California wants to allow discrimination

California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.


Assemblywoman Weber further declared the reason to support affirmative action in a press release: “Since becoming law in 1996, Proposition 209 has cost women- and minority-owned businesses $1.1 billion each year...It has perpetuated a wage gap wherein women make 80 cents on every dollar made by men and has allowed discriminatory hiring and contracting processes to continue unhindered.”[9]

“I'm a product of Affirmative Action," added Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego). "Without it, I wouldn't be where I am today. I believe every qualified person from an underrepresented community in California should have the same opportunity I had."[10]

The same arguments for support were summarized as follows in the bill analysis:

California is currently the fifth-largest economy in the world and has the world's largest system of higher education. Despite this, women and people of color are not getting their fair share of opportunities to get ahead:
  • A 2015 study showed that businesses owned by women and people of color lose $1.1 billion annually in government contracts.[11]
  • Women in California earn only 80 cents for every dollar a man earns on average, and women of color and single moms make less than 60 cents on the dollar for the same work as their white male counterparts.
  • Just a third of leadership and tenured faculty positions at the California Community Colleges, California State University, and the University of California are held by Black, Latino, or Asian-American scholars.
  • At the UC, women make up 54 percent of enrolled students, but just one-third of the tenured faculty and less than a third of the members of the Board of Regents.[12]
These supporters, citing the economic situation of 2020, also state that

Overturning California's ban on programs that promote equal opportunity is long overdue. The growing concerns about the economic harm of the COVID-19 pandemic only heighten the importance of bringing fairness to our public contracting and employment practices. There's no denying that small businesses owned by women and people of color will be the hardest hit by any downturn in the economy. [This Constitutional Amendment] will ensure that any government solution to spur economic growth will actually help the most vulnerable in our community.[5]
The supporters conclude:

In the 21st century, the State of California needs to hire more women to positions of leadership, contract with businesses that reflect the diversity of California, and expand access to higher education for all Californians. We can't continue to deny Californians an opportunity to succeed simply because of how they look or who they are. Assembly Constitutional Amendment 5 will level the playing field and allow all Californians to find a good job, earn a decent wage and get ahead in life and their careers. You can't have shared success without shared opportunity. Let's put California on a path toward true equal opportunity for all.[5]
A 400 year head start? The US isn’t even that old. How is your failure my problem at this point?
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

No need to go on a boat. Whites invented this thing called a plane since the times of slavery. You should be able to have a first class delivery. We definitely don't want anyone to die on the trip like in the old times. The black ethnonation must be witnessed in all of its glory.
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

Why the fuck don’t you sell everything and go? Why is it on us to pay for your exit? You can go at any time.
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

You mean buy you a ticket or physically put you on a boat?
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)
They were building nations. Why weren’t your ancestors building one in Africa?
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

Why the fuck don’t you sell everything and go? Why is it on us to pay for your exit? You can go at any time.
Because you owe. You (the US) dont pay I dont go.

California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

Why the fuck don’t you sell everything and go? Why is it on us to pay for your exit? You can go at any time.
Because you owe. You (the US) dont pay I dont go.


You actually believe blacks built the country?

That is some funny shit. Never happened. Also slavery has not existed in your life time so STFU. The fact is whites gave blacks a HUGE lift up, just compare to how blacks are doing in Africa...

Once you get there it will become clear.
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

Why the fuck don’t you sell everything and go? Why is it on us to pay for your exit? You can go at any time.
Because you owe. You (the US) dont pay I dont go.


You actually believe blacks built the country?

That is some funny shit. Never happened. Also slavery has not existed in your life time so STFU. The fact is whites gave blacks a HUGE lift up, just compare to how blacks are doing in Africa...

Once you get there it will become clear.
" You actually believe blacks built the country? "

You actually believe that Blacks did not build this country? Either youre high or youre brainwashed. :laughing0301:
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

Why the fuck don’t you sell everything and go? Why is it on us to pay for your exit? You can go at any time.
Because you owe. You (the US) dont pay I dont go.


You actually believe blacks built the country?

That is some funny shit. Never happened. Also slavery has not existed in your life time so STFU. The fact is whites gave blacks a HUGE lift up, just compare to how blacks are doing in Africa...

Once you get there it will become clear.
Wait a minute. You think that Blacks going over to europe and rescuing you from devolving back to the stoneage means you gave us a huge lift? :laughing0301:
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

Why the fuck don’t you sell everything and go? Why is it on us to pay for your exit? You can go at any time.
Because you owe. You (the US) dont pay I dont go.


You actually believe blacks built the country?

That is some funny shit. Never happened. Also slavery has not existed in your life time so STFU. The fact is whites gave blacks a HUGE lift up, just compare to how blacks are doing in Africa...

Once you get there it will become clear.
" You actually believe blacks built the country? "

You actually believe that Blacks did not build this country? Either youre high or youre brainwashed. :laughing0301:

No you did not. Blacks were historically an extreme minority that did not contribute much of anything of note. All countries built by black people are crapholes, as you will find out once resettling in Africa. Perhaps you can bring the American principles among them and they will finally build one successful country.
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

Why the fuck don’t you sell everything and go? Why is it on us to pay for your exit? You can go at any time.
Because you owe. You (the US) dont pay I dont go.

I don’t owe you anything. Why would you think I do? If you want to go then go. It’s not my problem.

Actually I just thought of something. If your idea of reperations is getting a plane ticket to Africa. I’m willing to use tax dollars for that. Line up the planes, load yourselves up and off you go. I’m willing to pay for that flight.
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.

I keep trying to tell people....... the democrat party is the party of racism. They were when they owned Black people as slaves, they are now when they use racism to acquire money and power....

You got that right. White Democrats have no idea that they are working towards their own demise.
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

Why the fuck don’t you sell everything and go? Why is it on us to pay for your exit? You can go at any time.
Because you owe. You (the US) dont pay I dont go.


You actually believe blacks built the country?

That is some funny shit. Never happened. Also slavery has not existed in your life time so STFU. The fact is whites gave blacks a HUGE lift up, just compare to how blacks are doing in Africa...

Once you get there it will become clear.
" You actually believe blacks built the country? "

You actually believe that Blacks did not build this country? Either youre high or youre brainwashed. :laughing0301:

No you did not. Blacks were historically an extreme minority that did not contribute much of anything of note. All countries built by black people are crapholes, as you will find out once resettling in Africa.
There are more Blacks on the planet on the planet than whites by far. We built multiple civilizations before whites even begin to be sentient in the caves of europe. Then when you starting devovling during the stone age we came back and rescued you. Gimme a break man. If all whites dropped dead right now the world would go on with no issues.
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

Why the fuck don’t you sell everything and go? Why is it on us to pay for your exit? You can go at any time.
Because you owe. You (the US) dont pay I dont go.


You actually believe blacks built the country?

That is some funny shit. Never happened. Also slavery has not existed in your life time so STFU. The fact is whites gave blacks a HUGE lift up, just compare to how blacks are doing in Africa...

Once you get there it will become clear.
" You actually believe blacks built the country? "

You actually believe that Blacks did not build this country? Either youre high or youre brainwashed. :laughing0301:

No you did not. Blacks were historically an extreme minority that did not contribute much of anything of note. All countries built by black people are crapholes, as you will find out once resettling in Africa.
There are more Blacks on the planet on the planet than whites by far. We built multiple civilizations before whites even begin to be sentient in the caves of europe. Then when you starting devovling during the stone age we came back and rescued you. Gimme a break man. If all whites dropped dead right now the world would go on with no issues.

All black people have ever been able to build are crapholes and some black ehtnonations where it is believed skin color is more important than plumbing.
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

Why the fuck don’t you sell everything and go? Why is it on us to pay for your exit? You can go at any time.
Because you owe. You (the US) dont pay I dont go.

I don’t owe you anything. Why would you think I do? If you want to go then go. It’s not my problem.

Actually I just thought of something. If your idea of reperations is getting a plane ticket to Africa. I’m willing to use tax dollars for that. Line up the planes, load yourselves up and off you go. I’m willing to pay for that flight.
You personally dont owe me anything nor could you afford it if you did. My idea of reparations is the back wages of my ancestors with interest plus punitive damages for the racism afterwards. When I go visit Africa I can do that on my own.
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

Why the fuck don’t you sell everything and go? Why is it on us to pay for your exit? You can go at any time.
Because you owe. You (the US) dont pay I dont go.

I don’t owe you anything. Why would you think I do? If you want to go then go. It’s not my problem.

Actually I just thought of something. If your idea of reperations is getting a plane ticket to Africa. I’m willing to use tax dollars for that. Line up the planes, load yourselves up and off you go. I’m willing to pay for that flight.
You personally dont owe me anything nor could you afford it if you did. My idea of reparations is the back wages of my ancestors with interest plus punitive damages for the racism afterwards. When I go visit Africa I can do that on my own.

If you keep asking for free shit you will get the ride to Africa whether you want it or not. This is not the American way - that's why we are not like one of the African shitholes.
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

Why the fuck don’t you sell everything and go? Why is it on us to pay for your exit? You can go at any time.
Because you owe. You (the US) dont pay I dont go.


You actually believe blacks built the country?

That is some funny shit. Never happened. Also slavery has not existed in your life time so STFU. The fact is whites gave blacks a HUGE lift up, just compare to how blacks are doing in Africa...

Once you get there it will become clear.
" You actually believe blacks built the country? "

You actually believe that Blacks did not build this country? Either youre high or youre brainwashed. :laughing0301:

No you did not. Blacks were historically an extreme minority that did not contribute much of anything of note. All countries built by black people are crapholes, as you will find out once resettling in Africa.
There are more Blacks on the planet on the planet than whites by far. We built multiple civilizations before whites even begin to be sentient in the caves of europe. Then when you starting devovling during the stone age we came back and rescued you. Gimme a break man. If all whites dropped dead right now the world would go on with no issues.

All black people have ever been able to build are crapholes and some black ehtnonations where it is believed skin color is more important than plumbing.
We were the first to build pyramids. More pyramids in Africa than any other continent. We were the first to produce steel. We were the first to have a written language, First to math, Well you get the point. You were just cave savages. Even the Greeks can tell you how important Africans were.
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

Why the fuck don’t you sell everything and go? Why is it on us to pay for your exit? You can go at any time.
Because you owe. You (the US) dont pay I dont go.

I don’t owe you anything. Why would you think I do? If you want to go then go. It’s not my problem.

Actually I just thought of something. If your idea of reperations is getting a plane ticket to Africa. I’m willing to use tax dollars for that. Line up the planes, load yourselves up and off you go. I’m willing to pay for that flight.
You personally dont owe me anything nor could you afford it if you did. My idea of reparations is the back wages of my ancestors with interest plus punitive damages for the racism afterwards. When I go visit Africa I can do that on my own.

If you keep asking for free shit you will get the ride to Africa whether you want it or not. This is not the American way - that's why we are not like one of the African shitholes.
Its not free shit. Its shit the US owes. Big difference. Now when are you going to volunteer to come make me move to Africa?
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

Why the fuck don’t you sell everything and go? Why is it on us to pay for your exit? You can go at any time.
Because you owe. You (the US) dont pay I dont go.


You actually believe blacks built the country?

That is some funny shit. Never happened. Also slavery has not existed in your life time so STFU. The fact is whites gave blacks a HUGE lift up, just compare to how blacks are doing in Africa...

Once you get there it will become clear.
" You actually believe blacks built the country? "

You actually believe that Blacks did not build this country? Either youre high or youre brainwashed. :laughing0301:

No you did not. Blacks were historically an extreme minority that did not contribute much of anything of note. All countries built by black people are crapholes, as you will find out once resettling in Africa.
There are more Blacks on the planet on the planet than whites by far. We built multiple civilizations before whites even begin to be sentient in the caves of europe. Then when you starting devovling during the stone age we came back and rescued you. Gimme a break man. If all whites dropped dead right now the world would go on with no issues.

All black people have ever been able to build are crapholes and some black ehtnonations where it is believed skin color is more important than plumbing.
We were the first to build pyramids. More pyramids in Africa than any other continent. We were the first to produce steel. We were the first to have a written language, First to math, Well you get the point. You were just cave savages. Even the Greeks can tell you how important Africans were.

Name one successful black country.

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