California woman says gym told her to cover up because she was intimidating members

Again, she is not "toned". She has a belly. Small, but it's there. The gym is afraid to say why and came up with this flimsy excuse.

Watch the video, other women ( seemingly fit) condemn 'showing off ones body', the man they interviewed also said he agrees with the gyms rules. This was not racist in nature. It is the rules of the gym.
CaféAuLait;8801517 said:
California woman says gym told her to cover up because she was intimidating members

RICHMOND: Woman asked to cover up at gym because her body was... |

The gym claims "no judging" but does just that and claims this woman's outfit is "intimidating to others". Those interviewed stated, 'its unfair to show off your body". The gym employs what it calls a 'lunk alarm' which goes off if you "breath too hard" and or "drop a weight".

Another person in the interview says "Sport is discriminatory, selective in nature and is elitist" and he agrees with what the gym is doing.

She is ticked and cancelled her membership immediately.

I used to belong to the gym...It had a few standing rules...
Men could not wear shorts above mid thigh. No sleeveless tops.
That was about it...Trust me when I say this...Gyms are very social venues. People who were verbose, liked to show themselves off in a manner which repelled others, were ostracized. No one would talk to them. They eventually stopped coming.
Our gym was used by regular people just trying to get in a workout. All kinds of people. Old, young and in between.
Yeah we had guys trying to wear those wife beaters. Women who came in with the make up and hair all done wearing 'camel toe' bottoms. These people thought they were in a meat market. We didn't tolerate that nonsense.
CaféAuLait;8801517 said:
California woman says gym told her to cover up because she was intimidating members

RICHMOND: Woman asked to cover up at gym because her body was... |

The gym claims "no judging" but does just that and claims this woman's outfit is "intimidating to others". Those interviewed stated, 'its unfair to show off your body". The gym employs what it calls a 'lunk alarm' which goes off if you "breath too hard" and or "drop a weight".

Another person in the interview says "Sport is discriminatory, selective in nature and is elitist" and he agrees with what the gym is doing.

She is ticked and cancelled her membership immediately.

I used to belong to the gym...It had a few standing rules...
Men could not wear shorts above mid thigh. No sleeveless tops.
That was about it...Trust me when I say this...Gyms are very social venues. People who were verbose, liked to show themselves off in a manner which repelled others, were ostracized. No one would talk to them. They eventually stopped coming.
Our gym was used by regular people just trying to get in a workout. All kinds of people. Old, young and in between.
Yeah we had guys trying to wear those wife beaters. Women who came in with the make up and hair all done wearing 'camel toe' bottoms. These people thought they were in a meat market. We didn't tolerate that nonsense.

She put on the T-shirt and still they complained. And unspecific complaint at that.
CaféAuLait;8801552 said:
Print here,

Gym tells woman she's intimidating guests with 'toned body' |

Photo of her outfit.


I would have thought that instead of intimidating people, she'd motivate them!

I agree with that premise.
However, a dress code is a dress code.
She knew this going into the agreement.
Lots of people would like to join a gym, but they are concerned about being judged by the most fit people who seem to take on this arrogance and elitist attitude.
Planet Fitness is attempting to make a workout less stressful by reining in the gym rats.
CaféAuLait;8801552 said:

I would have thought that instead of intimidating people, she'd motivate them!

I agree with that premise.
However, a dress code is a dress code.
She knew this going into the agreement.
Lots of people would like to join a gym, but they are concerned about being judged by the most fit people who seem to take on this arrogance and elitist attitude.
Planet Fitness is attempting to make a workout less stressful by reining in the gym rats.

Once again read the article she put on the T-shirt as they instructed. Then they cam back and made a new complaint and an unspecific one at that.
CaféAuLait;8801574 said:
CaféAuLait;8801552 said:

I think it is something other than that, to be honest. She doesn't look that toned to me and her outfit is ok in my opinion. Maybe she has attitude. Or maybe the gym owner is racist or something. I dunno. But I know damn well that is NOT "too toned".

I don't think its the gym owner being racist. Others said " its unfair to show off your body" and the man in the interview agreed with the gyms actions.
I don't get it, she looks pretty well covered up to me. :eusa_eh:
Don't need to read it. Gut instinct says it is something else. She is NOT toned, her suit is fine. Someone "complained" and I am betting it isn't about her body or her outfit. It's something else. HER version would be different than their's. And even if asked, i doubt if they will tell the truth.

But they did tell the truth. The gym has a strict "no gymtimidation". The have a "no grunting,” 'no heavy breathing' 'no judging' and no “hardcore look-at-me-attitudes.” Such offenses trigger a gym-wide siren called “The Lunk Alarm”—“lunk” being the company’s term for “meathead”—complete with flashing blue lights and an ear-splitting noise.

here is the alarm, being set off by some guy demonstrating:

[ame=]How to trip the lunk alarm - YouTube[/ame]

Are there jerks at the gym, sure. I can see this policy being over enforced and or at an employees discretion, or even other people who feel as if the women may be showing off when she is not. Because as you said earlier, it was your feeling and not something they did.
CaféAuLait;8801816 said:
Don't need to read it. Gut instinct says it is something else. She is NOT toned, her suit is fine. Someone "complained" and I am betting it isn't about her body or her outfit. It's something else. HER version would be different than their's. And even if asked, i doubt if they will tell the truth.

But they did tell the truth. The gym has a strict "no gymtimidation". The have a "no grunting,” 'no heavy breathing' 'no judging' and no “hardcore look-at-me-attitudes.” Such offenses trigger a gym-wide siren called “The Lunk Alarm”—“lunk” being the company’s term for “meathead”—complete with flashing blue lights and an ear-splitting noise.

here is the alarm, being set off by some guy demonstrating:

[ame=]How to trip the lunk alarm - YouTube[/ame]

Are there jerks at the gym, sure. I can see this policy being over enforced and or at an employees discretion, or even other people who feel as if the women may be showing off when she is not. Because as you said earlier, it was your feeling and not something they did.

Good thing they don't have one of those for when you have sex....
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caféaulait;8801816 said:
don't need to read it. Gut instinct says it is something else. She is not toned, her suit is fine. Someone "complained" and i am betting it isn't about her body or her outfit. It's something else. Her version would be different than their's. And even if asked, i doubt if they will tell the truth.

but they did tell the truth. The gym has a strict "no gymtimidation". The have a "no grunting,” 'no heavy breathing' 'no judging' and no “hardcore look-at-me-attitudes.” such offenses trigger a gym-wide siren called “the lunk alarm”—“lunk” being the company’s term for “meathead”—complete with flashing blue lights and an ear-splitting noise.

Here is the alarm, being set off by some guy demonstrating:

[ame=]how to trip the lunk alarm - youtube[/ame]

are there jerks at the gym, sure. I can see this policy being over enforced and or at an employees discretion, or even other people who feel as if the women may be showing off when she is not. Because as you said earlier, it was your feeling and not something they did.

good things they don't have one of those for when you have sex....

lmao. :d
That is just weird. No grunting?? No heavy breathing? wtf? It's a damn gym!!

Yeah, really weird. That is what is soooo weird about this, they promise "not to judge' call for 'no critics', but judged her for her shirt and supposedly intimidating people. :cuckoo:
CaféAuLait;8801517 said:
California woman says gym told her to cover up because she was intimidating members

RICHMOND: Woman asked to cover up at gym because her body was... |

The gym claims "no judging" but does just that and claims this woman's outfit is "intimidating to others". Those interviewed stated, 'its unfair to show off your body". The gym employs what it calls a 'lunk alarm' which goes off if you "breath too hard" and or "drop a weight".

Another person in the interview says "Sport is discriminatory, selective in nature and is elitist" and he agrees with what the gym is doing.

She is ticked and cancelled her membership immediately.

Too toned? Wouldn't this help boost membership and show that the workout regime actually works?
CaféAuLait;8802196 said:
That's like joining a choir but ya can't sing.

LOL yup, it almost sounds like a Monastic silence in a monastery.

Looks to me like a loophole a business owner can use to avoid law and crate the bigotry they want.

In some states, they won't have to have these rules. They can tell that black womn to leave when she walks in the door. Heaven forbid she was ordering a cake........

First off, this post is "word of mouth" and I'm sick of false news using word of mouth as actual news. It's just idiotic.

Secondly, she looked like she did as much wrong as Trayvon Martin. Clothing is important if you don't want bigots to target you.

So what is the topic here. It's not actually about 1 person in the news. Is it about the store owners right to deny business to anyone? Or is it the stores right to deny business to anyone?

Should there be a sign in some gyms; "No fatties" and other gyms "No skinny's".
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So what is the topic here. It's not actually about 1 person in the news. Is it about the store owners right to deny business to anyone? Or is it the stores right to deny business to anyone?

Um. Discussion. Just chatting about some of the stupid shit going on. Kinda like jabbering over the back fence? General chitchat?
CaféAuLait;8801517 said:
California woman says gym told her to cover up because she was intimidating members

RICHMOND: Woman asked to cover up at gym because her body was... |

The gym claims "no judging" but does just that and claims this woman's outfit is "intimidating to others". Those interviewed stated, 'its unfair to show off your body". The gym employs what it calls a 'lunk alarm' which goes off if you "breath too hard" and or "drop a weight".

Another person in the interview says "Sport is discriminatory, selective in nature and is elitist" and he agrees with what the gym is doing.

She is ticked and cancelled her membership immediately.

The "gym" is one of those "for fatties" types I assume? Seeing the woman's pic I was surprised. I expected some roid monster bodybuilder type. She doesn't actually look all that toned to me. Kinda average if anything. So I can only conclude this gym has a special clientel which is only feeling intimidated by the comparison.
She doesn't look at that toned. If there were more facts, we might find out what really happened.
The whole story reads like a big fat lie.

If the woman is the one posted above?

She's not buff...not even close.

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