle of the Country in the 30's was caused by man made global warming? Ohh wait you changed it to man made global climate change.
Emission regulation on vehicles has even gotten rid of our old smog problem. Denver has worse smog than Los Angeles.
Emission regulation on vehicles has even gotten rid of our old smog problem. Denver has worse smog than Los Angeles.

because California has/had great statesmen like Henry Waxman (D-CA) :cool:

If you follow this link (I can't post links just yet) you will find a graphic that illustrates that this current drought that is the worst in 150+ years is a little blip that is far less intense than many megadroughts that have occurred in the last 1000 years. In fact if you don't cherry-pick the current drought it almost looks like drought in California is more normal than non-drought and if anything the current drought is a return to more normal conditions. Either way it's the farthest thing from evidence of SEVERE climate change.

EDIT: here ya go

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Why do we waste water by irrigating farmland? How many hundreds of millions of metric tons of grains do we export each year?

Why? To fatten the pockets of the agriculture industry?

Agriculture drains aquifers, pollutes fresh water tables, fouls the air and waterways... yet the government pays them billions to do so.

Now that's fucked up.
Been pouring down rain here on the central coast ALL DAY. Love it. I don't have to water.
Feb is our rainy month anyway. We are not disappointed or surprised. BRING IT, RAIN! I sit out there. It's kinda cold but I don't give a damn. I love rain.
If it's hot, it's global warming. If it's cold, it's climate change. And in both cases, it's always Bush's fault.
Well well, history is repeating itself.

Researchers have documented multiple droughts in California that lasted 10 or 20 years in a row during the past 1,000 years.

SAN JOSE, Calif. — California's current drought is being billed as the driest period in the state's recorded rainfall history. But scientists who study the West's long-term climate patterns say the state has been parched for much longer stretches before that 163-year historical period began.

And they worry that the "megadroughts" typical of California's earlier history could come again.

Through studies of tree rings, sediment and other natural evidence, researchers have documented multiple droughts in California that lasted 10 or 20 years in a row during the past 1,000 years — compared to the mere three-year duration of the current dry spell.

The two most severe megadroughts make the Dust Bowl of the 1930s look tame: a 240-year-long drought that started in 850 and, 50 years after the conclusion of that one, another that stretched at least 180 years.

"We continue to run California as if the longest drought we are ever going to encounter is about seven years," said Scott Stine, a professor of geography and environmental studies at Cal State East Bay. "We're living in a dream world."

Scientists: Past California droughts have lasted 200 years
Been pouring down rain here on the central coast ALL DAY. Love it. I don't have to water.

It is raining in LA right not. Not exactly a drought buster rain though. Five years ago we were tol the state was entering a period of low rainfall. This should not have come as a surprise.
It never rains in California, but girl don't they warn ya? It pours. Man, it pours.
California Facing Worst Drought on Record | NOAA
The most populated state in the country is facing what may be its worst drought in a century of record-keeping. On January 20, the governor of California declared a state of emergency, urging everyone to begin conserving water. Water levels in all but a few reservoirs in the state are less than 50% of capacity, mountains are nearly bare of snow except at the highest elevations, and the fire risk is extreme. In Nevada, the situation is much the same.

Wonder why that could be :eusa_think:

Worst drought on record? What about that drought that lasted for over 200 years? They forget about that one:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Scientists: Past California droughts have lasted 200 years

Scientists: Past California droughts have lasted 200 years
The idea that individual action can control the climate, or storms, or rainfall, or any natural occurrence is something that one would expect from a savage culture. Something close to being prehistoric. Maybe we should sacrifice a few virgins to the rain god.

I know of one individual, who, by his actions, created a dump site that is known as one of the largest superfund sites in the U.S. So yes, one individual can have a huge impact on the environment.

Except that's not what she denied, now, is it?
California Facing Worst Drought on Record | NOAA
The most populated state in the country is facing what may be its worst drought in a century of record-keeping. On January 20, the governor of California declared a state of emergency, urging everyone to begin conserving water. Water levels in all but a few reservoirs in the state are less than 50% of capacity, mountains are nearly bare of snow except at the highest elevations, and the fire risk is extreme. In Nevada, the situation is much the same.

Wonder why that could be :eusa_think:

Worst drought on record? What about that drought that lasted for over 200 years? They forget about that one:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Scientists: Past California droughts have lasted 200 years

Scientists: Past California droughts have lasted 200 years

the drought that started in 850 ad lasted 240 years

50 years later another drought lasted 163 years

all of this long before supposed man made global warming

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